Imagine #9 Jiheon X Jisung 💕

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This imagine is kinda based on Weather

Jisung has had a crush on Jiheon for years. Jiheon has felt the same about Jisung but not as strongly. Jiheon finds Jisung very cute and sweet. Both of them are only young. Jisung can't stop thinking about Jiheon sometimes. He is definitely falling for her and he can't hide his feelings much longer. Jiheon can be quite shy around people especially guys. She's never had a boyfriend before and Jisung has never had a girlfriend before. This is all new to both of them and they want to learn more. Will one day Jiheon and Jisung end up together?

Jiheon and Jisung are hanging out today. It's a beautiful day and they are just going for a lunchtime walk in their break from group rehearsals. Ain't nothing like a bit of fresh air and walking on a day like today. Jiheon is leaving Pledis studios now and Jisung is leaving SM studios at the same time too. "Where are you off to, Jiheon?" Jiwon asks. "Just for some fresh air" she replies. "Meeting anyone?" Hayoung asks. "Yeah just Jisung for a bit. Just going for a walk in the nice weather that's all" Jiheon replies. "Ohhhhhh cute" Chaeyoung smirks. "It's nothing like that, guys. Don't tease me" she said. "Ummmm I bet it is" Saerom laughs. "No I swear it isn't. Just friends" Jiheon said. "Everyone can be just friends" Seoyeon said. Jiheon ignores them and just walks off to meet Jisung. The girls are probably talking about her right now that she's gone. They like to tease poor Jiheon as she's the youngest. She arrives to meet Jisung for a short while for a walk. "Hey, Sungie" she said. "Hi, Jiheon" he said. He smiles and gives her a hug. They talk bout their morning so far. "The girls were questioning me where I was going so I told them I was meeting you and they were teasing me too" Jiheon said. "Were they haha. They should know that we are only friends" Jisung replies. "Yeah i know right" she said. "Friends" Jisung smiles. Jiheon blushes for a second. He wanted to hold her hand but didn't think it was appropriate. Jiheon and Jisung enjoy their walk on this beautiful day and spending a bit of time together

Jiheon is struggling to keep her feelings for Jisung to herself. Maybe she needs to tell someone and get it out of her system. She feels like she can talk to the older members of fromis_9 more which is all of them. They are older and wiser than her as they have lived longer. Jiheon doesn't know much about love but she knows that she likes Jisung now. Jiheon is laid on her bed on her own in her room trying to relax. Gyuri walks in to see if she's okay as she's been in her room for a while. "Jiheon, are you okay? You need to eat something. What's the matter?" Gyuri said. "No I'm okay don't worry. I ate earlier, I'm all good" Jiheon said. "I don't think you are" Gyuri said. Gyuri sits by Jiheon on the bed and smiles at her and comforts her. "Jihoonie, you know you can tell me anything. I'm always here for you as your unnie" Gyuri said. "I know but I don't really want to talk, unnie" Jiheon said. "Jiheon, me and the girls have been worried about you. Why don't you just tell me whats wrong and I can help you" Gyuri smiles. Jiheon looks at Gyuri and takes a deep breath. "Okay well I think I have feelings for someone" she said. "You do? Who?" she asks. "Ummmm Jisung. Please don't tell anyone" Jiheon said. "No I won't of course I won't. Jiheon, why didn't you tell someone instead of bottling it up for some long. We could've helped you if you wanted to talk to someone about it. That's what we are here for as your unnies" Gyuri said. "I know but at least I've told you now. I kinda need love and dating advice" Jiheon said. "Don't worry I'll give you some" Gyuri smiles. Jiheon feels better for opening up to Gyuri and expressing her feels for Jisung in front of someone. It helped her

