Imagine #17 GyulHeon 👯‍♀️ G XG

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This imagine was requested by @07CoLeEn08

Gyuri and Jiheon are sisters. Gyuri is the oldest but 5 years and 3 months. She is a very overprotective sister of Jiheon. Like she doesn't want her going out and getting hurt and mixing with the wrong people. Gyuri only wants what's best for Jiheon. There is only the two of them. They don't have any other siblings so Gyuri loves Jiheon very dearly and wants to protect and keep her safe whenever she can. There is only the two of them. They have no other siblings. Jiheon's never had a boyfriend and Gyuri doesn't want her to get hurt but the wrong kinds of guys who could just use her. Gyuri has already talked to Jiheon about this kinda thing a while back. Jiheon is a good girl who always listens to her sister. Gyuri and Jiheon are the closest sisters

Gyuri is becoming a bit more worried about Jiheon as she's been texting boys more. Boys who she's met online and in real life. As her older sister, Gyuri doesn't want Jiheon to get hurt especially by guys she doesn't know that well. Jiheon has never had a boyfriend or been kissed and most of her friends have had both of those things. She just really wants that in life. Gyuri tells Jiheon that she'll find love one day. She just doesn't want her to get hurt by the wrong guys. Gyuri is just arriving home from work. She works in a salon and Jiheon had a day off studying at uni. She is at home and she's talking to one of her guy friends called Cho Byungho. Gyuri doesn't know about him. He's just a friend of Jiheon's. Gyuri opens up the door and walks into their house. Their parents aren't home yet. The house was quiet. She kicks off her shoes and goes upstairs and hears Jiheon laughing and talking on the phone. She waited outside the door for a few minutes then realised Jiheon was talking to a boy. She waited to go in till she had finished talking. "Hey, sis" Gyuri said. "Hey" Jiheon said. "How are you?" she asks. "Fine" she replies. "So I heard you talking on the phone" Gyuri said. "I was just someone" Jiheon replies. Gyuri thinks of what to say next. "Were you talking to a guy?" Gyuri asks. "Ummmm maybe" Jiheon replies. "So you were then?" Gyuri asks. "Yeah just a friend" she said. "What's his name?" Gyuri asks. "Byungho. A friend I met online" she said. "You have to be careful meeting strangers, Jiheon. I've told you before" Gyuri said. "I am careful. He's a nice guy and I do like him" Jiheon smirked. "Okay" Gyuri said walking out. She didn't want to argue with her sister over something silly like boys because Jiheon is an adult and knows about all those things. She'll be careful around boys

About a month later and Jiheon is going on a date with her friend Byungho. She is looking forward to seeing him as it's been a while. He asked her out on a proper date as he likes her a lot and they've known each other a while now. Jiheon told Gyuri that she is going on a date with Byungho and she was okay with it even though she's warned her to be careful many times. Jiheon listens sometimes and sometimes she doesn't. She is getting ready for her date now. She is meeting Byungho and they are going bowling and then out to eat after so they can't wait for that. Gyuri is sat at home doing nothing. Jiheon was ready and she was about to go. "I'm off, sis" she said. "Okay have fun. Remember what I said" Gyuri said. "Yes you don't have to keep telling me" Jiheon said. "Have so much fun, sis" Gyuri said. Jiheon smiles and then walks out the front door. Gyuri sits home wondering what to do. Jiheon told her where she was going. Gyuri decides to check up on her to see if she was okay. She knows it's probably a bit extreme to spy on her sister on her date. Gyuri ties her hair back and wears a hat with shades so hopefully Jiheon won't recognise her. Gyuri gets to the bowling place and sees Jiheon and Byungho still playing. They are on their third game already. Gyuri sits minding her own business trying not to be noticed by Jiheon. Byungho doesn't know who she is so he won't recognise her. Gyuri manages to keep low key and out of the way as Jiheon enjoys her date with Byungho. Gyuri just wants to make sure her little sister is okay which she is. She is just worried and overprotective as she's never been out with a boy before

