Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Missing You

Zoella's POV
I'm so upset Luke and the boys have left to Australia for two months and Ariana has gone with them I was going to go but my manager booked things for me so I had to stay back and say goodbye, also Frankie isn't here he's doing a few things in New York so here I am In LA all alone and I have been for two weeks. After being at the studio organising a plan for a music video, I went home and got changed into one of Luke's tops, I left my hair and makeup and I headed downstairs

"Baby Grande" I heard Frankie's voice, I walked out and saw him

"Frankie," I said and hugged him

"Don't you look cute in that top?" he said, nudging me, we went up to my room, I lay on the bed suddenly Frankie held my phone above me

"Pose" he instructed, I did as he said and he passed my phone to me, I looked at the picture (one above) and smiled, I went on Twitter

@ZoellaGrande: When you look cuter in his clothes than he does, Sorry @Luke_Brooks And I miss you 💋

I posted it to Twitter and my phone went Luke had replied

@Luke_Brooks: @ZoellaGrande More like sexy in my clothes but... I know what would be better 😘 And I miss you too

I laughed at his reply

@ZoellaGrande: @LukeBrooks In your dreams Lukey 💭

And a quick reply came back

@Luke_Brooks: @ZoellaGrande It definitely will be ✊😍

My mouth flew open

@ZoellaGrande: @Luke_Brooks You are a very bad boy Luke #BadBoyBrooks

@ArianaGrande: @ZoellaGrande @Luke_Brooks Luke let my sister go to sleep she needs her Beauty sleep no wonder your #BadBoyBrooks

@JaiBrooks1: @ArianaGrande You tell him! I give you permission to hit him @Luke_Brooks @ZoellaGrande

@Luke_Brooks: @ArianaGrande Ow! you did hit me!?! @ZoellaGrande Help Me! And thanks a lot @JaiBrooks1 #ThatHurtAriana #ArianaIsMean

@JaiBrooks1: your welcome #BestGirlfriendAwardGoesToAriana
@ZoellaGrande @ArianaGrande @Luke_Brooks

@ZoellaGrande: We're Trending #BadBoyBrooks #ThatHurtAriana #ArianaIsMean #BestGirlfriendAwardGoesToAriana #ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #ILookCuterInThisTshirtThanMyBoyfriend #ZoellaHelpLuke

I laughed at all of our conversations, I looked at Frankie and he was asleep, I covered him with a blanket

@ZoellaGrande: Goodnight Everyone Have Beautiful Dreams Or Beautiful Days #ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #GoodNightMyBabys #ILoveYouBadBoyBrooks

I tweeted one last time and put my phone on charge and lay next to Frankie and falling into a nice sleep.

Luke's POV
Me, Ariana and Jai were laughing over the Twitter conversation we had with Zoella, I checked my phone one last time and I saw Zoella had tweeted

@ZoellaGrande: Goodnight Everyone Have Beautiful Dreams Or Beautiful Days #ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #GoodNightMyBabys #ILoveYouBadBoyBrooks

I smiled wide and tweeted back even though she'll probably only see it in morning

@Luke_Brooks: @ZoellaGrande Sweet Dreams Babe 💭
#ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #SweetDreamsMyBaby #ILoveYouGorgeousGrande

I smiled and tweeted it

"Why you smiling," Jai asked, looking at me, I looked at him

"No reason," I said, looking back at the TV

"Check Twitter Baby Grande and Luke done a cute tweet to each other" Ariana said, I started to blush and I saw Jai look at Ariana's phone

"Aww Lukey" Jai teased me and pinched my cheek, I slapped his hand away

"Shut up," I said, Mum and Beau walked in

"What's going on?" Mum asked

"Zoella and Luke are being cute on Twitter," Ariana said happily

"Aw tell me," mum said

"Argh mum" I groaned Ariana looked on her phone

"Okay, Zoella tweeted to him saying "Goodnight Everyone Have Beautiful Dreams Or Beautiful Days #ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #SweetDreamsMyBabys and #ILoveYouBadBoyBrooks" and then Luke replied "Sweet Dreams Babe #ZoeNeedsHerBeautySleep #SweetDreamsMyBaby and #ILoveYouGorgeousGrande" cute right?" Ariana finished, I looked at mum and she was smiling at me

"I wish I could have met her by what I've heard she's a beautiful girl inside and out just like Ariana" Mum said

"I wish you could to mum," I said truthfully.

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