Imagine #12 Jisun X Rowoon 💓

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This imagine is kinda based on Gentleman by SF9

Jisun and Seokwoo have known each for a while. They have always been secretly interested in each other but both of them find it hard to express their feelings to each other. Jisun more so. Jisun is naturally quite a shy person so she struggles with things like that. She's also not a big fan of physical contact and embrace. Seokwoo wants to treat Jisun like a lady if she'll let him. He will be a gentleman to her. Jisun has never been with a man before so she's a bit scared especially when the man is handsome like Seokwoo is. That's her weakness. Maybe one day Jisun will let Seokwoo get close to her and she'll allow physical contact. He would really like that. Jisun needs to know that he really really cares about her

Jisun and Seokwoo have been invited to a black tie event tonight in town so they add both going. It's a very formal event of course so they have splashed out on their finest attire for tonight's do. They haven't seen each other in a while and last time it was a little awkward between them as  Seokwoo wanted to move too fast and Jisun wasn't ready just yet so things didn't end well for them but they will try and forget about it if they see each other tonight. Jisun is getting ready now at home for the event. She is a little apprehensive about seeing Seokwoo after last time. She knows that he wants to move a bit too fast. When she as ready, Jisun gets a cab to the black tie event. Seokwoo is on his way too and they are expecting to bump into each other. Jisun has just arrived and she grabs herself a cocktail first from the cocktail bar. She kinda wants to keep herself to herself today and not get too involved. Seokwoo has just arrived but he hasn't seen Jisun yet. She is sat by herself. She doesn't really care though. Seokwoo is not the person she wants to see right now. He spots her from a distance but doesn't go to her straight away as he realises that she may need her space after last time

Jisun hasn't seen Seokwoo yet but he's seen her. She is still keeping herself to herself and being quiet. Seokwoo decides to bite the bullet and go and talk to Jisun. She wanted to be at the event but not with him. "Hey" Seokwoo said. "Hi" she said looking at him. He sits opposite her and says "Jisun, look I know we didn't you know see eye to eye last time we met but I am sorry for what happened". She takes a moment to think. "Seokwoo, it's okay I guess but you know I don't like contact like that. Makes me feel uncomfortable. Just like light touching is okay" Jisun replies. "Okay I'm sorry. I won't get in your space too much. I understand that now" Seokwoo replies. "Okay. Thank you, Seokwoo for understanding" Jisun replies."well we should enjoy the event" he said. "Sure" she replies. Both of them get some food together at the event. Jisun has forgiven Seokwoo for now. They both talk about other things not address the past. "Jisun, wanna dance. I know you probably won't" Seokwoo said. "No I'm good. I'll pass. I don't really feel like dancing at the moment" Jisun replies. "Okay that's alright I guess. You're a good dancer though" he said. "You are too. Okay then I'll dance a bit" Jisun said. Seokwoo takes Jisun hand and she holds back a bit. She does take to the dance floor with Seokwoo. He tries not to touch her. They just dance by each other's sides for a while and it feels good. Jisun eventually steps closer to Seokwoo. She smiles at him and reaches out her hands to him. "I like this kinda thing" she said. "You do" he replies. "Yes I do" she smiles. "Well good me too" he replies. Seokwoo couldn't take his eyes off how stunning and gorgeous Jisun looked tonight. He saw lovestruck on her. He is falling for her more. Seokwoo and Jisun did enjoy each other's company at the black tie event this evening. They would do it again if it comes around again

It's a few weeks after the black tie event and Jisun and Seokwoo are on good terms with each other. Jisun is not ready for anything serious. She knows that Seokwoo is a good man, a gentleman and might give him a chance in the future. Seokwoo just wants to show her what a gentleman is like. He has always had very strong feelings towards Jisun. He finds her a beautiful woman on the inside and the outside too. He wants to get closer to her if she'll let him. They are meeting for a coffee today. Jisun has a friend who works there so she gets a discount every time she goes in. Seokwoo wants it to be a date but he doesn't want to make Jisun feel uncomfortable. Jisun arrived at the coffee shop and is talking to her friend who works there for a bit. She sees Seokwoo walk through the door. "Hey" she said. "Hi" he smiles. They both order a drink and a cake to go with it. They find a table. "I shouldn't really be eating cake" Jisun said. "Why?" Seokwoo asks. "Because it's not good for you. Is it? And I'm cutting back on stuff like this" she said. "You don't need to. You're per.... fine just the way you are" he smiles. He was going to say perfect but he stopped himself. They talk as they enjoy their coffee and cake. "Jisun" Seokwoo said. "Yes" Jisun smiles. "Well I want to take you out on a date if you would like to go with me. I have been wanting to for sometime. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable though" Seokwoo said. "No sure I would like to. I wouldn't mind it" she smiles. "Great. I want to show you what I can offer. You probably think all guys are asses but not me. Jisun, aleumdaun agassi. I can treat you like a gentleman" Seokwoo smiles. "I'm sure you can" she smiles. So Jisun finally agreed to go on a date with Seokwoo and she will look forward to it when it happens

