Chapter 7 - Reverie

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Two Weeks Later...

As I sat at my desk in between classes, I read through some of the news articles my phone was recommending to me. As I peered at something about movies coming up soon, I noticed that there was a movie coming out that caught my interest. It was a romcom movie that was being directed by somebody whose work in movies always caught my interest.

"So it comes out next week, huh? I'll have to see that." I said to myself. However, as I said that to myself, I felt somebody suddenly hug me from behind. I chuckled slightly and said to my adorable girlfriend "Well, what a pleasant surprise. I wonder what your reason could be." Honoka's been giving me surprise hugs like this in between classes every once in a while, and it never fails to make me smile.

Honoka giggled and said "Sometimes I just want to be close to you, ya know?"

I chuckled and said "Well then, come as close as you like."

Honoka didn't let go of me, but did rest her head on my shoulder as she asked "So what were you talking about?"

"A director who always makes really astounding movies is apparently releasing a new one next week, and I didn't know about it until now." I said

"Hey, how about we go see it together the weekend it comes out?" Honoka suggested "We've been meaning to have a date since we got together, right?"

"Sounds great, I'd love to show you something I'm sure to love." I said

"Alright, I can't wait to go on our date!" Honoka said happily, hugging onto me tighter

"Hey Honoka, I'm loving the hug, but don't you think you should be returning to your desk soon? Classes should start in a minute." I said

"Oh right, then I'll talk to you more later Y/n." Honoka said before letting go of me. As Honoka got back to her seat, I went to the local theater's website so I can make sure we get some good seats once we figure out when we want to meet up. We can decide that next break though.


One Week Later...

As time approached for our date to start, I headed to the nearby park we agreed to meet up at. I wanted to get there a bit early, and so I left the house at a time that would guarantee I would get to our meeting place a good fifteen minutes early. However, as I got there, I saw Honoka was already there. I guess the two of us both had the same idea.

"I guess you got here a bit early, huh?" I said as walked up to her

"I guess so." Honoka said

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long." I said

"Nope, I only got here five minutes ago." Honoka said

"Well, since we're both here early, how about we go on a bit of a walk before we head to the theater." I suggested

"Alright." Honoka said

I took hold of Honoka's hand and as we walked together, I said "You look really cute today."

"Thanks Y/n." Honoka happily responded "Hey, after the movie, how about we get something to eat? I found out about a place that makes really great pancakes."

"Sounds like a plan." I said

After we spent a while longer passing time in the park, we headed to the theater, where we got our popcorn and headed to our seats. The movie itself was about a guy who never really grew past the immature person he was back in highschool, but despite being objectively a jerk, there's still something likable about him. And over the course of a year getting to know and fall in love with this mysterious girl who recently arrived in town, he starts to end up realizing he never grew up, and through his love for this girl, starts to become a better person. Like I expected from this producer, he managed to make something so incredibly funny and heartwarming, and as I took hold of Honoka's hand while we watched the movie, I hoped that being beside her would make me a better man, one that's really good enough for her.

After the movie came to an end, as we left the theater, I asked "So where is this place you were talking about?" I like pancakes, but I hate making them at home since it feels like nobody in my family can avoid getting batter everywhere, and it's my job to clean the dinner mess.

Honoka took hold of my hand and said "Follow me!" Before she started to guide me to our destination.


After we finished eating, as we walked alongside each other for a while longer, Honoka was a bit sluggish and said "I think I might have eaten too many pancakes..."

"I can't blame you, those were amazing." I said before I added "Want me to carry you part way home?"

Honoka seemed to get excited when I suggested that and said "Would you?"

I had been joking, but with how happy she seems with the idea, I can't just say no "For a little bit."

Honoka walked a bit closer and I scooped her into a bridal carry, with her wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Hehe, my boyfriend is amazing"

Note to self, start weightlifting to do this easier since she really seems to like this, and I love seeing her smile like this.

After I walked like that for a while longer, I asked "Hey, do you mind if I put you down now?"

"One last thing before you put me down." Honoka said before she leaned towards me and gave me a kiss on the lips. Her lips felt so soft against mine, and when she pulled away, it seemed like we were both blushing slightly since that was our first kiss. "I've been wanting to give you that all day, but this seemed like such an amazing moment to do it."

"God I love you." I said. I swear, this girl is so amazing, and I can't help but want to spoil her.

After that, we walked the rest of the way to her home, and as we reached her front door, I gave Honoka a hug and we said our farewells before heading our separate ways. As I headed home, I couldn't help but smile to myself, the world feeling just a little bit brighter than it did this morning.

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