~Gally~ Best Friend

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I'm trying to look casual as I walk towards WICKED in the lab uniform I'd stolen along with the credentials. I have to fight the glare I tend to wear anytime I'm near anything to do with WICKED, but for Sasha, I'd do anything. I didn't know if she was alive but I'd be fucking sure to find out before giving up. It'd been a year of sneaking in and out of this city to attempt to get into WICKED to find her, but tonight I'd get in, tonight I'd rescue her. 

As I walked towards WICKED I had to walk against the flow of traffic, but I was persistent I had to get to her. I felt someone grab my arm and my head whips around to see who grabbed me to meet two green eyes belonging to an angry blonde. Next thing I knew he stabbed a syringe into me and was leading me away. I woke up tied down with a bag covering my face and obscuring my vision. "She looks like she's from the scorch," I hear a girl's voice "She's wearing a WICKED lab jacket," a boy growls back in response.

 "Guy's shut up, I think she's awake!" someone snaps before removing the bag obscuring my sight. I see several teens around my age staring at me, sizing me up, and I know immediately that this sucks. The blonde from earlier is glaring at me with hard eyes "Alright, I'm only gonna ask you once, what master do you serve?" he asks and I wrinkle my brow in confusion. "What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?" I ask him sarcastically as I slumped against my restraints. I see another guy look at the girl and back to me with a sigh "You're from the Scorch Trials?" he asks.

"I'm not from the Scorch Trials, I'm from the Scorch," I tell them plainly "Yeah that's from the Scorch Trials, dipshit," the girl responds and I bite my inner cheek in frustration "What are you hustling us for?" She asks and the boy from earlier with black hair looks at me again. "So you're not with Janson?" he asks and I almost laugh at the idea "With Janson? I'm here to kill Janson, he took my best friend. Wait, who are you?" I ask accusing as the blonde approaches again. "We're the glader," he tells us undoing my restraints, once my wrist are free I rub them where they're red and raw.

"I'm (Y/n), now if you could show me my way out of here I need to save my best friend," I explain and the blonde stops me. "It won't work," he tells me frankly and I glare up at him "Now eyebrows why would that be?" I ask him infuriated at the assumption that my plan will fail. "You were in a maze?" he asks before continuing assuming "You're tagged they'll pick you up with the sensors," he tells me and I curse under my breath before pulling the stupid lab coat off in a fury. "Fuck!" I shout trying to think of what to do.

I think of Sasha and feel like I'm gonna break down, we were sent up a month apart and learned everything together. I had to save her, I had to... "What's your plan to get in?" I ask in desperation and the boy named Gally explains their plan to me quickly, and I nod along "I hope you have room for one more," I tell him. 

~Time Skip~

Teresa, after Gally and Thomas's wonderful debating tactics Teresa agrees to take out our chips and help us get Minho out and find Sasha. "You can sit down here," she tells me gesturing to the chair in front of her. Gally was beside me, he'd been sticking close to me this entire time. It didn't bother me he felt... familiar like Sasha, but I had no time to entertain this boy and whatever attachment was here. Sasha needed me a lot more. I take a seat and Teresa looks at Gally "This will go a lot faster if you wouldn't hover," she tells him and he reluctantly walks away.

"You guys know each other?" Teresa asks as she begins the incision causing me to suck in a sharp breath, "I wouldn't know," I tell her and she's silent as she continues "This should help with that," she tells me and I look at her confused knowing the chip is out. "This is what blocks your memories, a night's rest and you'll remember everything," she tells me, and I blink at her shocked. "Everything good here?" Gally asks and I nod standing up and walking away from Teresa.

I hold the little piece of cloth I'd been given to my neck and head to the balcony. I stare out at WICKED knowing I was so close to Sasha, yet not close enough. "You know I remember somethings from before the maze," Gally tells me as he close beside me "Stung?" I ask knowing he was in the maze and he nods. "I remember you, nothing specific, but I remember you," he tells me and I can barely meet his gaze. "I guess we'll find out later," I tell him "After we find Sasha because I won't sleep until she's safe," I explain, and he puts a hand on my shoulder "We'll get her," he tells me.

~Time Skip~

"Where is she!" I shout at Teresa as she continues to search the computer after locating Minho. "She's not here," Teresa repeated and I pull my gun from its holster "(Y/n) Don't!" Thomas shouts thinking I'm gonna shoot Teresa, but instead, I shoot the computer as I feel tears fall from my eyes. "Thomas, go, we'll catch up," Gally shouts as my knees hit the ground as I cry. 

~Time Skip~

"(Y/n), we'll find her," Gally attempts to reassure as we fly toward the harbor, my last hope to find Sasha. I had refused to sleep until I knew for sure, "What if she's not there... I can't lose my best friend. Not again..." I tell him and I grab my head as it pounds and I realize I'm not making sense. Again? Sasha was the only best friend I'd ever had "(Y/n) You need to sleep, it's gonna get worse," Gally told me as I held my head in my hands. "She'll understand if you sleep," he tries harder to coax me into sleep. I reluctantly lean into him in our seats "Fine, but wake me as soon as we land Gally," I tell him sternly letting my eyes close.

I see my mom, dad, a sister, and I stare at her... it's Sasha. I see us growing up, the flare, watching our dad die, and our mom handing us over to WICKED. I see a young Gally, we were in the same classes at WICKED. I see stolen quick kisses, and Gally getting into trouble protecting me. Then they take him away for the maze, and I can't stop them as he's dragged away. The next month it's me, I'm drowning, and then my eyes open. I gasp feeling like I'm drowning, and I stare at everything in disbelief. 

Gally looks at me searching for the memories, and I can't even speak as I engulf him in a hug. "Gally," I whisper none of this feeling real, he nods "It's me, I'm here," he tells me and I pull back staring at him. I reach my hands up and touch his face, not believing it, "I don't believe in happy endings," I tell him as I choke back tears and he pushes loose hair behind my ear. "Maybe it's time to change that," he tells me and I let him kiss me when he leans in.

It feels like a lifetime has passed when the aircraft finally lands at the harbor. I hold hands with Gally as we search through the crowd looking for Sasha, "(Y/n)!" I hear her familiar voice and I drop Gally's hand and turn towards her voice. I see her and tears spring to my eyes "Sasha!" I shout before taking off and running through the crowd towards her. We meet in between and crash together in a bone-crushing hug. "How'd you get here?" she begins to ask before shaking her head "Actually, I don't even care, you're here," she says hugging me tighter.

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