~Newt~ Thomas Brodie-Sangster

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~Thomas Brodie-Sangster X Female Reader~

We were getting ready to film the final movie for the Maze Runner series, and I was trying to calm myself down for the next scene. I had always been afraid of gunshots and thunder, really any loud noise makes me afraid. "Okay we're gonna start in five," I hear the call and I stand up and feel a shiver of fear run down my spine. It's going to be okay I tell myself I see Thomas look over at me and send a smile and a wink before the call "action!" is made. 

We seem to be getting through the scene well, but then the explosion sound effect makes its way overhead "Boom!" then the gunfire. Immediately I feel my hands begin to shake and I try to stand and continue the scene, but it was like the sound was getting closer into my ears. I turn to say my line but as it comes out I feel tears rush down my face and I flinch at the next sound effect. I feel Thomas's hand touch mine, and I realize they called cut. As the sound effects begin to die down I try to regain control, but my heart is pounding.

I feel my feet moving and soon I'm in my trailer curled in a ball. "(Y/n)" Thomas says softly holding me and rubbing soft circles into my back "Shhh... love, you're okay," he says his lip close to my ear. "I'm a little embarrassed," I say as I regain back some control and I feel Thomas shake his head before pressing a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Listen, there was never anything to be embarrassed about you warned the producers in the first place, and we just need to find a coping tool," he tells me holding me tighter.

"Thank you," I tell him sighing finally feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I look up into his handsome deep brown eyes. "Don't thank me, I love you and I want to take care of you," he tells me and I place my hand on the side of his face and I run my thumb across his cheek. "I love you too, so much," I tell him wishing we didn't have to go back out, and that we could sit out here forever with his arms wrapped around me.

We sit out in my trailer until the tears on my face dry, "do you think you could get through the scene today?" he asks looking in my eyes with worry. I think about it and give a hesitated nod, "I still have a job to do," I tell him and he kisses my lips before he stands up with me. He grabs a hold of my hand before leading me out of the trailer and back out to the set. The scene is still hard, but I just try to remember Thomas's hand on my back. 

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