Jiheon and Byungho leave the bowling place when they have finished and go to a restaurant that was near. Gyuri was still spying on them. She decided to follow them about 10 minutes later to the restaurant they were going to but she didn't go in, she waited outside until they had finished. She tried to hide around the corner. Jiheon and Byungho finished their date about an hour later. They suddenly come out without any warning. Gyuri tries to run down the alleyway. "Oh shit" she says under her breath. "Gyuri, is that you?" Jiheon said. "Ummm yes" she replies. "Well what on earth are you doing here outside the same restaurant as me?" she said. Gyuri couldn't explain herself. "You followed me on my date because you didn't trust me with a boy. I'm not going to do anything" Jiheon said. Gyuri had to think for a minute. "Yes yes I did. I swear I wasn't doing it in a creepy way. Just a protective way to make sure you're okay" Gyuri said. "Ughhhhhh you don't know how much you have embarrassed me" Jiheon said. "I'm sorry, sis. I shouldn't have I know. I'm just worried about you though. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That's all" she said. "I'm fine. Gyuri, I'm 19 so I'm a grown woman now. I love you but I can look after myself. You certainly didn't need do follow me on my date with my friend and spy on me" Jiheon said. "I'm sorry, sis I didn't mean to. I'll go and leave you two" Gyuri said. She scoots off in the opposite direction. She knows it was maybe a bit too extreme following Jiheon on her date and spying on her but she just wanted to make sure she was okay as her big sister

Gyuri and Jiheon had a bit of a fight when Gyuri followed Jiheon on her date with Byungho but they have made up now. They are dating now. Jiheon and Byungho. All is good and they are best friends and sisters again. They have always been sisters. Gyuri realised that she was wrong by following Jiheon on her date but she's forgiven her now. All is forgotten. Gyuri promised and won't do that again to Jiheon and she will let her have freedom. The girls are at the mall today having a fun sisters day at the mall. Shopping is one of their favourite things to do. It's a great way to spend time together too and hangout. Shopping and going for a nice meal after is a perfect day at the mall. Gyuri said Jiheon can have whatever she sees that she likes and she'll treat her to something because that's what sisters are for. They arrived at the mall about half an hour ago and they are in the first store now looking at clothes of course. Clothes are their favourite thing to look at and buy. Jiheon also loves perfume too so they are going to the beauty store later. "Tell me if you see anything you want and I'll buy it for you" Gyuri said. "Yes I will, best sister in the world" Jiheon replies. "Awwww I love you, little sis so much" she replies. They don't buy anything in that store and then they move onto the next couple of places and do purchase a few things. Jiheon always tells herself that she doesn't need anymore clothes but she always ends up buying things when she goes out. Gyuri didn't tell her off or anything. She is fully supportive of her sister in every way now. Gyuri also got some things herself too. Next they hit the beauty shop. Jiheon might get another perfume to add to her collection. "Test some out with me" she says to Gyuri.  "Haven't you got enough perfumes. You have loads at home" she replies. "I do but you can never have enough" Jiheon laughs. "If you say so. Okay I'll test some with you" Gyuri said. They go to the shelf and look at what they have. Jiheon likes perfumes that smell of flowers and fruit as well. Flowery and fruity. Ohhhhh. A good combination. "I like this one. Strawberry and roses. Smells amazing" Jiheon said. "Okay if you really like it then I'll buy it for you" Gyuri smiles. "Thank you, sis. You can borrow it if you like. I wouldn't mind" she smiles. So Gyuri bought that perfume for Jiheon and she was happy with it

After a successful and fun few hours of shopping and spending quality sister time together, Gyuri and Jiheon were ready for something to eat so they head to the food court. They spotted a new Italian restaurant that must've opened recently. They've always wanted to try Italian. They've always loved pizza which is Italian. Gyuri and Jiheon get seated at a table for two and have a look at the menu. "I think I'm going to try a pasta dish. Sounds good" Jiheon said. "Yeah me too. We've had pizza before but not an Italian pasta dish" Gyuri replies. They order something to share for an appetiser and then waited for drinks. They are having alcohol together. Gyuri and Jiheon talk sister talk and about how fun shopping was. "I really wanted to treat you, my little sister because you mean so much to me" Gyuri smiles from across the table. "Thank you, Gyul. You're the bestest sister in the world. Couldn't ask for a better one" Jiheon smiles. "You're welcome, baby sis. I will always be overprotective of you even though you're not a little girl anymore" Gyuri said. "I understand that" Jiheon replies. "I will always love you no matter what. If you and Byungho are gonna be happy together, then I'm happy if you have happiness" Gyuri said. "Yeah we'll it seems to be working out at the moment but you never know" Jiheon said. Their Italian food comes and they have a delicious meal and then go home and watch their favourite movie Mean Girls on TV. Gyuri and Jiheon will always be the best and closest sisters

A/ N: @07CoLeEn08 thank you for the request. This was a different and enjoyable imagine to write. Leave more request if you want. It won't let me tag you sorry. Just followed but I thought I already did. I'll try tagging again

Again I miss Gyuri in fromis a lot 😥

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