Imagine #21 Chaeyoung 👩‍❤️‍👩 X Female Reader

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Warning contains smut

You and Chaeyoung have been friends for age, for years. You have always had secret feelings for her and you have always wanted her to know but you've had trouble expressing yourself in the past. Chaeyoung is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen and you are glad to be friends with her. Now you and Chaeyoung are together. You are girl friends. You told her how you felt. She didn't reciprocate her feelings back straight away but a few days after she did and asked you to be her girlfriend and you says yes of course. You have met Chaeyoung's family and they are  really nice but they don't know that you are together and you don't want to tell them yet in case they don't approve of your relationship. You love playing with her cute little nieces the best. Chaeyoung loves being an auntie to them

Today Chaeyoung and you are babysitting for her two little nieces. Her sister Hyein has asked Chaeyoung to babysit for the girls while she gets some work things sorted. You have half a day off work so you should you could see Chaeyoung for a bit. You love children and her nieces are so cute. They are 2 years old and a baby. They are called Seol and Yoon. You and Chaeyoung love taking them to the park so that's what you are doing today. Her sister doesn't know that you're joining Chae. You make it to Chaeyoung's house. Her sister has already dropped off the girls earlier. You finished work at lunchtime today so you can join them. You ring the doorbell but  she told you to walk in. "Hello, I'm here" you say. "Hi, my love" Chaeyoung smiles. "Looking beautiful as always" you whisper in her ear. "Awwww thank you, baby. You are too" Chaeyoung replies. You gave her a kiss. Little Seol came running up to you and babbled. "Hello, darling" you smiled. She smiled back. "Should we get to the park soon when you've got changed?" Chaeyoung suggested. "Of course absolutely soon" you smile. You go to the bathroom to get changed which took about five minutes that's all. Chaeyoung puts the stroller in your car and you bring the girls out and put them in. "Let's go girls" she said. You arrived at the park about 15 minutes later. It was pretty quiet at this time on a Thursday afternoon as people are at work and school and all that. Chaeyoung gets the stroller out of the trunk of the car and puts baby Yoon in. She pushes it into the park and you take Seol's hand so she doesn't run off. "I like it when it's nice and quiet and serene like this" Chaeyoung said. "Yes me too" you smile. So you walk around for a while before taking a seat on a bench

You and Chaeyoung are still at the park with her nieces and they are having a lot of fun. Chaeyoung is pushing Seol on the swings and you are stood by baby Yoon in her stroller. She might be going to sleep you think soon. Seol was laughing and smiling as Auntie Chaeng was pushing her on the swings. "You're having so much fun, baby girl" Chaeyoung says to Seol. She made a noise and laughed at her auntie. She's so cute so is her baby sister. "Should Y/ N push you now?" Chaeyoung said. "Sure I'd love to" I reply. You swap places with Chae and push Seol on the swing for a bit. She was still laughing and smiling too like she usually is. You push
Seol on the swing for a while. "Shall we go on the slide now, sweetie?" Chaeyoung said to her young niece. "Yeah" Seol replies. "Take some pictures, Y/ N please" she says. "Of course, baby" I smile. I take some cute photos of Chaeyoung and Seol together. Baby Yoon was sleeping now. You then go for another stroll in the park with Chaeyoung's nieces. You can tell that she absolutely loves being an auntie to them and you love helping her babysit for them. You think it's the most beautiful thing seeing your girlfriend with her nieces

