Chapter 1 - That Spirited Girl

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With as much as we were able to get out behind us, I stood by my family under the night sky, as I saw the place I grew up slowly become swallowed up in flames, our home a pyre illuminating the darkness around us. In the distance I see the sirens of firetrucks making their way here, but still, as I see the house slowly being engulfed more and more, the hope of my family home being salvaged begins to die out in my chest.


Six Months Later...

As I walked through town with a bag of groceries hanging from my arm, I let out a small sigh. I'm so tired today, and with the shop finally opening back up, my home has been really busy today. I mean it's not like I hate it, but I can't help but find all of this so exhausting.

"Ah whatever, I just gotta keep moving forward." I muttered to myself

As I walked down the street, I saw a crowd gathering, and curious as to what it was, I figured I might as well check it out. I followed the crowd and picked up on somebody mentioning Muse performing, who I recognized like pretty much everybody else at Otonokizaka does. They're an idol group that's trying to save the school. When I first heard of them I kinda figured it was a pointless endeavor, but with how they seem pretty popular, maybe they can do it. Still, despite all that, I've never really given them a shot, so now is about as good of a time as any.

I continued to follow the stream of people gathering in front of a stage, and as I got there, I saw nine girls singing. I recognized the ones in my year, as well as the student council president and vice president, and as I saw them, I was impressed. They're really good. They're voices are really pretty, and the way they dance is cute to me. But the girl who was in the center and drew my attention the most was a girl I share a class with who has auburn hair and blue eyes, Honoka Kosaka. I don't really know her, so seeing the girl who I've noticed sleeping or having an early lunch during class in such a different, more vibrant light was amazing. She drew my attention and seemed really cute.

I watched them perform until it eventually came to a stop. When the crowd began to disperse, I headed off my own way back to the house, realizing that I had been standing out in the heat with perishables that I should probably get back to the house quickly, causing me to speed up some to make up for lost time.


One Week Later...

As I stood at the register minding the shop, I ran my gaze over the area to double check that I didn't need to restock any of the shelves before yawning and zoning out until I'm alerting to any customers coming in. Since I saw Muse perform last week, I've become more aware of the presence of the people in the group, noticing them and what they're doing, especially Kosaka. I mean I imagine it's because she was in the center during their performance but still.

A moment later I heard the bell connected to the front door ring, and I fixed my slouched posture and started to smile. I then saw that the person who entered the shop was Kosaka. "Hey there Kosaka." I said

She looked at me and said "You're in my class right? Wasn't your name L/n?"

"Right on both counts." I said

"So what are you doing here?" Kosaka asked

"If you're worried about Otonokizaka not allowing part time jobs there's no need, my family owns the place and I'm just asked to help out around the place." I said

"Really? I do the same thing with my family's Japanese sweets shop!" Kosaka said'

"Is that so? Well I'm glad to see somebody I can relate to on stuff like this." I said

"Congrats on the bakery opening up by the way." Kosaka said

"Well, it's reopening, but thanks." I said

"Huh? What happened to make it close down?" Kosaka asked

"There was a fire, and it ended up destroying a good chunk of the place. We only reopened this week after it was rebuilt over the last six months." I said

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Kosaka said

"It's fine. Nobody was hurt, and we were able to rebuild, so it's alright." I said. Deciding to try and move the conversation elsewhere, I said "So are you here for anything in particular?"

"I really love bread so I was going to just buy the stuff that looked good to me. Do you have any recommendations?" Kosaka asked

"I mean I personally like most of the stuff we sell so it'd be up to your preferences. Although sadly my favorite is out of stock." I said

"Oh? What's your favorite?" Kosaka asked

"It's called chocolate babka. It's a sweeter bread with chocolate filling baked in it so each slice has plenty of ribbons in it." I said

"That sounds really good!" Kosaka said enthusiastically "I'll have to come back another time when you have some."

I tried to smile a bit more as I said "I'll tell you what, the next day I'm in charge of helping with the actual baking, I'll save a loaf for you to share with the girls in Muse."

"That'd be great. Thanks Y/n." Kosaka said

"Speaking of Muse, I saw you girl's street performance the other day. You girls definitely made me a fan." I said

"Really? Then I hope you'll keep cheering for us." Kosaka said

"Of course." I said

The two of us kept talking for a while longer before I gave her my recommendations and after she made her purchases, she left. After she left I couldn't help but feel kind of energized after talking to her. She's pretty interesting, and I might want to see if I can spend more time with her in the future.


A/n: Thanks for checking out my latest fic! To be honest I had quite a bit of trouble with the book's title, but I think I found something to kind of work with Honoka's optimism. With the second years in Muse being the only group I hadn't written about yet, I was planning to write a book for one of them after Elegant Like The Wind, until I suddenly decided it could wait until I wrote In This Unstable World. After that was just deciding who to write about. But enough rambling, I hope you all will stick around and enjoy The Bright Side

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