Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty: Surprise

Zoella's POV
Well it's been another two weeks which means Luke has another month in Australia, but what he doesn't know is me and Ariana got me off work for that whole month and I'm surprising him, his family and the boys at his Nonna and Nonno's house, Ariana talked to them and sorted it out so they knew I was coming. I finally was outside the house, I looked over my outfit (one above in picture) and got out of the car, Ariana walked out and we hugged each other tightly

"Oh Baby Grande I missed you," she said, as she pulled away from the hug

"I missed you too," I said, she smiled at me

"Right let's go surprise Luke," she said, I nodded, we walked in together, she got her phone out

"What are you doing" I whispered

"Filming" she whispered back, she pointed to where Luke was, I crept over to where he was sitting and covered his eyes

"Guess who," I said, In a sing-song voice, he pulled my hands away and looked back, he sneered at me like it was not real

"Hey Luke," I said, I giggled cause he just steered

"Zoe!" He shouted and stood up from his seat fast and picked me up and spun me around few times, he put me to my feet slowly as he did he connected his lips with mine, we pulled away and everyone was Awing at us, I hugged his neck

"Wave to the camera" I whispered, I looked at him, he frowned, I pointed to Ariana, she giggled and waved holding her phone up

"You got that on camera," he said, he put his face in the crook of my neck and hugged my waist, I giggled at him

"Luke" I heard a woman's voice, Luke stood up straight and I saw two women and a man, Luke stood behind me and held my waist

"Zoella this is my mum Gina," Luke said pointing to the dark haired woman, I smiled

"Hello Gina I'm glad I could finally meet you," I said nicely and hugged her, she hugged me back

"Oh same with me I've been waiting to meet the girl who made Luke happy," she said, I looked back at Luke and he smiled

"Zoella this is my Nonno and Nonna," Luke said

"Lovely to meet you," I said and gave them a hug

"Um if you don't mind me asking what should I call you by?" I asked them they smiled

"Just call us Nonno and Nonna" Nonna said smiling, I smiled back showing my single dimple, Luke pulled me into his chest, I moved to the side in his arms and looked at him still against his chest, he looked at me and I smiled, I kissed his cheek and stood straight again and I saw Gina and Nonna smiling away, I blushed a tiny tinge of pink

"Food everyone" Beau shouted, Luke sat me in one of the deck chairs and left, he came back with one plate, he lifted my waist and sat on the chair pulling me on his lap, I crossed my leg over, he grabbed the plate and held the fork up with some pasta it, I looked at him

"Eat it, babe," he said

"That's what she said, "I and Beau said, I high fived him the others laughed and I looked at the fork again and opened my mouth and took it, I chewed it

"Tastes so good," I said, he smiled and we carried on eating the food. I sat with Gina inside we were talking

"Um Zoella I have to say this Thank you," Gina said, I looked at her confused

"For what?" I asked

"For making Luke happy I mean really happy your good for him," she said, I smiled

"I should be thanking you, you raised a wonderful son he makes me happy you see I've been the happiest when I'm with his when he's not around I feel a little lost and I feel like my other half isn't here....".

Luke's POV
I walked inside and heard talking in the lounge and there was Mum and Zoella is I thought I'd listen a little

"Um Zoella I have to say this Thank you," Mum said, Zoe looked at her confused

"For what?" Zoe asked

"For making Luke happy I mean really happy your good for him," mum said, I saw Zoe smile

"I should be thanking you, you raised a wonderful son he makes me happy you see I've been the happiest when I'm with his when he's not around I feel a little lost and I feel like my other half isn't here and he saved me" Zoe said I was so confused what did she mean by 'He saved me'

"What do me Saved me, Sweetie, if you don't mind me asking," mum asked her, I listened more carefully

"I used to have a few depression problems," Zoe said, I looked down

"She didn't tell me this" I whispered to myself, I decided to walk in

"Hey," I said casually and sat next to Zoe and put my arm her waist and kissed her cheek

"Are Beau, Jai and Ari ready" mum asked, I nodded, we stood up and mum went to get them, we all said our goodbyes the car ride home was a bit quiet, I couldn't get it out of my head 'he saved me' 'I had a few depression problems'.

'I need to know what's happened to her and why she said those two things'

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