Imagine #8 Seoyeon X Yeosang 👫

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Seoyeon and Yeosang have been dating for about 7 months. Obviously they met in the industry being idols. They are happy together and their relationship is known to some. Even some media outlets reported it. They are happy together and that's all that matters. Yeosang was really attracted  to Seoyeon's beauty and talent of course and Seoyeon was attracted to Yeosang's too. They make the perfect couple talent wise. Seoyeon and Yeosang like going out in public and public displays of affection too. They are not afraid to kiss and cuddle in public even though people may be watching. They are so cute together

Seoyeon is going to the ATEEZ studio to surprise Yeosang today. Well she has another surprise for him too. She is taking him for an evening at the spa to be pampered because she thinks he deserves it. Seoyeon is on her way now to the studio to see Yeosang. It's getting towards the end of the day for them so Yeosang will be thankful to see his beautiful girlfriend walk in.  Seoyeon arrives soon and goes into the building. They know who she is of course. ATEEZ are rehearsing in studio number 11. She knocks on the door and quietly enters. The boys were still dancing. Yeosang tells Seoyeon she is welcome anytime. She watches them for a couple of minutes. "Baby, what are you doing here?" he said. "Come to surprise you, silly" Seoyeon laughs. Yeosang kisses her right in front of the boys. "Ohhhhh you two are in love"
Hongjoong said. "Yes we are that's right" Seoyeon replies. "Oh, Seoyeon. It's so good to see you" Yeosang said. She smiles. The guys start mocking them being all romantic and touchy with each other. "We are not that bad, guys" Yeosang said. "We're only having fun" Jongho giggles. "Anyway I'm taking you somewhere when you've finished for the day" Seoyeon smiles. "Ohhhhh" he replies. "Sounds hot. I wonder where" Mingi smirks. "I can't say" Seoyeon replies. She waited till the guys had finished for the day, then she leaves with Yeosang. "So what made you cone down and surprise me today?" he asks. "Well you know I didn't have anything better to do than see you" she smiles. "Yeah that's so cute of you. So where are we going. Somewhere to eat" Yeosang says. "Nope it's the spa to get pampered. We are booked in for another half an hour so we better get there" Seoyeon said. "The spa. Ohhhh I love it. You are the best girlfriend, Seoyeon. You know it should be me treating you to that kinda thing" he said. "My treat today as you are my world" she smiles. Seoyeon and Yeosang get to the spa soon

Seoyeon and Yeosang arrive at the spa soon did their relaxing and pampering evening. "I can't believe you would do all this for me, baby, I'm so lucky to have a girl like you" Yeosang said. "Awe, baby. No I'm so lucky so have you too" Seoyeon smiled. "No I'm so lucky to have you" he smiles. They both have a facial first done by the professionals. They lay there while the face masks on and working. It was just nice for them to lay back and relax in the spa today. After the facial they get a massage and it feels so good. They were in the same room together. "Ohhhhh that feels so good" Yeosang said. "Yes it does indeed" Seoyeon replies. "You know she's the best girlfriend" he said to the lady who was massaging. She smiled. They had a beautiful massage and then finished off with a relax in the hot tub. Seoyeon brought their bathing suits especially for it. "That massage was the best thing ever" Yeosang said. "It was but not better than me" Seoyeon laughs. "No of course not. You're right" he laughs. "Are you hungry? We will find somewhere nice to eat after" she said. "Sure" Yeosang replies with a smile on his face. He looks at her and they share a passionate kiss in the hot tub. It was an incredible feeling

Seoyeon and Yeosang get something to eat and take it back to her place after. They just decided to get a takeaway after going to the spa. Their favourite takeaway from their favourite place. They are back at Seoyeon's now and they are tucking into their delicious takeaway food. They are sat close on the couch together eating and enjoying it. "So good" Yeosang said. "Yes it is indeed" she replies. Seoyeon and Yeosang finish their takeaway and then snuggle up on the couch together and enjoy their evening together. They get ready for bed together as Yeosang has decided to stay at Seoyeon's. He already has things at her anyway. They get into bed and snuggle under the sheets. "This is what I love, baby" Seoyeon said. "Ohhhh yes me too" Yeosang replies. "You're so warm and cuddly like a teddy bear" she said. "Awwwww you are too" he said kissing Seoyeon on the forehead and holding her close. She feels very safe in his arms. Soon the two of them fall asleep together in each other's amazing after an amazing evening at the spa and takeaway

Yeosang wants to surprise and do something in return for Seoyeon since she did al that the other week. He feels like he needs to do something special for her for being the best girlfriend in the world. He gave been thinking about things lately and he does want to marry Seoyeon but he's not going to propose to her or anything. He's just going to mention it to her. Yeosang is taking Seoyeon to Seoul Botanic Park this Saturday on their day off of course. He doesn't really have much planned for the afternoon. They will just take it as it comes. Seoyeon knows that are going out somewhere but doesn't know where but she will find out soon when they arrive. Yeosang is on his way to Seoyeon's now and she is almost ready to go. She can't wait to find out where Yeosang is taking her. He arrived and opened the door and walked in. "Hello, babe. It's me. I'm here" he said. "Hey, come to my room" Seoyeon said. "Hello, you gorgeous woman" he said. "Hi, babe" she smiles. "Well are you ready?" Yeosang asks. "Yes just a minute. Can't wait to find out where we are going and what we are doing" she smiles. "I'll tell you in the car" he smiles. Seoyeon and Yeosang get in the cab outside. "So do you wanna know?" he asks. "Yes please"she replies. "Well, my love. This afternoon I am taking you to Seoul Botanic Park" Yeosang said. "Ohhhhh sounds great. That is such a beautiful place. Can't wait" Seoyeon smiles. "It is but you're more beautiful of course" he smiles. The two of them arrive at Seoul Botanic Park soon. Yeosang had already purchased tickets so they could just go straight in and start walking around and explore the beautiful gardens

Seoyeon and Yeosang walk hand in hand as they explore around the botanical garden this afternoon. At least it's a nice bright and sunny day for them. "This is such a cute and pretty place, Yeosangie" Seoyeon smiled. "I know, baby. I wanted to do something special for you, Seoyeon as you mean the world to me" Yeosang smiles. "Awe. You mean the world to me too" she smiles. They enjoy the beautiful day and the gardens together and being with each other of course. They take a seat on a bench and Yeosang looks at Seoyeon and smiles and puts his arms around her. "Seoyeon, I'm so lucky. You take my breath away. You really do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Yeosang said. "I'm so lucky too and yes I think we should spend the rest of our lives together eventually. My love, I'm sorry but I'm not just ready for marriage and settling down just yet. I do love you, Yeosang" Seoyeon smiles. "I love you too and no I didn't mean right now, silly. Just whenever we are ready for all that. I know you're the one, Seoyeon. I've known that since the day I met you" he smiles. "Bless you" she said. Yeosang pulls Seoyeon in for a kiss. They go for something to eat at the cafe and then took another walk around the botanical gardens. Seoyeon and Yeosang definitely know that they will settle down when they are ready in the future

A/ N: I think Seoyeon and Yeosang would be so cute together. I know I say that all the time. But they really do. I think Seoyeon looks really stunning with  short blonde hair. Don't like her as much with longer hair now even though I know it's probably extensions or a wig she's got on but that doesn't change how pretty she is

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