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My name is Zoella Ariana Rose Grande, yes Ariana wanted to put her name in mine I don't mind it I love my name, she even named me I was born she was three and when Frankie was fourteen so there's an age gap between me and my siblings, I was a surprise they didn't expect me to come and guess what I never use to be a secret until Ariana hit age fourteen, she became into doing shows and singing and well I got left behind by her and Frankie he was going off doing his thing and well I was only eleven so she had started to grow older and like different things, we all slowly drifted apart because she goes out makes friends while I stay home in my room most of the time and do school, I do home schooling since apparently they didn't want me to get hate and also apparently there protecting me, as well but isn't the point of a teenager to make mistakes and learn from them and also I look a lot like Ariana so if i do go out I need to be able to do her signature and do her little traits which is annoying since I'm my own person I don't want to be my sister I mean I would love to be my sister she's beautiful, confident and she has independence sometimes I wonder what I would be like to be able to be myself, not my sister or behind my sister even my brother it sucks but I've gotten used to it, I don't mind it anymore it gives me time to think and I'm actually doing great doing my schooling at home well here are some basics about me

What I like:
Colours Light Blue and Lilac.
Lilies are my favourite flower especially the Purple and Dark Blue ones.
I like girly stuff but I love to wear Beanies, SnapBacks, Cat Ears, Mouse Ears and Headbands.
I love Music, Art and Photography
I play the Piano, Guitar, Violin, Drums and Bass-Since I have a lot of time on my hands I can learn all these things.
And I can cook and bake.

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