Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One: Relaxation

Zoella's POV
I woke up to Luke looking at me, he quickly closed his eyes, I lightly laughed, I put my leg over him, so I was straddling him, I kissed his lips and his eyes flickered open

"Have a good perv" I said smiling, he blushed

"Aw my little Lukey is blushing" I cooed and pinched cheek, he smiled he lent up and kissed my lips

"Day in bed?" he asked

"Definitely," I said, we got out of bed, I put Luke's top on over my singlet and underwear I put my hair in a messy bun and took my creams for my face and went to go to the bathroom

"I'll meet you downstairs," I said and kissed his cheek

"Okay......wait for you better not put any makeup on" he said, I turned to him

"I won't I'm just putting some creams on for my face," I said, he nodded, I went in the bathroom and started on doing things on my face.

Luke's POV
I went into the kitchen and mum was there

"Hey mum where's the others," I said, sitting down

"Jai has taken Ari around Melbourne so they can have time together and Beau has gone to hang out with James and Daniel" mum said, I nodded

"Where Zoella?" Mum asked, turning to me and putting to cups of tea on the table and leant against the bench holding hers in her hands

"Up In the bathroom putting creams or something on her face" I said drinking my drink

"I really like her Luke such and beautiful sweet girl she's kind and I notice how much she cares for you," mum said

"I know I love her mum" I said smiling, just then Zoella walked in she kissed my cheek and sat down

"Hey Gina how are you," Zoella asked mum smiling and showing her dimple

"I'm good Zoella, what are you two doing today" mum said to her smiling

"That's good and we decided to just have a lazy day in bed and I have a little jet lag as well so I really can't be bothered with anything," Zoella said, mum nodded and past her an drink, Zoella said thank you

"Luke" Zoella asked

"Yeah Zoe," I said, she smiled like, she wanted something

"You love me right" she said giggling, even mum laughed

"What do want?" I asked

"Can we watch my favourite movie of all time" she asked

"No, were not watching beauty and the beast" I said, she pouted and done her puppy eyes

"Pweety Pwease," she said in a cute voice

"Fine," I said, giving in, she smiled

"Yes!" She cheered, I and mum laughed

"Why do you like that movie" mum asked

"Because it has a message to it don't judge people by how they look because it's who they are as a person that counts and Belle didn't judge and in the end she fell in love with who he was not what he looked like also she is my favourite Disney princess," Zoella said

"I never knew you thought of the movie like that," I said, she looked at me

"Well you never asked and all the other princess movies have points to them like Jasmine and Aladdin one is rich or poor it doesn't make who you are um another one is a princess and the frog don't judge people by there colour or race" Zoella said she got up

"Thanks for the tea Gina I'm going back upstairs," Zoella said and walked away

"Definitely a keeper," mum said, I smiled, I went back upstairs and she was sitting in bed, I put the movie on and lay beside her the rest of the day, we stayed like that watching movies.

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