(5) Not The Picture

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TWs: Panic Attack, Description of Blood, Crying and Swearing (tell me if I missed any)

Tommy POV:

This house has been great so far.

It's been three weeks since I came into this house and there's been no hitting, no starvation, no nothing apart from a bit of shouting but every parent does that. Phil and Kristen were both very nice to me and were always happy to see me even if I did something semi bad. Both Wilbur and Techno were fun to hang out with even if they were in a bad mood. This has been great so far but I know it could all change in an instant so I knew I still had to be careful.

I was currently sitting at my desk in my room, my small height barely being able to see onto the desk, drawing as it was one of my favourite things to do as at the orphanage we weren't given the accessibility to video games or tv so we only really had drawing, toys and reading as hobbies.


A couple of hours had passed and I was getting bored and tired off sitting at my desk and drawing but I knew I shouldn't start to run around the house and risk messing with something important. Phil and Kristen were both at work, whilst Wilbur was at college so it was just me and Techno in the house, as he does online school. I decided to get off my desk chair, with my short legs I had to sort of jump of it.

I started to walk around my bedroom until my six year old brain gave into me and I walk over to the door, reaching up to grab the door handle, twisting it around until there was a click of the door heard, and with all the strength I could muster up I pulled the door open and ran out of the room.

I was filled with so much energy as I sprinted down the stairs, as safely as possible, and ran around the large living room, running in-between the different pieces of furniture. Having the time of my life, I was unstoppable until...

I heard something fall of something then seconds later a smash like glass. I stopped in my tracks, it was a loud noise, no doubt Techno heard it and would be coming to see what happened and I would be in so much trouble. I looked behind me to see a picture frame on the floor, glass shattered around it, in the middle, a picture of the Minecraft family at what looks to be a theme park called Disneyland Paris. 

Oh no! Oh no!. I was panicking inside, my breathing got faster as I scrambled down to all fours to start picking up the shards of glass. 


After a few seconds I heard a door open and close upstairs, I knew it was Techno and it just mad my breathing worse. Tears started to prick in my eyes causing my vision to go blurry and for the glass to start to cut me, red liquid starting to fall onto my hands each time.

The footsteps came down the stairs until I could see out of the corner of my blurry eye, a tall pink-haired male starting to get closer to me. I flinched at the scene off him and started to back away starting to cry and repeat "I'm sorry, please don't hurt me"

Techno POV:

A Few Minutes earlier.

I was sitting at my desk working on my work for online school when I heard the sound of something smashing come from downstairs. I knew it was just me and Tommy in the house so I was extremely worried that he hurt himself on something so I quickly get up from my desk chair and exited my bedroom. 

Walking down the stairs I saw Tommy speeding to pick up broken shards of glass causing cuts to form on his hands and for blood to trickle out. His chest was moving up and down at rapid speed and I could see tears coming out of his eyes.

I rushed over to him but as soon as I got close to him he flinched back and away from me, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, please don't hut me" Tommy cried causing me to freeze in place.

Why did he think I was going to hurt him?

He's been here for weeks and none of us has hurt him not even on accident.

"Clearly trauma from the orphanage" I thought to myself.

"Hey, bud, I'm not going to hurt you, no off us here are, I just want to help you, you're bleeding". I tried to speak in the sweetest voice possible but it still sound monotone but it didn't matter as I saw Tommy start to crawl towards me, evading the glass shards, and wrap his small arms around me. I let out the smallest smile.


"What are we going to do about the picture?" Tommy asked in his high voice as I cleaned up the cuts on his hands.

"Well, I'm going to tell Phil and Kristen about what happened..." I stopped mid sentence as I saw him freeze for a second before slowly nodding clearly scared about what would happen to him. "Hey, don't worry, the most they will do is sent you up to your room for a couple of hours but I doubt it as your so small and young". Tommy perked up as I said that, clearly happy they won't do anything bad to him.

"Then Phil and Kristen will most likely buy a new picture frame as the actual picture is surprisingly not damaged" I finished.

"Well then.." he paused as he flinched as I put a wet cloth on the cuts but after a second continued "I declare that I will pay for the picture frame" as he finished I immediately shook my head.

"Nope, that's not happening" I monotoned.

"Oh, why not?" I whined, trying to give me the puppy eyes for some reason.

"Three things. One, stop doing that..." he immediately stopped the puppy eyes. "Two, you're six so you are at the age where you shouldn't have to pay for things and Three, I doubt you even have money"

"Lies, I have twenty five pounds" He said as he pulled a crumpled twenty five pound note out of his trouser pocket.

"Okay, but it's still a no, you should save that for the future or spend it on something you want, it's called being a kid" I said as I finished clean his cuts and standing back up straight.

"Whatever" he mumbled before leaving the kitchen and running upstairs to his room.

"God I hate orphans"

The End of Chapter 5. 

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