Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: I'm Jai Brooks

Zoella's POV
I walked downstairs in a white dress with black polka dots it was a skater dress too and black heels, I had my hair in a half up and a half down style and a black bow around the ponytail, I headed downstairs to the kitchen, Jai, Ariana and Frankie were there

"Ah Baby Grande is finally up," Frankie said, I flipped him off and he laughed, I got out ingredients for pancakes and started to make them, I set three on each plate and past them over to them

"Yay pancakes" Ariana giggled

"There just pancakes Ari," I said giggling and sitting down

"Yeah but there your pancakes," she said I smiled

"Right where all done the cook doesn't clean soo yeah," I said rushing out laughing.

Ariana's POV
Zoella just ran out laughing, I shook my head Frankie got up and washed the dishes

"Jai you want to meet my sister properly?" I asked he nodded, I took his hand to the lounge

"Hi I'm Zoella sorry about last night," Zoella said, she stood up and smoothed her dress

"I'm Jai Brooks," Jai said, he put his hand out Zoella looked at his hand

"I am a hugger" she said and hugged Jai quickly, we were all talking from then on, Jai and Zoella got on really well, at the end of the night Jai said he really liked her and I'm so happy about that and he promised to keep it a secret till I'm ready to tell the world about Zoella Grande.

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