Chapter 6 - Your Affection

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A Couple Days Later...

As I walked through the entrance of Otonokizaka, I was in a better mood than usual. Despite my usual sluggishness in the morning and my overall lack of motivation to do anything, I don't need to keep up as much of a front as usual. I mean there are still plenty of things that are less than stellar, but lately I've been spending more time with Honoka, who always seems to make me feel happier and more energetic when I'm with her, and lately being able to talk with her is one of the highlights in my day. That girl is really amazing, and I love being with her, and possibly love her too.

As I entered the school itself and took off my outdoor shoes, I saw that walking past the entrance was Honoka and some of the girls in Muse. I waved at them as they passed by, and Honoka headed my way.

"Hey Honoka, what's up?" I said

"Hey Y/n, can you please stick around after school until clubs are done practicing? There's something I want to tell you." Honoka said

"Sure thing." I said, smiling at her. I mean it's not like I'd be doing anything too valuable in that time, and I'd be more than happy to hear what she has to say.

"Great! Can you maybe meet me by the garden where we had lunch the other day?" Honoka asked

"Sounds good." I responded

Honoka started smiling all the wider as she said "Thank Y/n, I'll see you then!"

Honoka then headed back to the girls she was with from Muse, and as I began to head to class, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to meet up with me for. Although I did have to appreciate how cute and excited she looked to meet up with me later.


That afternoon, as school came to an end for the day, rather than head home, I headed to the school library and browsed the books they had to see if I had missed something interesting in the past. Eventually I spotted a book that I hadn't noticed before from a series I love about someone who despite wanting a quiet life, had been thrust into greatness and given abilities he never asked for, only to have to face off against his predecessor and prove that while he may not have asked for them, is good enough to keep them. Excited to see what kind of things he would end up going through in this book, I grabbed it and headed to check it out, after which I left the library to find a quiet place to read it until it's time to meet up with Honoka.

After wandering around for a while, I ended up deciding to just hang out under one of the trees in the courtyard until it was time to meet up with her. As I took a seat, leaning against the tree, I figured that to make sure I don't end up so absorbed in the book that I lose track of time, I set a timer on my phone for just a little bit before club practices end. After that was set, and I put my phone in my pocket, I opened the book to pass the time until I meet up with Honoka


As the alarm goes off, I realize that rather than read the whole time, I had ended up starting to doze off at the end there. I should probably stop staying up so late on nights I have some insomnia. I stood up and tried to run for a second to get my blood pumping at least a little bit, and then headed over to the garden, where I was gonna meet up with Honoka.

As I got there, I decided I might as well sit on the bench until Honoka arrives. Besides, I imagine that Honoka is gonna wanna change out of her practice clothes. I took a seat, and leaned back stretching out and imagining why Honoka wants to meet with me. Considering how she was acting it's gotta be something good, but I don't really have any ideas.

"Eh, I guess I'm gonna just have to wait and see." I muttered to myself as I waited for her.

Eventually, I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind, making me jump slightly due to having lowered my guard almost completely. As I stand up and turn to see who it was, I hear a bit of giggling and see that it was Honoka, who I guess wasn't expecting that reaction out of me.

"Hey." I said, starting to smile due to loving seeing her laugh.

"Hey Y/n." Honoka said

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"Well it's just that after all you've said since we met, and I got to get to know you, I've been getting so happy when I'm with you, and after something Yukiho said, it started to dawn on me that the way I feel about you is love." Honoka said

"Wait, so you're saying..."

"I love you Y/n. So will you go out with me?" Honoka asked, a small blush starting to form on her cheeks as she gave me the same bubbly smile I love so much.

As her words sank in, I felt a warmth in my chest as I was filled with happiness. Honoka is special to me, and somebody I really do love, but I had figured that she was way out of the league of somebody like me. But she really loves me back, and I couldn't help myself from pulling her into a hug as I said "I love you too Honoka. And if you're really okay with somebody like me, then of course I'd go out with you."

"I'm so happy Y/n." Honoka said

When that hug of ours came to an end, Honoka said "Instead of us going our separate ways, how about you walk part of the way home with Kotori, Umi, and me?"

"I'd love to." I said, my heart feeling a little bit lighter than it had been in a long time.

As me and Honoka walked to the front gates together, I saw Kotori and Umi ahead of us. As we got closer, Kotori smiled and said "It looks like things went well, right Honoka?"

Honoka clung onto me and with a smile, she said "That's right! Y/n and I are dating now!"

Umi blushed slightly and said "Honoka, don't be so shameless! But still, I'm happy for you."

"Y/n, please treat Honoka well." Kotori said

"I was planning on it." I responded. After all, through all of the thoughts that cloud my mind, and all of the times my heart feels heavy, I've found someone who when I'm with, those feelings are pushed away, and I feel like me again.


A/n: Welp, I've finally gotten to the point where I can name a chapter after the song I've been listening to while writing these chapters. I swear, the ost of Persona 4 gives such good vibes that it feels perfect for writing this kind of book

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