Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Don't Be Gone Too Long

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Chapter Fifteen: Don't Be Gone Too Long

Zoella's POV

I just finished filming with Chris Brown, yes Chris Brown we done and song together and I love it. I got dressed into my clothes which was a rugby top light blue jeans and tan stiletto heels (Image Above) I put my phone in my pocket and got in my car, a call came through and I accepted it through the car so I wouldn't be holding my phone while driving

L-Luke Z-Zoella

Z-"Hello," I said
L-"Hey" I heard Luke voice
Z-"Hey Luke what's up?" I asked
L-"You want to come over?" He asked
Z-"Yeah sure be there soon," I said
L-"Ok bye," he said
Z-"Bye love you," I said I realised I said love you
L-"Love you too bye," he said and hung up I turned the Corner to head to Luke's

Luke's POV
I ended the call with Zoella, I smiled to myself she said 'Love You' I know it's not big because she didn't say 'I Love You' but still, I went up to my room and saw the bed messed and clothes everywhere, I ran and picked them all up and in the washing machine, I fixed my bed I ran down to the machine again and took the top, I was wearing off and threw it in there

"Luke" I heard, I looked down I was just in my black jeans, I walked through fixed my hair on the way

"Hey," I said, she turned to me and smiled she ran and jumped hugging me with her legs around my waist and arms around my neck, she giggled and then looked at me, I held her underneath her bum

"What was that for?" I asked

"I missed you and I wanted to say I'm ready to get back to how we were," she said and got to her feet, I smiled

"Really?" I asked, she nodded, picked her up and spun her around, I put her back to her feet

"Let's go to your room," she said and bit her lip, I put her over my shoulder and walked upstairs

"I have a great view," I said and smacked her ass, she squealed

"Luke" she whined, I chuckled, I walked in my room and closed the door and lay her on the bed and hovered over her

"God you don't know how hard it's been to keep my hands off you this whole time," I said

"You want to know something," she said, I nodded, she flipped is over so she was straddling me

"My song Love Me Harder was written for you well I thought of it when you gave me your speech and stuff," she said

"Really?" I asked

"You want me to love you harder" I smirked at her

"Cause if you want to keep me you gotta gotta love me harder" she sang and kissed my lips

"Oh my god I just thought of something," she said excitedly

"What?" I asked

"We should do a video together of us singing love me harder me doing my bit you doing the guys bit," she said

"I don't know," I said unsure

"Please..please..please..please," she said in between kisses

"Okay," I said

"Yes" she shouted and put her hands in the air

"Anyway you know you've had no top on this whole time," she said

"Yeah so, you love it," I said, putting my hands behind my head

"Hmm no but," she said, she loosened her top and pulled it off my eyes widened

"Well," I said, she giggled at my reaction and held my face with both her hands and kissed me our lips moved in sync together.

Zoella's POV
Me and Luke's lips moved together, I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and his tongue slipped in my hands roamed down his body to his jeans, I undid them and pulled them off, I ground against him and he groaned against my lips and flipped us over, he pulled off the heels on my feet he kissed along my jaw and down my neck, I gripped his hair when he sucked my neck, I moaned and I felt him smirk against my neck, he kissed down my body to the band of my jeans, he undone them and pulled them off, I pulled him back up and kissed his lips, I arched my back when he put his hand up and undone my bra clasp and threw it, he pulled off my panties and his boxers, he put his member in partly

"How much do you want this" he whispered in my ear

"Argh Luke just do it already" I moaned and tightened my legs around him, he thrust in and out of me slowly

"Faster," I said, he put on hand above my head and one hand gripping my hip, I gripped his back as he thrust faster in me

"Oh fuck" he groaned in my neck

"Ah Luke" I screamed, he kissed my lips and I bit his lip which made him moan

"You ready?" He asked in the crook of my neck, I nodded in his neck

"Yes" I moaned, we both reached our highs and he rolled beside me, I looked at him and he looked at me, we were both breathing unevenly, he rolled on his side as did I and we cuddled together he kissed my forehead, I looked up at him

"I love you," he said, I smiled wide

"I love you too," I said back, he pecked my lips

"Let's sleep aye," he said, I nodded tiredly

"Yeah," I said and then yawned, I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck, I heard his breathing slow down and I heard light snores coming from him, he tightened his arms around me, I smiled to myself and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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