Imagine #7 Gyuri X Byungchan 💔

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This imagine is kinda based on When You're Gone by Shawn Mendes

Gyuri and Byungchan used to be together but they broke up recently. They used drifted apart. They were together for more than 2 years and had an amazing relationship and loved each other a lot. Both Gyuri and Byungchan have been struggling with the breakup since it happened. Both of them are devastated that it's over. There might be hope they get back together in the future. Gyuri found out something the other day. She found out that she's pregnant but she hasn't told Byungchan. If he finds out he's going to think that is the reason why they broke up suddenly. She doesn't want to tell him just yet as she's still taking it in. She knows she is keeping the baby as they have always wanted children together. She should tell him soon

It's been a few weeks now since Gyuri and Byungchan broke up and a few days since Gyuri found out she was pregnant. She is keeping it to herself for now. She is still in shock that she is pregnant but still is trying to cope from the breakup. Gyuri doesn't really know what to do without Byungchan in her life. She feels lost and lonely without him and couldn't imagine raiding a child without him. She needs to tell him the news soon. She is suffering a bit of morning sickness at the moment so she's not feeling that great. Morning sickness will pass eventually. Gyuri is sat on the couch at alone alone. She feels like she is going to cry. Pregnancy came at the wrong time and only just after she broke up with her love. Byungchan will be feeding the same. Lonely and sorry for himself. Oh how they just wish they were still together. Gyuri thinks back to all the amazing times they had together over the last 2 years. Their breakup came suddenly and as a shock to both of them. They will both heal in time but it will take them some time to get over it both emotionally and physically for Gyuri. She is going to try and focus on the baby soon and giving it the best life if she has to raise it alone. She hopes and prays that she and Byungchan will get back together and live happily ever after

On the same night, Byungchan is sat at home feeling sad too feeling sad over his breakup with Gyuri. At least they didn't live together as he'd have nowhere to go. He feels like it's his fault that they broke up but little does he know that Gyuri is pregnant with his baby. Byungchan would be happy if he found out. Gyuri knows he would. Maybe this will bring them back together when he finds out. He has always wanted to be a father. He's always dreamed of being a father actually. Byungchan loved Gyuri with all his heart and she loved him too. Both of them feel lonely and depressed without each other when they loved being together and spending time together. Hopefully they will find their way back to each other soon

Gyuri is now 14 weeks pregnant and is starting to show. Byungchan still doesn't know but she feels like he ought to know as it's his baby too. She is a bit nervous to reveal to him that she's been pregnant for the last four months nearly without him knowing. He'll probably be upset that she didn't tell him any sooner about it. Gyuri is on her way to Byungchan's apartment now. It's been four months since they last saw each other since they broke up. She knows where he lives of course as she practically lived there herself for a while. Gyuri is wearing a long coat to cover up her nearly visible baby bump. She rings the doorbell and Byungchan answers the door a moment later. "Gyuri" he said looking surprised to see her. "Byungchan, hi" she says. There then was an awkward silence between them. They didn't know what to say to each other. "Come in anyway" he said. "Sorry just to come by like this. I have been missing you these last few months but also...." Gyuri says. "Gyuri, I have missed you so much too. It was a mistake letting you go and breaking up like that. I think about you all the time" Byungchan replies. Gyuri smiles and takes off her coat. She is wearing a fitted sweater to show off her small bump. Byungchan was speechless for a moment. "You're pregnant. No way. Why didn't you tell me?" he said. "Look I'll explain and before you ask if it yours of course. I have not been with anyone else. I would never do that. I love you and our baby too" Gyuri said. "Gyuri, I still love you too. I will always love you. I can't believe you're pregnant. My baby. I want to be a dad so bad" Byungchan said. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was trying to find a way to tell you which I was struggling to" she said. "You should've just told me. We can work this out. We can be here for our baby who we love. I've been waiting for this moment for I don't even know how long and you are the woman of my dreams, Jang Gyuri" Byungchan smiles. "Yes I guess we can work things out but not only for our baby's sake but I still love you, Byungchan. I said that" Gyuri said. "I still love you too, Gyuri. This might possibly be the happiest moment of my life finding out you are carrying my child" he said. "Awe. I think it was the worst moment of my life when we broke up but let's put that behind us. It's the past" she said. "Yes" he replies. Byungchan looks Gyuri in the eyes and pulls her in for a kiss. She stays the night and they spend the night together. They make up for all the time they have missed and the big baby moment. Byungchan was the happiest man when he found out he was going to be a father

Gyuri and Byungchan are happily together now. She is almost full term in her pregnancy. They also decided to get married too. They have been married for about 6 weeks now. They wanted to get married before the baby arrived and they have. They know they are expecting a baby boy as they wanted to find out the gender. They are both very happy they are having a little boy especially Byungchan. Gyuri thought she was going into labor the other day but it was just braxton Hicks, false contractions. She is 38 weeks now so baby could come anytime. They were getting excited that the baby was coming then but no he wasn't ready yet. All Gyuri wants to do before she has the baby is just sit on the couch or lay in bed. That's all she has the energy for. She is sit on the couch right now and Byungchan is getting her a cup of tea to drink. He brings the tea in and puts it on the table in front of her. "Thank you so much, sweetie" Gyuri said. "You're welcome, my love" he smiles sitting on the couch next to her. Gyuri sips on her tea slowly and then goes to the bathroom after. "That tea has made me wanna pee" she said. "You take it easy. Should I wait outside while you pee?" Byungchan said. "No I'm okay thank you. I'll call you if I need you" Gyuri replies. She goes to the bathroom and pees. She gets off the toilet and her waters break on the floor. She panics as the floor was wet. "Byungchan" she yells. "Are you okay, honey?" he replies. "Looks like my waters have just broken. I think it's time" she replies. "Oh alright" he panics grabbing a towel to mop up the water on the floor. He helps Gyuri into the lounge and sits her on the couch. Contractions start pretty soon after and were quiet regular. This is definitely not a drill. It's the real thing. The baby is coming. Byungchan takes Gyuri to the hospital when it was time. She hates hospitals but it's the safest place to give birth. She wanted herself and the baby to be safe. They can't wait till the baby is here safe and sound

Baby Jeongbin was born a few hours after his mother went into labor. Gyuri lost quite a bit of blood during delivery but she's okay now. Jeongbin was born about two weeks ago and he is a cute baby and doing well. He looks just like Byungchan. He's like his double. They are one big happy family now with baby Jeongbin in their lives. He did actually bring his parents back together after splitting up which was a huge mistake. Jeongbin is asleep in his Moses basket in the lounge and Gyuri and Byungchan are sat on the couch looking at their beautiful baby boy and how adorable he is. "He looks like such a little Angel when he's sleeping" Gyuri said. "Oh he does. He does indeed" Byungchan replies. "Baby, we are so lucky. I still should've told you I was pregnant with him sooner" she said. "It's fine. At least we are happily married now with this little boy whom we both adore and love so much" he smiles. "Absolutely. You're so right, Channie" Gyuri said. They both smile at each other and share a kiss on the couch together. Gyuri and Byungchan are so over the moon with their beautiful baby boy Jeongbin. They will never breakup again. They will be together forever now

A/ N: Gyuri and Byungchan would go together so well. Both of them have acted before and want to see them do more acting. Gyuri was great in Its Okay Not To Be Okay. Haven't seen A Business Proposal yet. Gonna start it this week I think. Wanted to do an imagine based on the new Shawn Mendes song. And of course thrown in pregnancy and babies. My Kpop, baby and pregnancy obsessed self haha

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