Jiheon and Jisung are hanging out again today after practice. They are grabbing something to eat and eating outside by the lake since it's really nice weather again. Jiheon has still been hiding her feelings for Jisung and keeping them to herself. Only Gyuri knows. She promised not to tell anyone else and just keep it to herself. Jiheon is meeting Jisung by the lake soon. They are picking up their own food and taking it to the lake and eating. Jiheon got changed when leaving practice as she was all sweaty from the day in the same clothes. She fancied Subway so she picked that up to eat. She is on her way to see Jisung now. Jiheon is nervous if she admits her feelings to Jisung. She doesn't know if she is ready to admit her feelings to him yet. She sees Jisung sitting by the lake waiting for her. Jiheon smiles as she approaches him. "Hey" she said. "Hey. How are you?" he smiles. "Great good. Are you?" Jiheon replies. "You've got a Subway there I see" Jisung said. "Yes I have and you've got noodles" she said. "Have some if you want. There is plenty" he said. "No I'm fine thank you. Don't worry. All for you" she said. Jiheon and Jisung chat and enjoy the food they have brought to eat by the lake. They both laugh and smile at each other and have a nice time. "Why does the weather have to come so nice and warm when we have finished work?" Jisung said. "I don't know why. It does" Jiheon laughs. Jisung laughs back. They both enjoy more time together and the nice evening by the lake

Jiheon still had her feelings on her mind and she wants to say something soon. "Let's take a walk" Jisung said. "No I think we should wait a few minutes" she replies. "Oh okay why?" he replies. "Just so you know" Jiheon said. Jisung looked at her with a bit of a confused look. "Jisung, there is something I can't hide from you" Jiheon said. "Oh me too" he said. "You go first" she said. "No no you go first" Jisung said. "Okay.... Park Jisung. I do like you. Like I have feelings for you. That's what I'm trying to say" Jiheon says. He hesitates and looks at her for a second. "Me too, Jiheon. I've been hiding my feelings from you for a while now. I didn't know where to begin" Jisung said. "Yes me too. I wasn't sure how to deal with my feelings for you so I confined in Gyuri. She's the only person who knows" Jiheon said. "Oh okay" he said. "Nice day anyway" she said not really knowing what to say next. "Jiheon, you're really cute, sweet and pretty especially when you smile" Jisung said. Jiheon didn't know what to say so she just burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing?" he asks. "I don't know" she laughs. "Your laugh is something else" Jisung laughs. She stops laughing and calms down. "I hope I've not made anything too awkward between us" Jiheon said. "No no not at all. What do you mean? We both feel the same way, silly"
Jisung said. Jiheon smiles. The two of them take a nice evening walk around the park to finish things off. Both Jiheon and Jisung had the courage to tell each other how they feel

Jiheon and Jisung have been taking things slowly since admitting their feelings to each other. They are sometimes still a little awkward around each other but they have been going on little dates which is cute. No one knows know yet. Only Gyuri knows about Jiyeon's feelings for Jisung but not that they have been on a few dates. Jiheon and Jisung have been out late tonight as they have both been working in their studios all day but they still wanted to see each other of course because they really like each other. It is getting dark but Jiheon has the idea to go and look at the stars in the sky for a short while before they go home. They were already out anyway. "Let's go stargazing" she says to Jisung. "Sure but isn't it getting late and we are both tired" he said. "Jisung, I just thought it would be a cute thing to do" she said. "Okay then as seen as it's you" he sighs. "Sorry" Jiheon says. "No it's fine. Let's stargaze. The stars look beautiful tonight in the sky" Jisung said. Jiheon smiles they find somewhere on a grassy banking. They lay down beside each other and smile. "Right this was a good idea, Jiheon. Sorry I was just tired when you said" Jisung said. "No it's fine. Don't worry, cutie" Jiheon said. "No you're a cutie" he laughs. They lay and look at the stars for a while. They were so comfortable that they could've fallen asleep there. "Jiheon, we should pick a star and it can be our star" Jisung said. "Yeah I was thinking the same too" I reply. "Go on your choose" he said. "No we both choose" Jiheon replies. "Okay" Jisung smiles. They point up at the stars and choose one that can be their star. "That one" he said. "Yes that one can be out star" Jiheon replies. "We can name it JiJi after the first letters of our names" Jisung said. "Yes that's so cute" she smiles. "Jiheon, this can be the star of us" he said. "Yes it can" she smiles. The two of them smile at each other and hold each other's hand and smile. They didn't have to say anything to each other to know that it's meant to be

A/ N: awwwww guys wouldn't Jiheon and Jisung be so cute together. They would be so freaking adorable. I ship JiJi hard. Soooooo hard. Jiheon is adorable. Her smile. Such a smol bean. I missed her in fromis_9 but she's back now. Missed her blonde brown hair.

Poor Jisungie has covid. Pray for him. Jisun does too. Pray for her too

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