Imagine #20 Jisun X Junji 🎤

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This imagine was requested by zawranq

Junji aka Junhyung is a famous idol. He is a singer and a heartthrob with many adoring fans. One of whom is called Roh Jisun. A girl who has always longed to meet her favourite singer. She has been a fan of him for years. She has never seen him in concert if met him despite trying. Junhyung has always been a big inspiration to Jisun. She had been through a lot in life. Bullying, mental health problems, grief etc. She has found Junhyung as a comfort and joy to watch and listen to. Junhyung has no idea that Jisun exists. She is a shy and quiet girl who has a nerdy appearance. She has tried to change her appearance. Jisun hopes her dreams will come true one day.

Jisun has posters of Junhyung all over her room. She collects his albums too so she is a super fan of his. She has been trying to meet him at his concert for a while and it's finally happened. She is going to his concert next week with her friend Chaeyoung. She likes him too but not as much as Jisun does. They both can't wait to go and see Junhyung together and watch his concert. He is in the area now for the concert next week. Jisun lives outside Seoul in a small village where everyone knows each other. That's how her and Chaeyoung got to know each other. They grew up together and went to school together which was good. Jisun often lays on her bed and dreams of Junhyung and being at his concert and meeting him. She can't believe she's finally going to his concert after supporting him all these years. Jisun's dreams are finally coming true and she can't believe that she is seeing her fave for the first time ever. Jisun can't sleep between now and then as she is just so excited to see Junhyung. She has never been this excited about anything in her life before. Chaeyoung has never seen her friend so excited before. Jisun feels like a little girl again waiting to see her favourite celebrity. It's almost her time to see Junhyung live

It's still a few days from the concert and Jisun is even more excited than she thought she'd be which was a lot. Today she has gone to IKEA with her brother Jisung to help him pick out furniture and things for his new place that he's just moved into. He has an idea what he wants but he wants Jisun to be with him to pick it out. Jisun is close to her brother. They were the closest growing up. Jisun and Jisung arrived at IKEA about half an hour ago and they are looking at tables and chairs now. She likes IKEA. They have good and reasonable things for a good price. Jisun doesn't have her own place yet. She is hoping to in the future. Jisun and Jisung are looking at tables and chair sets for his new place. They are looking at the flat packs in the warehouse when a guy in a hood squeezes past Jisun. His hood falls down and she couldn't help but notice. It was Junhyung. She froze and couldn't believe it in front of her very eyes. It was the Kim Junhyung, her idol of many years. She was too speechless to say anything at first. She was totally speechless when she first saw him. She froze in front of him and said "Junhyung". "Hi. How are you?" he smiles warmly. "I'm okay" Jisun replies. She was still so stunned and couldn't believe Junhyung was stood right in front of her. "Are you okay?" Junhyung asks. "Yes I just can't believe it's you. I've been your biggest fan for years and years. Can't believe it's you. This is crazy" she exclaims. "Have you?" he giggles. "Yes I love you. I'm going to your concert here in the next few days" Jisun said. "Cool. What's your name, miss?" Junhyung asks. "Jisun" she replies. "That's a pretty name" he replies. "Thank you" Jisun blushes. She didn't know what else to say. "I'll see you at my concert this week" Junhyung said. Jisun smiled. He said he'll see her at his concert and she was surprised to hear that. She is still physically shaking. She can't believe she just met her idol in a random way. In IKEA out of all places. How weird and random was that? She cannot wait for his concert now. She is so excited to see Junhyung live

