Chapter 10 - Peaceful Days

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Five Months Later...

As the school festival for my third year at Otonokizaka came closer and closer, I didn't have much going on besides the stuff I was obligated to do for my classes project. And being the introvert I am, I'm typically more than happy to be left to my own devices. But I've ended up not getting to see Honoka much due to her being busy as the student council president because of what's coming up. I'm missing out on some time with the girl that I love and always get a boost of serotonin when I'm with, and while I can get by, things just don't feel quite as much fun right now.

Knowing what the best solution for that is, I let out a sigh and got up from where I was sitting, and headed towards the student council room, where I guessed they would be. When I got there, I knocked on the front door before stepping inside. There, I saw Kotori, Umi, and Honoka, who looked like her brain was starting to fry.

"How are you girls doing?" I asked

"Hey Y/n." Honoka said, looking up and starting to smile

"We're doing okay." Kotori said "We were going to take a break in about ten minutes."

"Well once you are done with your break, how about I help you for a while?" I suggested

"Really?" Honoka said

"Don't you have your classes project to focus on?" Umi ask

I shrugged "Eh, it's not really much, and so I have a ton of time to burn."

"Of course you can come help us. Thanks Y/n!" Honoka said

Thankfully, when there's more people around than just me and Honoka, I don't really need to worry as much about the two of us getting distracted talking to each other. So as long as Umi or Kotori are around, I don't have to worry about being in the way.

"So where should I help?" I asked

"Since you're really good at math, could you help Kotori with the expense reports?" Honoka asked

"You got it Prez." I said, smiling while heading over to join Kotori with what she was doing. There's Honoka's leadership skills at work.

After I took a seat beside Kotori, she filled me in on what she had been doing, and how I can help, and then I got to work alongside her.


After working for a while, we put things down and ended up taking a break. I got up and said "I'll go get drinks. Just tell me what you want."

"I'll go with you." Honoka said

Kotori and Umi told me what to get them, and me and Honoka left. As we were walking through the halls, I said "So how're you holding up? You looked like your brain was going to short circuit when I stepped in."

"I'm fine. It's just we're suddenly so much busier, because of the school festival coming up. It's amazing that Eli was able to handle it so well while practicing for our performance at it last year." Honoka said

"I figure it was tough for her to balance." I said "But you know, if you ever want another person around to bear some of the load, you call me and I'll come running."

"Right, thanks Y/n." Honoka said, moving a bit closer to me.

"It's nothing. I'm just supporting the girl I love, ya know?" I said

"I'll be sure to support you too." Honoka said

"I'm glad we can have a moment like this. With how busy you've been I haven't really been able to spend too much time with you." I said

"I know, right? And while it's always fun talking to you on the phone, it's alway the best when you're close enough to touch." Honoka said, as she reached her hand out and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Can't deny that." I said

"So what exactly is your class doing for the school festival?" Honoka asked

"Right, I didn't think you'd remember every plan that was sent your way. Since unlike last year, food stalls are more viable this year, my class for some reason decided to do a butler cafe." I said

"I know it's probably different, but maybe you can ask Kotori for some service tips." Honoka said

"Right, got it." I said. I have no clue why Kotori would have tips for this type of thing, but I'm not going to question it.

"Also, if I come by, please make sure you're the one who serves me. I really want to see you in a butler's outfit." Honoka said

I nodded and did a small bow before jokingly saying "Of course madam, it would be my pleasure." Looking at Honoka, it looked like she definitely enjoyed that, considering the smile on her face.

Soon after, we returned to the student council room with the drinks, and spent a while talking with the three before we got back to work.

In the end, I spent the rest of the afternoon with those three, helping them get things set up, and when it got to the point to leave the school for the day, I joined them for the trip home, beside Honoka, who was shining brightly on my heart once again.

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