Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Memories

Zoella's POV
I'm sitting in Brooks family lounge and Gina had given me an album to look at of all the boys, I stopped at a group photo of them (picture Above) I heard the door and then Luke, Jai and Ariana walked in

"You were such a cutie" I said, taking the photo out and showing them

"That was like our first proper Photoshoot," Luke said and past it back, he sat next to me I looked at the photo again and put it back and closed the album

"Show me the place you guys use to film?" I asked Luke

"Really?" He asked I nodded

"I'd like to see the park, the dare Sunday's spot the one you done the pepper spray challenge um the rainbow milk challenge one" I said, Luke looked shocked

"How do you," he said confused

"How do I know all this let's just say after I meet Jai I watched your videos every single one" I said, he just steered

"Every one," he said shocked

"Well at first I watched a couple then when we got together I wanted to see more so I took a few days and watched every video on all your channels and yeah and every time you update I'll watch the new videos" I said, Luke smiled and hugged me

"Best girlfriend ever," he said and looked at me

"I know" I said

"No seriously no one has ever done that for me except the fans watching all the videos," he said, I smiled

"Aww I'm your girlfriend Luke, of course, I'm gonna do that I'm interested in what you do" I said, I stood up

"Now let's go around for you to show me all the places," I said and pulled his arms to get him off the couch he smiled we got to the door

"I and Zoe are going out" Luke shouted, we heard an okay from Gina and we set off

"Let's do the park first," he said, I nodded

"I'm following you Luke just take me everywhere" I said smiling, he lent down and kissed my cheek, we got to the park and we stopped

"Questions and Answers videos," he said, I looked around the whole park

"This is nice" I said, he looked at me funny

"It's just a park," he said

"I know I haven't been to one since i was probably six years old" I said, he looked shocked, he picked me up bridal style and ran to the playground, he set me to my feet and took me to the swings, I sat down on one, he pushed me a few times before getting on the one beside me and swinging with me, we got really high

"Jump," he said, I looked at him

"No are you crazy," I said, I heard him laugh

"As you come forward let go and just jump" he said, he went I closed my eyes and let go I felt my self land but on a body

"You can open your eyes," Luke said, I opened them to see me laying on Luke

"Oh my god Luke did I hurt you" I said, he laughed

"No you didn't at least I can say this now" he said, I was so confused

"What?" I asked lost

"That an angel fell from the sky into my arms," he said, I smiled

"Don't get too cheesy with me" I teased, he smiled, we got up and headed to the rest of the spots.

I and Luke were walking up the driveway of his house when he stopped me at the door

"Today meant a lot that you wanted to see the places we filmed and know how we became the group" he said, holding my hands, I looked up at him

"Luke today was fun I loved it" I said truthfully, he smiled and lent down to kiss me when the door opened to Beau standing there looking like an old person, he had a grey wig on and funny knitted clothing also e had a cane in his hand 

"I told you to bring her home by three o'clock and it's four your an hour late mister" Beau said in a funny voice, I was trying not to laugh, Beau grabbed me and pulled me inside and closing the door on Luke, I burst out laughing when Luke couldn't get in, Beau took off the outfit and smiled at me

"You are something different" I said laughing, he smiled

"A good different?" He asked

"No a great different," I said, he smiled

"Beau" I heard Luke and Luke came through from the back door

"Hey bro where Ya been" Beau said cheekily, I bit my lip not wanting to laugh, Luke groaned and turned to me

"You think this is funny," he asked, I shook my head slightly giggling

"Ahhh" I screamed as he threw me over his shoulder, went to go upstairs, I saw Gina watching she shook her head smiling at us, Luke dropped me on the bed, lay next to me

"That was funny" I said

"Yeah I guess," he said stubbornly, I laughed at him

"Oh Luke your so stubborn sometimes," I said through my laughs, he smiled and kissed my lips quickly

"Yeah yeah whatever," he said smiling In the end, I smiled back and hugged his waist tightly, I didn't want to let go for a while.

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