~Thomas~ Jealously

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~Thomas X Female Reader~ --This will be as if Thomas was in the maze longer than they really were--

It's been four months since Thomas had been here in the maze and he had definitely influenced everyone. I've been getting along with Thomas really well and have formed a little crush on him and for me being the only girl that's a big deal. Tonight I'm hoping we can hang out as we welcome a new greenie. I have been nervous the entire day and Newt had noticed "hey (Y/n) are you excited for the new greenie to get here?" he asked chuckling lightly I see Thomas turn around to hear my response "something like that," I tell them trying to fight off my smile. I was finishing up my work in the gardens when I heard the alarm signaling that the box was coming up. I stopped what I was doing and joined the boys to meet the new greenie. Looking down into the box I see a handsome guy he definitely wasn't as handsome as Thomas, but his curly brown hair and crystal blue eyes would make any girls head turn. We pulled out the box and he was more shaken up since I'd seen anyone honestly. I give him a look of sympathy and then look over at Thomas to see him already glaring daggers at the guy. What's Thomas's problem?

~Time Skip to the bonfire~

When the bonfire finally came it was obvious that I was excited. I was apart of the first few gladers to gather, and as I waited for Thomas I notice the scared greenie alone. I walked up to him "How ya holding up greenie?" I ask as I approach him he chuckles slightly "as good as can be expected," he said "you must be (Y/n) right?" he asks I nod Alby told all new greenie's about me and the rules around me.  "That's me the girl of the glade," I tell him with a smile he smiles at me slightly, now he seemed to be like all greenie and I prepared myself for whatever pick up line I'd hear. I always hated the pickup lines the greenies tried on me I had to punch a few handy ones, but that doesn't happen too often. The only guy that never hit me is Thomas maybe that's what attracts me. "Well  I must say (Y/n) I'm bad at chemistry but I can tell what's the reaction when you smile," he tells me with a wink I laugh at the cheesy line he laughs slightly to "must not be the first time you've heard it," he says I shake my head "actually it's very original but it's basically tradition for every new greenie to hit on me," I tell him with a shrug he nods "of course" we laugh again and I notice the bonfire is already in full swing "well I've actually been waiting for someone, but I'll catch you around greenie," I tell him with a wave he says goodbye, and I look around for Thomas. I see him on a log separated from everyone else I go towards him and instantly realize something was different I then notice a whole jar of Gally's special drink reduce to nothing. Thomas was drunk. "Thomas, you okay?" I ask slightly worried about him since he never drank he scoffs "like you care, go flirt with your new boyfriend," I give him a weird look "What the hell are you talking about?" he gives me a slight glare "you know what I'm talking about you've been with the greenie all night and you've barely spoken to me today," he said crossing his arms like a child. "Thomas not that its any of your business but I was only talking to the greenie to pass time because I was waiting for y- I mean someone else," I say to him mentally slapping myself for almost revealing to him that I was waiting for him. "Well (Y/n) I don't like you talking to other guys!" Thomas said standing up angry I scoffed and connected two and two "Thomas number one there are only guys here and two you can't control me especially if you're not gonna man up and admit your feelings for me!" I yelled at him he looked taken aback because I wasn't a yelled if I had a problem with you I usually just punched them in the face, but Thomas was different. I was so angry at him "Thomas I like you, but you can never tell me who I can and can't talk too!" I told him storming away I went to my hammock and got in furious. I laid there and anger slowly turned to sadness.

~Time Skip to next morning~

I wake up the next morning feeling like literal shit. I looked in my mirror and my eyes were bloodshot from crying last night. Luckily I could lie to everyone and tell them I was just hungover, only one person would know I was lying. I went to go get breakfast and everyone was quite silent as I got my food. Newt came and sat next to me "I'd like to fill you in on a few things everyone here knows about your fight with Thomas last night, and Thomas feels like a pile of shit and Minho had to drag him into the maze this morning," Newt told me I rested my head in my head great. "He asked me to give this to you by the way," Newt said handing me a folded up piece of paper. I unfolded the paper and it read "(Y/n) I'm sorry about last night please when I'm out of the maze tonight meet me in the Deadheads I need to talk to you," I sighed "thanks Newt" I told Newt as I finished breakfast "no problem"


I waited at the deadheads like Thomas had asked and I wondered if this was a good idea if I dated anyone here I didn't want them to control me. I was pacing thinking about leaving when I heard Thomas approaching, too late to run. I see Thomas look at me and I wave awkwardly "(Y/n) I need to apologize to you I shouldn't have told you not to hang out with other guys, especially considering you're not my girlfriend," he told me I bit my lip not sure what to say "I just I think it's time I told you I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend and if you do become my girlfriend I promise I won't ever be stupid like that again, but I understand if you do-" I interrupt him by kissing him not really knowing why "you talk too much" I tell as we pull away.

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