Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Ewww!

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Chapter Three: Ewww!

Zoella's POV
I'm aloud to got out today, I'm at the mall and a few of Ariana's fans have stopped me only a couple notice that there is something different luckily they don't question to much, suddenly Jai came in front of me

"Hey Zoella um My friends and brothers are here and they think your Ariana and I don't know what to do" he said

"Um I'll call Ariana" I said.

A-Ariana Z-Zoella

A~Hey Zozo what's up
Z-Well I have Jai here and me and him don't know what to do since his friends and brothers saw me and think I'm you
A~Your just gunna have to fake it for as long as you can and then make and excuse to leave
Z~I can't
A~Yes you can if you have to kiss his cheek or whatever do it we can't let anything get out okay so just do it

And she hung up, this is fucked up

"So" Jai said

"I have to fake it with you till I can leave with out them getting suspicious and she said I need to make it convincing to" I said looking down

"It's fine" he said, he put his arm around my shoulder

"Let's go" he said, we walked towards the boys, this is not right we got over there and they gave me hugs, Jai had his arm around my shoulder, I looked at him worried, he smiled at me

"Are you guys gunna kiss or are you just going to steer at each other" Daniel said, I quickly kissed his cheek, Ariana called me

A-Ariana Z-Zoella

A- hey
Z- hey
A- just act like you really have to go now for a urgent meeting ok
Zo ok sure
A- bye
Z- Ok bye

I turned to Jai

"I have to go it's a urgent meeting" I said to him, he nodded, I gave him a extra long hug so they won't guess anything, I pulled away I pecked his cheek quickly

"Bye guys" I said and wave I walked off, eww I just kissed Jai twice yuck.

{Authors Note - How was chapter two? & What did you think of the Zoella and Jai situation?.... Vote & Comment I like to have feedback .... Thanks! -NirvanaxRose}

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