You and Chaeyoung love taking the girls to the park when you have them. Her family don't know about your relationship. You are scared to tell them. You are not sure if you should tell them. Two girls together in a relationship, they might not like it. You think your family might be okay with it. Chae's family might be different. You'll see when you tell them. You and Chaeyoung have been on a date night out for dinner and for drinks after. Her friends Seoyeon and Nagyung joined you for drinks after but it was just the two of you for dinner. You are feeling a little bit tipsy so is Chae but you both are good. She has a higher tolerance for alcohol than you. You get back to her place after drinking for the last couple of hours but you had so much fun with Seoyeon and Nagyung. Chaeyoung opens the door to her apartment and you both go in. "Come on, babe" you say looking at her. "Yeah, baby" Chaeyoung replies. You look into her eyes and pull her closer and kiss her. Things get heated pretty quick and you begin to remove each others clothes. Chaeyoung was wearing a sexy fitted black dress that she looked smoking hot in. You could see guys giving her the eye but she is yours. And it's staying that way. You had Chaeyoung's lipstick on your lips and she had yours on hers. She tasted like red wine as that was the last drink she had. "Ohhhh, baby baby" Chaeyoung said under her breath. "I'm in love with you" you said. "I'm more in love with you, girl" she said. Both of you carrying on kissing for a bit. You unzip Chaeyoung's dress and it falls to the floor. You step closer into the bedroom and she pushes you on the bed. "I'm coming for you, baby" she said. "Come on, my vixen" you reply. Chaeyoung looks so sexy tonight you can't resist her. She launches herself at you and makes out with you again. This is what i want" you say under your breath. Chaeyoung smirks. So both of you get under the sheets and do it

You and Chaeyoung have told her family about you guys being together. It came as a shock to them at first but they are accepting it a bit better now. Your family we're supportive straight away. You and Chaeyoung have been together about a year now. You have been friends a lot longer than that before you became a couple. You wouldn't change that for the world as Chaeyoung has been your beautiful girlfriend for a year now and you are such a lucky woman. You love each and every moment and say you spend with her. It's so special, just like her. You and Chaeyoung have been talking about the future more like settling down and starting a family if you're able to. You want to talk about it with her again. You have been over at Chaeyoung's place for the last couple of days as you haven't been working. You are going back to your place in the morning though for work tomorrow. You and Chae are sat on the couch cuddling and snuggling. You rest your head on her shoulder and say "Chae". "Yes, my love. You okay" she replies. "Yeah I'm fine. Just wanted to finish our conversation from yesterday" you said. "Okay sure. Let's continue" Chaeyoung replies. "So what do you think if we got married and maybe started a family one day. I'm not saying right now. Too soon. We've only been together a year and I'm not ready for that yet" you say. "Of course I'd love to marry you, baby. I don't care what people think. We shouldn't care about what people think. We are us" she said. "Yes we are, Chae babe. I love you with all my heart" you say. "I love you too, Y/ N more than words can say" she said. "I want babies with you even though it might be hard. I love their nieces. They are like my nieces too" you smile. "They sure are" she smiles giving you a kiss on the lips. "Can't wait for our future together, my love" Chaeyoung says embracing you again. You both can't wait to see what the future brings for both of you

A few years later, you and Chaeyoung decided to love to LA to settle down together. You couldn't get married in Korea as it isn't accepted for two women to get married. You are now settled down, married and parents to a 2 year old little boy called Hyunbin and he is the right of your lives. Your families are more accepting of your relationship now. They are back in Korea but you still see them on FaceTime. Chaeyoung, you and Hyunbin are planning a trip to Korea in a few months time which will be very very exciting for you all. Hyunbin is young but you want to take him to where he's from even though he was born in the US. You and Chaeyoung love taking little Hyunbin to the beach. Sometimes just for a walk and other times just to play. You are at the beach today with Hyunbin and he is having a great day with his mommies. He is building sandcastles with you. Chaeyoung is watching and taking pictures of both of you laughing and smiling. Hyunbin then started throwing sand and you and both you and Chae couldn't help but laugh. "You throwing sand at momma" Chaeyoung said. "Yeah" Hyunbin laughs. "You're so funny" she said. He then started throwing sand at Chaeyoung. "Ahhhh you're getting it in my face, Buddy" she said. Hyunbin carries on playing and having fun for a while longer. Chaeyoung and you then lay on the sand and sunbathe. "Ah that feels nice" you sigh. "Let's relax" Chaeyoung says. Hyunbin lays in the middle of you both and you both put your arms around him and hold him close to you. "We love you, baby boy" Chaeyoung said. "We love you so much, Hyunbin" you say. Chae takes a cute selfie of all three of you together for the memories. What a great beach day you had as one big happy family in LA

A/ N: hope you liked it. Thought I'd do Chae with female reader and make it cute of course and a little steamy too. Chaeyoung is so drop dead stunning gorgeous. Can't take my eyes off her

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