Jisun and Seokwoo are going in a date. They have grown closer in the last while. He is taking her flower arranging and for something to eat after. Flower arranging is something that Jisun has been wanting to do for a while and Seokwoo finally listened to her. She is excited to go flower arranging. Jisun puts on a cute flowery pink dress for their date. Something appropriate for their date flower arranging. She has her makeup on and hair curled so she is ready and raring to go on her date with Seokwoo. He is picking her up anytime and they will go to the florist together. Jisun is excited but also a little nervous for her date with Seokwoo. He has just arrived at her place and she goes out to meet him. Jisun gets in Seokwoo's car. "Hi" he said. "Hello" she said. "You look beautiful just like a flower" he said. "Thank you. You're too kind, Seokwoo" Jisun replies. "Well I try to be" he said. Soon Jisun and Seokwoo arrive at the florist first and start flower arranging. They wash their hands and put on gloves and an apron before they start arranging. Obviously there is someone there showing them what to do. They grasped it pretty quick and then had a go themselves. "What's your favourite flower?" Seokwoo asked. "I like any flowers that are pretty and smell good" Jisun replies. Seokwoo smiles. They selected some flowers from the vast choice that they saw that they liked and made a nice arrangement each. "This is fun" Jisun giggles. "See I told you it would be fun. Flower arranging is a different kind of date" Seokwoo said. "It's perfect" she smiles. Seokwoo looks into Jisun's eyes like he wanted to kiss her but he didn't. They arranged some beautiful flower arrangements that they could take home with them. The first part of the date is over. Both of them would definitely do flower arranging again in the future

Jisun and Seokwoo went for a nice meal after to a nice restaurant. They didn't have to reserve, they just went straight in and got a table. They had a delicious meal to end off their date. Seokwoo was happy to see a smile on Jisun's face and her laughing and letting her hair down. That's the Jisun he wants to see and he is being a gentleman to her and treating her like a lady. Seokwoo is taking Jisun home after their date as he picked her up. They have been out for almost five hours together but it's been great. They pull up outside her apartment block. "Thank you so much, Seokwoo. I had the best time with you today" Jisun smiles as she was about to get out of the car. "You're welcome, Jisun but let me walk you in. It's dark at night" Seokwoo replies. "Okay are you sure" she replies. He smiles. Seokwoo walks Jisun right to her apartment safely. "Come in for a minute" she said taking his hand and dragging him inside. "Nice apartment you got" he said. She smiles. Jisun stands close to Seokwoo and looks into his eyes and touches his hands. "Your hands are really gentle and soft just like a gentleman" Jisun said. "You're just beautiful you know that. I'm happy to see you smiling and happy" Seokwoo said. "Dance with me. Slowly" she said. Quiet music plays in the background. "I thought you didn't like physical contact like this" he said. "I didn't but I getting used to it now. I didn't want you to think I was pushing you away or anything. Seokwoo, you're a good man. A great man actually. You're kind, sweet, caring and gentle" he said. "You're all those things too and gorgeous as well" Seokwoo smiles. Jisun and Seokwoo slow dance in the kitchen for a while. They felt like newlyweds having their first dance. He puts his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss. Jisun and Seokwoo are definitely open to a relationship soon. They are falling hard for each other. There's no going back now

A/ N: Jisun and Rowoon are kinda a random ship of mine but I think this imagine was good. I need to watch his new drama at some point. SF9 making a comeback but without this handsome man. So are fromis soon. Yay can't wait. Jisun looks really cute in this picture

When I do another fromis imagine it will be Jiwon. Should I do a part two of her and Jinyoung or her with a different male idol. Don't know yet. Going back to my Twice series

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