╰┈➤ Chapter 07

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Three days before the apocalypse, The Professor gave them a partnered reporting and she happens to be partnered with Cheong-san, which she didn't mind because duh, it's Cheong-san.

Since it was a partnered reporting, they decided to finish it that same night so they wouldn't cram it. Hye-wol was against it at first since she knew that they weren't going to have the chance to present it but they didn't know that. But when she learned that his Mom's going to cook for them, she agreed immediately. Who wouldn't want to taste Mrs. Lee's cooking?

"I don't know why I can't go," On-jo pouted when it was time to split up.

"On-jo yah, you're going with I-sak." Hye-wol responded and the girl clinging to On-jo nodded.

"We can all do our report together. Why must we do it separated?" The shorter girl retaliated before glaring at Cheong-san, "I know you're planning something."

"Yah!" Cheong-san gasps, "Of course I have a plan. We're planning to finish the report."

On-jo's eyes turn into a slit, scoffing before looking at Hye-wol who stood there like she was zoning out, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

When they enter the flat, they were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Lee, both of them seems busy with something.

"Oh? My son, you're here," Mrs. Lee greeted his son after seeing him after a long day. Her gaze then drifted to the girl beside him, "Who's this pretty lady? Is she your girlfriend?"

"Mom!" Cheong-san's eyes widen, red tint dusting his cheeks.

Mrs. Lee walks towards them, brightly smiling at the young lass who immediately bows at her politely, "Hi, Mrs. Lee. I'm Shim Hye-wol. I'm Cheong-san's classmate."

Recognition flashes in the mother's eyes turning to Cheong-san who despite of glaring to her mom in annoyance, there's still an evident blush on his ears and neck, "That Hye-wol?" Mrs. Lee whispers to Cheong-san.

"Mom," Cheong-san whines, grabbing Hye-wol's wrist and pulling her inside his room, "Don't disturb us, we're doing our project."

"Yah, Lee Cheong-san!" His father calls behind him, "Keep your door open!"

"Yeobo," Mrs. Lee slaps his husband, "Cheong-san's not a child anymore. Let them, they're just making a project."

Cheong-san closes the door behind him, looking at the lass who's roaming her eyes around, "You can sit on my bed,"

Hye-wol, who's still distracted at the boyish room followed him without much of a thought, plopping herself down the soft mattress. His room's neat and clean than she expected.

A day before the apocalypse, Hye-wol is obviously distraught to the point that she cannot focus on the lesson. Well, nothings really change since she never really focus in any academic lesson in her reality.

However, her lack of focus was something that didn't got unnoticed from the boys' scrutinizing eyes. As they sat around their usual table with their tray filled of lunch food, they cannot help but to glance at the girl who seems trouble while she stare at her tray, chewing very slowly.

And for the nth time today, Hye-wol heave a sigh. Wujin cannot help himself anymore so he decided to ask the question that's been floating around their minds since the morning, "What's bothering you, Hye-wol ah?"

Instead of answering, Hye-wol releases another sigh, lips pouting as he look around the table with indescribable look. The guys followed her eyes, seemingly confused and worried at the same time. They stopped eating, waiting for her to speak.

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