Chapter 12 - Beauty of Destiny

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One Year Later...

As I worked alongside my father in the back of my family's bakery, and I shaped a baguette, I heard my father behind me go "Ahem."

I turned to face him, and said "Yeah Dad?"

He paused for a moment then said "So listen, since you've been talking about how excited you are to start a life with your girlfriend, and I figured that you would want to find a place together. And well, you've talked in the past about wanting to take over the shop after I'm gone, so I have a suggestion for you."

"Huh? What is it?"

"So I was talking to an old friend of mine, and I found out he's closing his shop and moving to live closer to his kids. His shop is by Yotsuya, so on the other side of Chiyoda, but it's still relatively close, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in having me see if he'd sell the shop and house above to you, and you can try and start your own bakery over there once you graduate college." Dad said

"Wait, really? I'll have to talk to Honoka about what her thoughts are about the idea, but that could be really amazing." I said

"Alright, just know that whatever you two decide to do, your mother and I will support you."

"Got it, thanks Dad." I said


Two Years Later...

As I walked through the aisle, towards the altar where in a little while I'll be marrying Honoka, I felt a mix of happiness, nervousness, and optimism for what's to come. Today's really the day I'll vow my love to Honoka for the rest of our lives, and start our future together.

I don't really know how things are going to go in the future, and there's a part of me that seems to be screaming that things will go wrong someday, but I know that as long as I'm beside Honoka and that infectious optimism of hers, I'll be able to get by, and I'll be able to treasure her as much as she deserves to be.

As I stood at the altar, I saw our guests start to slowly trickle in. Honoka invited some friends she made from other idol groups back when she led Muse. I still often listen to recordings of their music while I bake, since the memories of those days are so absolutely sweet.

After a short while, the ceremony began, and after a moment, Honoka entered the room, walked down the aisle by her father, and a bouquet in her arms. Kotori did absolutely amazing on her wedding dress, since it makes Honoka, who was already absolutely gorgeous, all the more beautiful.

All eyes were on Honoka as she walked down the aisle, and for the thousandth time since I met her, I counted my blessings that I managed to end up with this amazing woman. When she reached the altar and stood across from me, I couldn't help but look into her beautiful blue eyes and appreciate the wonderful smile she had on her face.

After a moment, the officiant then began. "Today we are gathered here to join Y/n L/n and Honoka Kosaka in holy matrimony. We will now begin." He turned to face Honoka and said "Honoka Kosaka, do you take this man to be your husband, to love through good times and bad, for as long as the two of you both shall live?"

"I do." Honoka responded, her sincere smile shining as she did

The officiant then turned to "And Y/n L/n, do you take this woman to be your wife, to love through good times and bad, for as long as the two of you both shall live?"

I could feel the corners of my mouth rising into a larger smile as I nodded and without a moment of hesitation said "I do."

The officiant nodded and said "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, you may seal your vows with a kiss."

We both took a step forward, and as I took Honoka's hand, we both leaned forward and shared a kiss that while not our first, will always be one I'll treasure. That blissful moment with Honoka felt so much longer than it was, but after a moment, we broke off from our kiss, and as we stood together, we faced towards our loved ones, and Honoka tossed the bouquet, it being caught by a brunette with blue eyes.

After that, hand in hand, we walked down the aisle together as husband and wife, congratulated by the people close to us.


At the reception, as the people around us celebrated, I looked around and appreciated the joy on everybody's faces, and especially on Honoka's.

"It hardly feels real that we're really married!" Honoka said, hugging me "It's like a dream come true!"

"It really is. But now that we are, I promise that whatever comes I'll do whatever it takes to hold you close and give you all of my love." I said "Wait, maybe that's a bit cheesy."

Honoka giggled and said "Don't worry Y/n, I was planning to do the same for you."

"God I love you." I said, resting my head against her.

As Honoka held each other close, our bond now eternal, I finally decided on the name I'll give to my bakery: I'll name it after the one thing that drew me towards Honoka, and that she gave me whenever I was with her, even if she didn't always realize it herself.


One Year Later...

After my first day with my own bakery, which I ended up naming Hikari Bakery, I was tired and ready for a break and I headed upstairs, where Honoka was making dinner. As I reached the top of the stairs, I smiled at a framed picture from our wedding day, and headed into the kitchen, where Honoka was putting dinner into the oven. After she closed the oven, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

"So you finished closing up?" Honoka asked

"Yep, and so now I'm ready to be able to spend the rest of the evening with you." I said

Honoka giggled "Sounds like a plan."

The two of us then headed to the couch to cuddle and enjoy each other's company until dinner was done. As we laid together, I looked at her, and smiled. Through my life, I've one through so many things, and there were plenty of things that inspired me, but the thing that inspired me and brought out the best in me will always be Honoka.


A/n: And so The Bright Side comes to an end. While I was approaching the ending of In This Unstable World, it took me longer than usual to decide on whether I wanted my next fic to be about Honoka or Umi, but I eventually made my choice, and I'm glad I decided on what I did. This fic was super fun to write, and I had such a ball with it. It helps that I knew just the Ost to listen to while writing this to get the vibe I wanted.

Thank you all for coming and reading my latest fic, and I hope you'll join me as I release the first chapter of Finding Our Happily Ever After

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