Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: Staying

Luke's POV
I was waiting for Zoella to turn up, so I went on my laptop and finished to edit our video, suddenly someone sat on my back, I felt a kiss on my cheek, I rolled and there she was smiling at me

"Hi," she said

"Hi," I said back

"What were you doing?" She asked

"Finishing editing," I said, she got off me

"I'll let you finish I'm just gonna change," she said and walked out with some clothes, I turned and carried on editing the video.

Zoella's POV
I got dressed in a cream fabric and lace top I pulled it up a bit just below my belly button and I added my blue shorts I rolled the band a couple times (Outfit Above) and I grabbed my other clothes and walked to Luke's room, he closed his laptop and put it away, he laid on the bed and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, I sat and straddled him, I put my hands on his chest and lent down to kiss him, I may or may not have grinded on him.

Luke's POV
I heard her gasp and she looked at me and smirked

"Well what do you expect to happen," I said

"Maybe we can figure something out," she said, her hands trailed down my body to my jeans, I looked at her, she bit her lip at me she stood up and ran off

"Zoe" I shouted, I heard her laugh, I walked out and she ran in the bathroom just as she was about to close the door, I slipped in and put her up against the door and kissed her

"Jump" I mumbled against her lips, she did as I said, I opened the door and took her to my room and lay her on the bed, I hovered over her, she pulled me back down and kissed me my hands went under her top, I slipped it off her she pulled at the hem of my top and I pulled it off and I took her shorts off and went back to kissing her, she undone my jeans and pulled them down, I pulled them right off suddenly there was a knock at my bedroom door, I groaned and Zoella giggled, we got changed and opened the door and there was James standing there

"What?" I asked

"Pizzas here" he said, I nodded we all walked to the lounge Zoella sat on my lap and we all ate the pizza when we finished, we put a movie on halfway through Zoella got up she didn't come back at all so I went to check on her and she had fallen asleep, I covered her over with the blankets and kissed her forehead and went back downstairs and sat with the boys

"Where's Zoella?" Jai asked

"I found her asleep" I said, he nodded and went back to watching TV, when the movie finished, I went up to bed and put my arms around Zoella from behind and held her close, I felt one of her hands go over mine and hold it I smiled to myself and snuggled my face in the crook of her neck and fell into a deep sleep.

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