Chapter 5 - Signs of Love

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One Month Later...

Since Honoka finally recovered, quite a few things happened, including for a bit after it happened that Honoka seemed to be depressed. I didn't know what to tell her to try and cheer her up at the time, and so besides staying by her side and talking to her as she went through it, I was as always useless when it came to helping her in any meaningful way. But even without being able to do anything, it looks like Honoka has found her way through what happened to her, and is back to her normal, bubbly self again.

As I headed back to class after heading back to class with my lunch, realizing I forgot something, and saw Umi and Kotori head off on their own, and as I stepped back inside to grab the book I've been reading to read as I eat, I saw Honoka waiting by my desk, blushing slightly, which I couldn't help but wonder why.

"Hey Honoka, what's up?" I said as I walked in.

"Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you'd come eat lunch with me." Honoka asked

"Oh really? Yeah, I'd be glad to join you girls." I said

"No, just me." Honoka said

"Yeah, I'd be happy to join you for lunch. Is there anywhere in particular you wanna eat?" I asked, since usually I just sit wherever.

"How about we eat out by the flowerbed?" Honoka suggested

I nodded and said "Alright, works for me."

Honoka smiled and said "Then let's go, come on."

I followed behind Honoka, as she happily headed towards our destination. As we got over to the bench that was over by the flowerbed, I said to myself "I always forget that they planted some flowers that bloom this time of year."


"Oh, I was just saying to myself that I always forget that the school plants some flowers that bloom this time of year alongside the others. Well that and that there are even flowers that bloom in October at all." I said

Honoka giggled slightly and said "I can see what you mean, I mean when I think of flowers I think of spring. But at least with these we can still see them this time of year."

"That's definitely true." I said

Honoka took a seat on the bench and after I sat down myself, I finally noticed that she had some bread for lunch. Although maybe I should have expected it.

"So you brought a bento today?" Honoka asked

"Yeah, I typically forget it at home, but for once I managed to remember it." I said. Well, it's more like for once I bothered to make one, but I'm not gonna say that out loud

As we talked, my mood got all the better, and I couldn't help but appreciate how cute she looks when she laughs. It makes me wish I was funnier so that I could see it more. However, eventually the bell signaling class coming to a start began

"Thanks for joining me for lunch today." Honoka said as she stood up

"I should be thanking you for inviting me." I said "But I guess this isn't the greatest time to say this, but there's something I want to tell you. Something I should've told you sooner."

"What is it Y/n?" Honoka asked

"Well a while back when you seemed depressed, I wish I had something I could've said to you, but of course I only realized what I said recently. Honoka, whenever I'm with you, that optimism of yours always manages to cheer me up, and give me a bit more energy. And up until I met you, I hadn't really had any interest in idols, but when I see you up on that stage, Muse, and you especially draw me in so completely. And so I just want to tell you thank you for making this world that extra bit better" I said, only realizing that saying all of that to her like that is a little bit embarrassing after the fact after I saw her starting to blush a little. And wait, could that be misunderstood as a confession or something? I mean I really do like her, but I don't think that this is the ideal way to go about that, and even then it's not the best way to do it.

However, even with me saying something that's undoubtedly embarrassing, Honoka just smiled at me and said "Thanks Y/n, it makes me happier when I get to be with you too."

After that, the mood was a little awkward as the two of us headed to class together. On one hand I kind of wish I hadn't said that to her, but on the other I'm really glad I did since I was able to express to her even just a little how special she is to me.


Honoka's Perspective

That evening, as I sat on my bed, I could feel myself blush as I thought about lunch today. A couple of days ago, Yukiho said that she thought me and Y/n seemed to really trust each other, but instead of just saying that, she said that the love was mutual. She said again after the fact that she didn't mean it like that, but I couldn't get the idea that what's between me and Y/n is love out of my head. And so I decided that today I'd have lunch with just Y/n today to see if it really felt like love. When I told my plans to Kotori and Umi, they were happy for me, even if Umi was really embarrassed by the topic.

After what Y/n said today, and thinking back on what he said when he came to visit while I was sick, I can't think of what I feel when I'm with him as anything other than love.

"I love Y/n." I said to myself and saying it made me really happy. And maybe I should tell him soon, hopefully he'll love me too. Excited to tell Umi and Kotori about what I realized, I pulled out my phone, planning to tell them it and that I wanted to tell him how I felt soon.


A/n: I feel like the chapter title may be a bit on the nose here, so hey, maybe naming a book with exclusively Persona song titles wasn't the worst idea I've ever had. Still not great though

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