Imagine #3 Jisun X Hanse 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Jisun and Hanse have been in a secret relationship for about a year. Their relationship is secret to the public but is known to their family, friends and fellow members. Jisun and Hanse have liked each other for a while before they started dating. It's been a year now since they became a couple so maybe they feel like it's about time they announce it. They are nervous the response that they will get from fans and the media. No dating rumours have escalated between them yet in the media. Like they haven't been seen out in public when they've been going out. That's how they want it. No rumours or anything. Jisun and Hanse will announce their relationship when they are ready

Jisun and Hanse have both been in practice all week so they haven't seen each other at all. Luckily it's now Friday and they have the weekend off so they can spend it together. Hanse has a nice dinner planned for he and Jisun tonight. She knows they are going out but doesn't know where. He's told her when he's coming to pick her up. Jisun got home from practice with the girls not so long ago. fromis_9 all share a house together and Jisun has her own room. Hanse will be on his way soon to pick Jisun up and take them on their date. She can't wait to see him after almost a week. Jisun is in the bathroom getting ready now. She was makeup free earlier so she is doing her makeup now. She wants to look pretty to see her man. She puts on a nice outfit too. Gyuri walks into the bathroom and says "Are you all ready?". "Yes almost" Jisun replies. "Have a great time on your date with Hanse? Make sure you all us all about it" Gyuri smiles touching Jisun's shoulder. "I will" she smiles. Hanse arrived at the fromis_9 house soon and knocked on the door. Jisun was just ready to answer it. "Hello" she said. "Hello, beautiful. Babe, you look stunning" Hanse said. "Thank you. You look handsome. Blonde looks so good on you, SeSe" Jisun said. "Thanks, baby. Are you ready for din dins?" Hanse said. "Yes I am. Getting hungry now" she said. She grabs her bag and steps outside and Hanse gives her a hug and and a kiss. He takes her hand and they get in the cab that was waiting outside. Jisun and Hanse go on their date and have fun

Jisun and Hanse arrived on their date soon. They get seated at a table for two and look at the menus. "I don't know what I'm in the mood for" she said. "Me neither but I will decide soon" he replies. Jisun and Hanse decide what they want to eat soon and order. They were sat by the window of the restaurant where people could look in. Not the ideal place they wanted to be seated but there was no other tables available. They got the drinks and food was on the way. Hanse looks across the table at Jisun. He can't take his eyes off how beautiful she is. "You know, babe. I'm a very lucky man to have you" Hanse smiles. "I'm a very lucky woman to have you" Jisun replies. "You make me complete" he smiled. "Ditto" she smiles. "You know I'm getting more used to you with dark hair now but I still prefer you with auburn hair" Hanse said. Jisun smiles and laughs. Right outside the window there was a man taking pictures of Jisun and Hanse together. Uh oh someone has found them. "What's he doing?" he said. "Someone has found us" she said. "He has no right doing that here. He's going to leak the pictures. I need to tell him" Hanse said. "SeSe it's not worth it. Please sit down. Maybe it's about time the world knew about us" Jisun said. Hanse ignores her and gets up from his seat and runs to the door and outside but it was too late as the man fan away. He calmed down when he ate but he was mad to see a man outside photographing them. Anyway Jisun and Hanse still had a nice dinner nonetheless

The next morning is Saturday and Jisun has a lie in and wakes up late. It sounded like the other girls were up and in the kitchen having breakfast. Jisun gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom and goes downstairs. Chaeyoung, Nagyung and Saerom were all stood around Chaeyoung's phone looking at something and talking. "Morning" Hayoung said who was frying some eggs for breakfast. "Morning" Jisun yawns. "Eggs?" Hayoung asks. "Please. What are you guys looking at?" she said. "Nothing" Nagyung grins. "Just something. Were done now" Saerom said. "Tell me. Is it about me?" Jisun said. "Unnie, have you seen what dispatch have posted" Seoyeon said. "No I've just got up" Jisun said. "This" Chaeyoung said showing Jisun her phone. That man taking pictures last night has leaked them to dispatch exposing Jisun and Hanse. "That guy was taking photos of us last night. I knew he was up to something. He ran away when Hanse was going to confront him" Jisun said. "We are sorry, Jisun to be keeping that from you" Saerom said. "It's alright I suppose. Probably it's best if it's out in the open for the work time see. We were talking about announcing our relationship soon" Jisun said. "We will help you through it because that's what sisters are for" Jiwon said pulling Jisun in for a hug. "Thanks, girls. I guess Hanse has probably seen" she said. She hugs her members and they have a nice egg breakfast together

Later on that day, Jisun goes over to Hanse's. He saw the pictures that were leaked and told her not to worry. Jisun has been a bit upset about this since she found out this morning from the girls. They were hiding it a bit at first. At least Jisun knows now and has seen. She likes knowing the truth. Jisun arrives at Hanse's in the afternoon. She could just open the door and walk in as it's her boyfriends place. "Hey, babe. You're here" Hanse said who was in his bedroom. "Yes I am. Don't worry it's only me" Jisun replies. "How are you?" he asks. "Alright" she sighs. "Babe, I don't want you to be stressed or worried about anything. Maybe it's about time everyone knew about us. It will be okay as long as they don't give us any grief about it" Hanse said. "Yeah I know we've been talking about it" Jisun said. "I have an idea. How about we go live on Instagram to confirm?" he said. "But our companies will think we are going against them" she said. "Well I'll deal with that if they do" Hanse said. They relax for a bit first with a warm drink before doing an Instagram live. Hanse knows it might be a bit of a risk diving in a doing it. "Hey, guys. It's me SeSe. And I have someone here today. Fromis_9 Jisun" he said. "Hi" Jisun said softly. "Well Jisun is someone very special to me. If you've seen the leaked photos you might have guessed. Jisun is my girlfriend and has been for about one year" Hanse said. "Yes I have" she giggles. "Okay guys just wanted to clear up and confirm those pictures. What about a ship name for us? Ummm like SunSe or HansJi" Hanse said. "I like SunSe. It sounds cute" Jisun said. Hanse smiles. "Okay SunSe I guess it is then" he said. "Love you guys. This is my wonderful man" Jisun said. "My wonderful woman. I love you guys too" Hanse said blowing a kiss to fans. He ended the live video. "So we did it" Hanse said. "Yes we did. The world finally knows about us" Jisun said. "Yep we are out there for all to see" he said. They both smiled at each other

Jisun and Hanse lay on the couch together and try to switch off and forget about things. They have got messages coming in from their Instagram live video. Hanse thought it was a mistake doing it and he didn't think about the consequences at first. They didn't want to hide their relationship much longer. "As long as we got each other, babe. What does it matter to others?" Hanse said looking into Jisun's eyes. "Yeah I know. I guess I shouldn't worry or get upset anymore. I got you, SeSe. We both got each other" Jisun said. "We do. I love you with all my heart, Roh Jisun" Hanse says looking into his girlfriends eyes and leaning in to kiss her passionately. Jisun and Hanse have got each other and that's all that matters. They have been happily together in a loving relationship for a year and they never want to change that

A/ N: awwwww hope y'all enjoyed that imagine. I think Jisun and Hanse would make a really cute couple. That's why I chose him for her first imagine. I love Hanse. He's one of my ultimate biases in Kpop. Love everything about him

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