Imagine #16 Gyuri 💖 X Female Reader

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You are a therapist for mental health patients and Gyuri has been going to you for counselling sessions for the last few months. She has opened up to you about all the problems she had been going through and since she left fromis_9 recently. She has been feeling a bit low. She thinks it was the best decision that she made as she wants to do acting now but obviously she still misses life as an idol and her girls of course. Recently since you've been spending more time with Gyuri that you are developing feelings for her. You never thought you could feel this way about another woman but you do. You don't want to say anything to Gyuri just yet as she is your patient and you're her doctor so you need to keep your relationship professional and not get involved. You don't think she feels the same way back but maybe you'll tell her your feelings one day

Gyuri has a session with you today and you are looking forward to seeing her as always. She always puts a smile on your face when she comes to you for a session. You are known to her on a first name basis. You are in your office waiting for Gyuri to arrive anytime soon. You get a little nervous around her because you have a crush on her but she has no idea of that yet. She won't know just yet. There is a knock on the door and the door opens. "Hello" Gyuri said. "Hi. Come in and make yourself feel comfortable" you smile. You start the counselling session by Gyuri giving you an update on how things have been for her lately. It's been two weeks since you last met. The session wraps up in about an hour or so. You and Gyuri talk like good friends. You feel like you are a friend to her and you feel like she can trust you. "Okay well thank you once again for today. I always feel better when I come to you, Y/ N" Gyuri said. "Well I'm glad you do" you say. "You're the best therapist in the world" she blushes. "Thank you. Gyuri, would you fancy going out sometime like for a drink. Even just a coffee. I think we should spend sometime as friends because I think that's what we are to each other too" you say. "Yeah sure I don't see why not. That would be nice" Gyuri smiles. "Great. So I'll see you next week" you say. Gyuri smiles as she walks out and closes the door. You were smiling and blushing in your chair. Maybe Gyuri likes you back as she was keen to go out with you or maybe she just likes you as a friend. You'll find out sooner rather than later

This afternoon you and Gyuri are meeting for a coffee and a cake after you've finished work. You saw her last week for her last session and it went well. Next week she'll see you again for another session. You finish work for the day and leave your office and lock up. The cafe you're meeting Gyuri at is 10 minutes away in the car so you get in your car and drive. You arrived soon and go inside and wait for Gyuri who is a few minutes off. You joined the line for both of you. You see her come in and you smile. "Hi" you say. "Hello" Gyuri said. You start off by asking each other how you are as there wasn't really much else to say. You order what you wanted and find a table to sit at. "Well it's nice to go for coffee with each other and not just see you in my office" you say. "Yeah it is. Nice to have a change of scene" Gyuri smiled. You couldn't help but be turned on by her smile. Her sweet little smile. The smile you're falling for. Gyuri and you were talking like good friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time. You didn't want to say anything to Gyuri about your feelings towards her as you were in public and didn't want anything to kick off between you. You were together nearly an hour which was nice. "Well that was nice, Y/ N but I should head off now. Got somewhere to go" Gyuri said. "It was nice indeed and that's okay. I'll see you next week in my office" you say. "Yes you will" Gyuri laughs. You both depart with a smile on your faces after sharing coffee and smiles together

