Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Luella

Zoella's POV
I got up and changed into some black mid-waisted skinny jeans that had cuts in them, I put on a black short sleeve crop top, blue vans and I added a blue plaid button-up top around my waist, I brushed my hair clipped back some of it so it was lifted a little, I straightened it to all then pulled out my curler and curled the end of my I had ringlet curls then I pulled a comb through to make it wavy, I started on my makeup, I added brown on the inner of my eyes so my brown eyes showed more, I added black eyeliner around my eyes so it was a little heavier than normal, I put tan lipstick on so there wasn't too much, I got my phone and money in my pocket and went downstairs, I went to the kitchen and everyone was there

"Hey" I said

"Zozo do want to come to Disneyland with us?" Beau asked

"Sure I've never been," I said there mouths flew open

"I couldn't go I was stuck inside," I said, they nodded Ariana and Frankie looked guilty

"By the way I like what your wearing," Luke said I smiled

"Thanks wait I have to asked do I need a SnapBack or beanie," I asked them

"SnapBack" Beau said

"Ok I'll choose which one," I said

"Wait how many do you have" Beau asked

"Heaps," I said, I grabbed his hand and took him to my room, I pulled them out had about twenty

"Can I borrow one?" He asked

"Yeah sure" I said he grabbed a green and red Yolo one and put it on blue and black vans of the wall one, we went downstairs

"Ready," Jai asked me and Beau nodded, we headed out, I got in Ariana's car and we headed off.


We got to Disneyland, I stood out of the car and just sneered at it, its gonna be a fun day

"Photo" Luke said I nodded Beau took our phones, I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek and I posted it on Twitter

@ZoellaGrande At Disneyland with this guy @Luke_Brooks *also the others as well*

@ZoellaGrande At Disneyland with this guy @Luke_Brooks *also the others as well*

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I posted it with the image we just took

"You have Twitter?" Luke asked, I nodded

"Yeah @ZoellaGrande," I said he clicked away and I got a follow from him he also retweeted the tweet I done, suddenly the other boys followed, I followed back and we got through to Disneyland land

"Wow," I said, Ariana linked arms with me

"Come on," she said, we walked over to a ride.


We had been on so many rides, I was in a café trying to choose what I wanted someone held my waist, I looked to see Luke

"What are you getting" he asked

"Umm I don't know maybe we could get something to share," I said

"Yeah ok how about we just get some wedges" he said

"Ok," I said he went up and ordered my phone buzzed and Ariana had tweeted

@ArianaGrande: I think Luella might come true 💕@ZoellaGrande @Luke_Brooks

I was confused when I opened the photo and it was of him holding my waist behind me I was looking up at him and he was looking down at me

@ZoellaGrande: @ArianaGrande don't get too ahead of yourself 🙊

Then Luke had replied too

@Luke_Brooks: @ArianaGrande you never Know 😘 @ZoellaGrande

I shook my head, I looked at Luke he waiting for the food and he was talking to the girl behind the counter, he was making her laugh they were flirting with each other, I decided to go sit outside with Beau and Daniel

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey Zozo," they said

"What are you doing" Daniel asked

"Well I would wait with Luke for our food but he's in there with the girl behind the counter flirty majorly and it making me want to gag" I said pulling a face, the boys laughed

"Hey we should have some fun with this" Daniel said

"What do you mean," I said confused

"Well I think it would be fun it either me and you or you and Beau have a little fun with this and see Luke's reaction to it," Daniel said, I nodded

"Let's do you and Beau" he said, I nodded, I got on his lap and Luke came out Beau pretended to whispered something in my ear and I giggled, Luke frowned at us I started to eat and the whole time me and Beau were acting all cute and flirty, Luke didn't look impressed and I wonder why?. We got home and I went up to my room and stood in front of my dresser, suddenly I was turned around to face Luke, he lent down and kissed me his hands travelled down my body his hands went under my bum and lifted me up on the dresser he stood in between my legs my arms went around his neck to pull him closer just before it got further, I pushed him off, I pushed him out the door, I lent against it

"Holy shit" I whispered.

Luke's POV
She pushed me out the door, I lent against it, suddenly the door opened and I fell back, I looked to see Zoella, she bent down over me

"Are you ok?" she asked giggling

"Yeah," I said chuckling, she lent down and kissed me

"Definitely better now," I said, she smirked at me and helped me up

"Your an idiot," she said, I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked out of the blue, she looked shocked

"Yes," she said and smiled

"Wait really you don't find it to soon," I said, she shook her head

"No," she said

"Guess what," I said smiling

"What?" she asked looking up at me

"I'm your idiot," I said, she laughed

"You're so stupid," she said laughing, I smiled I can't believe I asked that and she said yes.

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