~Minho~ A Bigger Target

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~Minho X Female Reader~

I was the only girl in the Glade for three years before Teresa ever arrived and I was Minho's girl for two years of that time. I was a runner and we ran together every day and slept in the same cot every night, and honestly, I loved every single minute of it. He is the love of my life and he always made me feel so special. In a sea of horrors, he was my sanctuary.

 Now we're in a home between homes, supposedly safe from Wicked. I wanted to trust it but I was more suspicious than anything else. We all sat in a room where doctor's gave us shots and poked and prodded at us. The woman for Teresa and I came in and pulled the curtain shut to give us privacy. When she finished with Teresa she started doing tests on me and asking me questions "When was your last period?" she asked me and I thought back "six weeks ago," I tell her without hesitation and shock covered her features. I dare say I saw a blush reach her dark cheeks.

"(Y/n) have you been sexually active?" she quizzed causing me to blush a dark shade of red as I nod. She then gave me a box that read pregnancy test. I felt my heart triple in pace, "I think this is a bit drastic," I tell her trying to hand the box back "then prove me wrong, the bathroom is right there just pee on the stick and we'll know in three minutes," she instructs me causing me to feel irritated "I'm not pregnant!" I tell her a little louder not caring about shucking privacy.

"(Y/n)," Teresa says lightly not wanting to anger me any further "just to be safe," I tell the doctor marching out of the privacy of the curtains over towards the bathrooms where I could feel the guys gaze on me. I did as I was instructed and walked back out to see Minho standing and waiting with the doctor "Oh for shuck sake! You got him into this?" I said irritated he smirked at me causing me to laugh lightly.

Minho grabbed my hand "Just to be safe," he said reassuring me. When three minutes had passed I opened up the box again and pulled out the test seeing two pink lines. My eyes went big and felt myself nearly passing out from the shock. The doctor said something to me as Minho helped me onto the bed, but I could barely understand what she'd said. Something about needing to ensure the baby's health.

When she left Minho sat with me quietly. "Well shuckface you got me pregnant," I tell him laughing trying to keep myself calm he laughed and held my face with one of his hands. "(Y/n) I know this is terrifying but I'm going to be here for both of you and I will protect you no matter what," he tells me.

We spent the rest of the day nervously telling the rest of our group.

That night when Thomas crashed in the room screaming about Wicked he looked at me with sad eyes. "Minho, (Y/n) we gotta get you out of here. Ava knows about the baby and she wants it. She said that it could be the key to everything is the offspring of two immunes," I felt rage burn through me stronger than anything I have ever felt before.

~When rescuing Minho~

"(Y/n) are you sure you can do this?" Thomas asked me seeing my eight-month baby bump on full display as I packed to go rescue Minho. I look back at Thomas with a fierce determination "Thomas, Minho got taken protecting me and our child. I'm not going to have this baby without him, and I'm not letting you guys go with me," I tell him.

When we found Minho and he finally got to me on an airship, I thought he'd never let me go and I never wanted to let him go. "You're real," he said and I nodded he pulled away to look at my baby bump and kissed it "Last time I saw you you were only four months, is everything okay? Did you find any doctors to check you out?" Minho asked causing me to laugh "Vince knows a little bit he said anytime now, but I'm hoping to get to the safe haven before letting free," I joke

~Safe Haven~

I stand on the deck in a place just for Minho, me, and Newt. Baby Newt was named in memory of someone who should have been here but never got to see his Godson. I look down at the infant in my arms with dark hair covering his small head. I felt warm arms covering my waist and I knew Minho had settled in behind me. "This was worth it," he tells me looking down at our son I smile "I think so too,"

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