╰┈➤ Chapter 19

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They have a plan...

A plan that was devised by her...

Nam-ra was devastated when she witness how Hye-wol's once beautiful pair of eyes got devoured by blood. Those pair of dark eyes that seems to shine with innocence and happiness every single second of the day were tainted with deep crimson red.  The eyes that captivated her in the first place.

She questions her existence when she witness her turn into a mindless creature that she tried her best to protect her from. Just because of a stupid argument... just because they chose to argue with each other instead of looking out for her--- they've lost her. She lost her forever.

The first time she met her, it wasn't really on her plan to get attach to her. She thought that she's just one on the sea of people that she passes by on the street, fleeting and probably won't see each other again. But Hye-wol turns out to be one of those people who manages to squirm themselves pass the barrier she made to protect her heart.

There's something on her. The way she smiles, she looks really innocent. The way she talks without filter, she looks like she's someone that should be protected by no matter what. The way she turn her whole attention to her whenever she has something to say, it made her special.

Nam-ra was so used to being the invisible girl on their class, often ignored if it's not about academics so when there's a girl that seems so adamant to become her friends, who's too determined just to see her smile, she couldn't help but to get attached.

And the moment she opens her door to welcome a new friend was the moment she felt the need to protect her at all cost. To protect the only person who can see her worth behind the façade she always wear to hide how vulnerable and pathetic she is.

So when she lost her, she also feels like that she had lost herself. She blames the fate for giving her the worst life ever. Why would they take the first ever person that see through her? The first ever person that made her see that she's not alone, that made her realize that she just have to put down the wall she build up to protect herself to see that there are people who are more than willing to be her friend. She's her very first friend.

Nam-ra was also the one to end her misery. She cannot bare to see her once friend-turned-into-a-monster continue living like that. She cannot bare to see her body to get used by the virus to commit things that Hye-wol would never do. Her sweet, innocent Hye-wol.

She had lost her mind since, living off as one of them but was conscious of the horrible things she did. She lives off roaming around mindlessly, attacking every moving object that she could set her eyes into. For months, she lives off like them...like the creatures she despises the most for taking away the one person she learned to cherish.

But after five months of living like that, she found her second chance--- they're second chance in the form of woman who's a huge fan of black magic and claimed to have tapped the magic powerful enough to bring her back.

"Please, don't kill me," she was begging, eyes brimming with tears as she shield a seemingly five year old voice from the girl who was covered with blood, one of her eye being covered with blood as well as weird marks, "I can... You lost someone so important to you right? I can get you back to them."

Nam-ra wasn't stupid. How can she bring her back if she's already dead. By just remembering the bloodied state of Hye-wol and the moment when she snapped her head makes the fury and hunger to ignite inside of her. She snarls, making the mother and son to whimper and cower away from her to no avail. They were cornered, two guys, one wearing the same uniform as the girl and one wearing a jacket with "One heart" embroided on it, stood on either side of them, all three of them staring at her and her son like how predators look at their prey.

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