The day has finally arrived and Jisun and Chaeyoung are going to see Junhyung live. Jisun cannot wait. She hasn't been able to sleep properly for days as she's been that excited. Chaeyoung is excited too but she's not been that way. Just excited for the show. Jisun is still not over bumping into Junhyung in IKEA like that the other day just by coincidence. Now she is going to see him live in concert. The night she's been waiting for since she's been a fan of Junhyung. They are sitting near the front close to the stage if they can. They will get the best view of him towards the front of the stage. A bird's eye view. They are lining up outside ready to go into the concert which starts in about an hour or so. Chaeyoung is having to calm Jisun down as she is so excited. She wants to get as close to the front as they can. She wants to see if he recognises her from the other day. She thinks probably not. Soon they get in and find somewhere to stand to get a good view of the concert and watch Junhyung perform onstage. They finally find somewhere to stand and get a good view of the stage from where they are. Jisun was too excited that she couldn't keep still so Chaeyoung had to calm her down. "Settle down" she said. "I'm just too excited, Chae. I've been waiting for this day like all my life. I can't possibly keep still right now" Jisun replies. "I know you're so excited so am I" Chaeyoung said. "You bet but I'm probably the most excited here by a long way. What people don't know is, I bumped into Junhyung so he might recognise me" Jisun said. Jisun doubts that Junhyung will recognise her among the crowd of all the people. Soon Junhyung walks out onstage and starts the show. Jisun screams the loudest she's ever screamed in her life. She was singing at the top of her head to every song. She loves all of Junhyung's songs but her fave is called Once In a Lifetime. She loves that one. Jisun was in her element

The show latest about an hour and a half or so and it was amazing. Jisun wanted it to last longer and Junhyung to perform more songs but he had a setlist of about 18 songs or so. He performed most of Jisun's favourite songs though so she was happy with that. She caught his eye once or twice throughout the show and even smiled at her. Jisun wants to wait outside by the stage door for Junhyung to see if he comes out. Might be worth the chance. Jisun just wants to see if Junhyung comes out. Chaeyoung doesn't think it will be worth standing around waiting for Junhyung to come out. Jisun waits for a while outside with Chaeyoung. "I wanna go home" Chaeyoung said. "Stop moaning. I want to see him" Jisun replies. Chae rolls her eyes. The girls wait a while outside for a good half an hour or so. The stage door opens and a security man walks out and Junhyung behind him. Jisun's face lights up as she sees him. She walks after him struggling to find the words to say. He was wearing a mask and baseball cap. "Junhyung" she spoke softly. "Hello" he replies. "Sorry" she said. "Jisun" he said. "Yes that's me. You-you-you remember me" she replies. "Yes of course it was only the other day" Junhyung replies. "You were amazing. This is my friend Chaeyoung. She likes you too but I like you more" I reply. "Cool" he replies. "Hi, Junhyung" Chaeyoung said. He smiles at her. "I wish I could go to your concert again" Jisun said. "Well we'll see what we can sort out. I love doing shows for fans like you" Junhyung said. "And I-I love being your fan" Jisun says. Junhyung had to go in the cab that was waiting outside the venue and he was taken back to his hotel. Jisun can't believe that she saw her idol live for the first time and met him after the show and also the other day coincidentally. What could be better? She'll be a fan of Junhyung forever

It's been a couple of months since the concert and Jisun had the best night of her life. Junhyung is doing another concert and tour and she's been invited to it as the guest of honour. So she is going to see Junhyung again and meet him. She's meeting him backstage this time. Jisun and Junhyung are not that close. This is the first time they've seen each other since the last concert. Jisun feels so special being invited to Junhyung's concert backstage. She feels important like he sees something in her. She has been granted first access to Junhyung backstage so she will get to spend some time with him before the show. She is going on her own this time. Chaeyoung wasn't invited. She didn't mind though. Jisun woke up at the crack of dawn as she was so excited for today. She woke up and had a good breakfast with her family before leaving for the show. The show isn't for hours but she's spending time with Junhyung before. Jisun likes to think she is his most important fan ever. Jisun arrived at the venue where tonight's show is going to be. She was escorted backstage by a security man who was friendly. Jisun enters backstage and sees Junhyung. "Hello, my superfan" he said. "Hi" she said shyly. "How are you?" Junhyung asks Jisun. "Great" she smiles. She sits with him and they talk for a while catching up on things. "Well how does it feel, Jisun being my VIP guest of honour" Junhyung said. Jisun smiles and blushes at him. She spends sometime backstage with Junhyung and it was one of the best experiences of her life. She spent a couple of hours with him before his show started. "Well it was a pleasure, Jisun. Enjoy the show" Junhyung said. "It was. One of the best experiences of my life" she said. "Alright I'll see you again soon" he said pulling Jisun in for a hug. Jisun goes and finds her seat in the crowd and sits back and enjoy the show. She cannot wait till her and Junhyung meet again if it happens

A/ N: hope you liked it zawranq sorry if it wasn't the best and took a while to upload. Jisun and Junji could be a good ship. Sorry I didn't make it too romantic

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