It's the following week and Gyuri is coming anytime for her next counselling session. She's been on your mind more since meeting her for a coffee last week. You think you are ready to admit your feelings to Gyuri but you are a bit scared to in case she overreacts. There is a knock on the door and it opens and it's Gyuri of course. "Hello" she said. "Hello" you smile. You ask how each other are doing and start he session as normal. You looked into Gyuri's eyes and gave her eye contact throughout. After almost an hour of the session it finishes. "Thanks again, Y/ N. You always listen to my problems" Gyuri smiles. "We'll you're always welcome to open up to me about anything" I smile. I went silent for a moment as I was thinking. "Y/ N, are you okay?" Gyuri asks. "Yeah I'm fine" I laugh. She was about to go and you stopped her. "Gyuri, hang on. Just wait a minute please" I say. "Sure" she said. "There is a i need to say to you actually" I say. "Sure" she replies. "Well, Gyuri. I love being your therapist as well as your friend and helping you through hard times but I feel another way about you. I-I-I have feelings for you, Jang Gyuri" I say. "I love being your friend too. You have romantic feelings for me?" Gyuri replies. "Yes I do. I know what you think by the look on your face" I say. "I'm your patient and you're my therapist. We should keep it professional. I didn't know you were going to say that to me" Gyuri said. "Gyuri, I'm so sorry. Wish I never said anything now. I don't want it to effect our professional relationship. I still want to help you through things" I say. "You've helped me a lot and thank you" Gyuri smiles walking out of your office. It leaves you stunned. You should not have said anything and you're scared you've blown it with her and she won't go to you again. You should have kept your feelings for Gyuri to yourself

Gyuri hasn't spoken to you or seen you in weeks. It's been about a month or so. The last time you saw her you confessed your feelings to her and she didn't like it and walked out. You felt like you shouldn't have done it but you wanted her to know how you feel about her. You've been hiding your feelings for Gyuri for sometime and you just wanted to let them out of your system. The sessions have just stopped with her. She hasn't bothered to turn up so you have your counselling sessions to someone else. You miss Gyuri coming into your office. Things have been hard for you since she's not been in your life. You've started drinking at work. You know this is risky and not good for your health. You could get caught and lose your job as a therapist but you are trying to do it discreetly without anyone walking in. You didn't want to hide your feelings from Gyuri for forever but you didn't know and would react like that and walk out on you and leave you this way. Hopefully you'll get over her soon and stop drinking and thinking about her too much. It hits you hard when you really like someone but they don't feel the same way back. Feelings are a tricky thing. If there is a next time, you know to keep your lips sealed. That's the way you felt about Gyuri and you wanted her to be the first to know of course

It's the week after and it would normally be your counselling session with Gyuri if she was still coming to you. You miss her and you miss working with her. You are going to stop drinking soon as it isn't good for you and us not helping you long term. You started drinking and getting emotional all over Gyuri. You are sat in your office now waiting for your next session to start. You've just eaten lunch so you are waiting for your next patient to come in when you hear a knock on the door. "Come in" you say. You couldn't believe your eyes. You thought you were imagining things. Gyuri walks in. "Y/ N" she said. "Gyuri, what are you doing here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after all this time" I say. "Look, Y/ N. I'm so sorry if I overreacted. After weeks of thinking, I want to make it up to you. I'm sorry if I was mean and nasty when you told me you liked me" Gyuri said. You take a deep breath and think of what to say. "Gyuri, not gonna lie. I was hurt but you walking out on me but I guess we've just got to let it go. Maybe it's not meant to be if you don't feel the same about me. Maybe i should just forget my feelings for you" you say. "Y/ N, you don't have to forget about your feelings. We can at least ne friends again and I'd like to continue my sessions with you if you'll have me" Gyuri said. "Sure then" you reply. "A plant for your office. I thought it would look nice on the windowsill" Gyuri said handing you the plant. "Thank you. It looks really nice" you say. "You're welcome" she smiles giving you eye contact. "Stay for a bit and have a cup of tea with me. My next session isn't for 20 minutes" you say. Gyuri smiles. She stays for a while and you have a good chat and you vowed to put the past behind you and move on. We walked Gyuri to the door. "Thank you, Gyuri. Thank you for coming back into my life. You've made me happy again" you say. "You're welcome. I usually forgive people as I'm that kinda person so I didn't want to lose you forever" Gyuri replies. You look at her and she looks at you and smiles and you pulled her in for a kiss. She didn't pull away. She kissed you back and you both enjoyed it. Gyuri is back in your life and you can feel something special is blossoming between you

A/ N: back with a Gyuri imagine. Still not over her leaving fromis. She is missed. I enjoyed writing this imagine. Got the idea from one of my fave medical dramas Chicago Med. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll still continue to support Gyuri and the girls no matter what. They are very dear to me

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