Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: You And I

Zoella's POV
I woke up in Luke arms, I got myself out of his grip and I put one of his tops on and I walked to the bathroom well not really walking, I had a bit of pain from the other night, I done my business and walked into the room, Luke was laying on his back with his curly hair all messy and the sheet laying over his waist, I pulled my hair down and put it in a messy bun and walked downstairs very slowly, I went into the kitchen and saw all the boys they smirked at me

"Well hello Zozo," Beau said

"Yeah yeah just get out with it already," I said and poured myself a coffee

"Have fun you guys were very loud?" Beau said, just as he said that I spat out my coffee and Luke walked in he was very confused

"Really," I said, I put the coffee away and wiped the bench, Luke came and hugged my waist I put my arms around his neck and my face In the crook of his neck, we pulled away and he gripped my hips

"Ouch," I said and pushed his hands off, I rubbed my hips

"What?" He asked

"For some reason my hips hurt" I mumbled, he bit his lip looking at me, he tried to hide his smirk but he couldn't, I walked well slowly walked past him upstairs, I got to his room and closed the door behind me, I changed into my black lace undergarments, I looked in the mirror he had and I had bruises on my hips and waist and on my neck there was a couple hickey my mouth flew open

"How can I cover these" I whispered to myself, I heard the door and I turned to see Luke standing there in his boxers, he walked towards me

"My hips and waist is bruised," I said, he looked down and I felt his fingertips lightly touch them

"Sorry" he chuckled and kissed my cheek, he smirked when he saw the two things he left on my neck, he turned I gasped and covered my mouth, I did a light giggle

"What?" He asked, turning back to me

"I'm so sorry about your back," I said and bit my lip, he turned his back in the mirror and tried to see, he looked at me

"I have scratches on my back," he said, I nodded, he faces the mirror I wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his back a couple times, he turned and faced me, he picked me up and I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms under my bum

"How can you just do that?" I asked

"What?! pick you up?" he said, I nodded

"Easy your light as a feather," he said, I pecked his lips

"I need a shower," I said, he smiled at me

"Can I join?" he asked, putting me down, I bit my lip, I walked to the door and turned to him

"Okay if you really want to" I said innocently, he ran and put me over his shoulder, I squealed he took me to the bathroom and put me down, he turned on the shower he looked at me, I put my hands behind my back and undone my bra and let it fall to the ground and my underwear, he took his boxers off and we both got in.

We got out of the shower and I wrapped a towel around my body as did he, I sat on the bench while, he shaved I watched him for some reason it was interesting, he finished and looked at me, he stood in between my legs, he pulled me closer and I put my arms around his neck and kissed him as it got more serious, I felt him going to undo my towel but

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