~Frypan~ Cookies

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~Frypan X Female Reader~

I fight the heat rising to my cheeks as (Y/n) makes her way over from the garden carrying a box of vegetables. I couldn't deny the crush I had on the girl of the glade, but I didn't know what to do about it. "Hey, Fry!" (Y/n) calls out as she gets to the counter of the kitchen "hey," I reply grabbing hold of the other side of the box. "This is a lot of good stuff!" I tell her observing the numerous different vegetables "well I remembered you said you needed more variety for the stew, and I also made sure to plant another tomato plant. You said you never had enough right?" she asked tilting her head slightly, I felt my throat go dry at the question. She was so considerate "Yeah thank you!" I say causing her to smile back brightly. "No problem Fry! I'll see you at dinner," she tells me before heading off back to the gardens. I have to force my eyes away from her fleeting figure and I decide right then that I will do anything to make her happy.

I notice a difference in Fry lately, instead of his usual shy self he begins making cheesy jokes on a regular basis. I stare off at the boy across the glade he's handing his list of wants to Alby for the next box day. According to Newt Alby is getting frustrated because he's asked for the same thing three times, but that was typical for Fry. He always wanted a new ingredient and this was probably no different. "You know the boy is bloody in love with you," Newt say standing beside me and I laugh "there's no way, Fry acts the same to everyone," I tell him feeling the warm glow coming to my cheeks. I stare at the dark skinned boy and I couldn't lie that I liked him, but had never thought about it. I never thought about dating anyone in the glade, because it would be to complicated. Yet as I look at Fry I feel my heart rate quicken.

"Fry makes jokes to make you laugh every morning at breakfast. He makes your favorite's and gives you his dessert rations most of the time because he knows you have a sweet tooth," Newt states and the fact causes my blush to deepen. I turn away from where I was standing studying Fry to go back to work. I felt flustered beyond belief at the thought of Fry liking me, and I wasn't sure I fully believed Newt. 

Here I was again begging Alby for the same thing. "Frypan, why chocolate chips? The gladers need food that's going to fuel them not junk food. Usually you'd agree with me," Alby says to me and I sigh frustrated and I glance towards the gardens where (Y/n) is working. "Listen it's for (Y/n), I want to make her chocolate chip cookies. They're her favorite, but I've been out of them for months," I explain finally giving the real reason for the request and Alby chuckles slightly. "Okay, I'll send it in the box, but this can't be a regular thing. The glade depends on real food not junk," Alby states and I smile relieved "thanks Alby,"

When the chocolate chips arrived I was ecstatic! I immediately went to the kitchen to bake them before dinner. I mixed the ingredients and scooped out each individual one for the gladers. I had made two larger ones for (Y/n), and when I put them into the oven I knew this would make her happy. My eyes lingered to the (h/c) haired girl as she tended to the garden. She was beautiful, the smell of cookies began to fill the glade and I could see her smell the air slightly and a gentle smile grace her features as her eyes looked towards me and the kitchen. 

"Making (Y/n)'s favorite one purpose aren't you?" Newt asks startling me and I jump turning to him in surprise. "Yeah, I mean.. It's no secret that I like her and well.. I wanted to make her happy," I say nervous at the admission of my feelings that many gladers already knew. "Why don't you just tell her. You two both like each other and just stare at each other all day," Newt tells me and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks "what would I even say, and how could I even compete with the other guys in the glade?" I tell him. 

"You think she gives a klunk about any of them? She stares over here at you all day and always insist on bringing you the harvest. The girl is oblivious to her own feeling though so you're going to have to make the first move mate," he explains and I sigh looking back over towards the girl. I think about what Newt said for the remained of the day, and try to think of a plan to tell the girl I like her or even ask her out... A thought pops into my head and I hurry to put it together before the gladers begin lining up for dinner. 

I get in line and I feel thrilled over the chocolate chip cookies that I could smell all throughout the glade. I was basically bouncing on the balls of my feet as I stood in line, but when Fry handed me my plate it was absent of cookies. "Fry where's my cookie?" I ask with a pout that was all to real, the thing I'd looked forward to all day was nowhere on my plate. "Oh, yeah come over here," Fry says sounding nervous passing the job to Todd and walking toward the pantry, gesturing for me to follow. 

"Fry, not that I'm complaining but you don't let anyone back here. Why-" I start but am cut off by him handing my two cookie hurriedly. I look down at the cookies and see written on one in some type of edible paste 'will you be my' and on the other 'girlfriend?' and I feel my heartbeat quicken tenfold. I look up to Fry's eyes and see he's staring at me nervously flour from the cookies still on his cheek. I set the cookies and my plate down on a box and laugh lightly with a smile as I step closer towards Fry. I reach up and wipe the flour from his cheek "absolutely," I tell him before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 

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