Chapter 8 - Next Chance to Move On

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One Month Later...

As it came closer and closer to our next set of exams, I spent a bit more time studying compared to before. I'm not a bad student at all, but with how distracted I was around the time the school year started due to my home burning down, I can't help but feel like it'd be a good idea to run through everything one more time.

While I'm certainly doing better compared to right after I lost all those memories, I still feel myself having the same weight on my heart as then, But I try to keep it hidden under a mask that's like how I was before it all happened whenever I'm around other people. I mean I don't want to bother people with those struggles, there are people who deal with so much worse compared to what I went through, and compared to that, it doesn't matter if I hurt. But when I'm with Honoka, those feelings start to fade, and as the world around me feels bright again I return a little bit to the real me without the mask, and beyond the depression. I love that girl and everything about her, and when I'm beside her, I can feel like I can start to heal.

As I got up from where I was studying away from everybody so I could put down that facade, and I headed towards my classroom, since class would be starting in ten minutes. As I got there, I saw Honoka behind me, who seemed to have rushed over to me since Umi and Kotori were a decent distance away from us.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Y/n, do you think you could maybe help me study for the exams? Umi and the others are so strict when they help me." Honoka asked

I chuckled and said "I'd love to help you out, but I'm gonna have to say no. For one I don't know how much we'd actually end up studying rather than just ending up goofing off together, and I feel like Umi would be a better teacher than me."

"Aw, alright Y/n." Honoka said, disappointed

"But I'll tell you what, if you can do better than in our last exams, I promise that I'll do anything that you want." I said, squeezing her hand gently

"You promise?" Honoka said, a smile growing on her face "Alright, then I'll give it a shot."

"You got this, Honoka." I said "I believe in you."

As I finished my sentence, Umi and Kotori finally reached us, and noticing that I had given Honoka some motivation and that she seemed more open to studying compared to before, they smiled and Umi gave me a silent nod, I'm guessing thanking me for motivating Honoka some. After that, I headed back to class with the three of them, wondering whether or not Honoka would succeed in surpassing her previous exam results. I mean I didn't really pay attention to how she did in our last exams since we weren't anywhere near as close back then, so who knows how much of a challenge this will be for her.


When the results for exams arrived after christmas break ended, I checked my results after I got them and saw that I did about as well as I was expecting to, a bit above average in most subjects, but particularly high in science and math. I glanced over to where Honoka was checking hers nervously, but after a moment, her expression visibly brightened. I guess she did better than she was expecting. When we have some free time, I'll head over to her desk to see how she did. I filled Umi in on my promise to Honoka, who should be able to confirm whether or not Honoka did better, since I don't know her last ones. Although I don't know how much that matters since I don't think Honoka would lie to me.

When the next break from classes began, I began to head over Honoka's desk. "So how'd you do?" I asked

"I did it Y/n! I did better than last time." Honoka said, smiling happily

Umi, who was looking at Honoka's results said "It's not much, but she did do a bit better than last time."

"Well then, I guess your wish is my command.' I said, smiling

"I've actually been thinking about what I wanted to ask you to do, and before I tell you what I want to do, would you maybe meet me in the park this evening?" Honoka asked

"Of course." I responded, "Just tell me when you want me to be there, and I'll be there."

Honoka gave me a hug and said "Great! I'll see you then!"


That evening, as it got closer to when me and Honoka were meeting up, I found an empty bench, and stretched out on it as I waited for her, the chill winter air brushing against my cheeks.

After a while, I saw somebody heading my way, and after I saw who it was, I held a hand up to catch her attention. As Honoka got closer, she said "Hey Y/n, thanks for coming."

"Of course I'd be here." I said, scooting closer to her as she sat down.

"Y/n, I know there are probably warmer places we could have done this, but I wanted it to be just the two of us, and I remembered you mentioned you liked to look at the night sky." Honoka said "But about what I wanted to ask you to do, I want to know you better than anyone, so could you tell me about the things you don't talk about as much?"

"Of course I can, but I want to know my girlfriend better than anyone else too, so maybe sometime down the line we can do this the other way around." I said

"Alright Y/n." Honoka said, leaning against me

From there, as we snuggled against each other, looking out into the sky above us, I told her the things I haven't talked about or don't talk about. The stories about how I found I loved baking, my insecurities, and all sorts of lame mistakes I've made in the past. And yet through it all, Honoka stood by my side, loving me through it all, and so I don't want to hide the pain I go through now with the beautiful woman I love so dearly.

"And, after my family's home burnt down, I ended up getting depressed since I lost so many memories and treasured belongings. I tried for so long to keep acting like nothing was wrong, and I was fine, since it's such a small reason compared to people who've gone through so much worse. But when I'm with you, I feel like I can heal, and that the world is so much more wonderful. I'm starting to slowly regain a little bit of who I was beforehand. I love you Honoka." I said to her

"I'm so sorry that you've had to go through that. But I love you, so I want to be somebody you can tell these kinds of things to, even if I can't be much help to you." Honoka said

"You're more help to me than you can possibly believe." I said

Honoka leaned closer to me and we shared a kiss before she hugged onto me, and as she laid her head against my chest, she said "I hope we can be together Y/n."

"I hope so too." I said as I silently thanked the world for giving me the chance to get to know and fall in love with Honoka, whose bubbly, spirited, and optimistic self will always be the greatest blessing in my life.


A/n: You know, I really wish I had checked the ost to the animation sooner since some of the titles are perfect for later title chapters. But on a more serious note, I want you all to know that when it comes to depression, it doesn't matter if you feel like it isn't as big of a deal as other's pain, don't hide your it, and please reach out for help because no matter how insignificant it feels, it matters.

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