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I don't like taking up chapters for author's notes, it feels like the chapter count lies to potential readers..
So I'll put this here.

This book takes place after part 4 ends and you and Josuke are both Seniors in high school, aka 12th grade.
It's not that obvious so I have to say it beforehand lmao

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

I yawned, looking out the window in boredom.
The teacher continued to lecture about whatever we were learning about, and I continued to not listen.
And yet, I somehow manage to get perfect scores,
despite not really trying.

Looking forward, I noticed Josuke, who sits in front of me.
He glanced between both the teacher and his notes, a look of frustration and confusion on his face.
He's cute when he's trying to focus.
I grinned, even though I wished I could help him with his work.
Though he was cute when confused, I didn't want him to be frustrated.

Loud snores could be heard from the seat next to Josuke, causing me to glance at Okuyasu, who was asleep on his desk.
Josuke did the same, and seeing his friend asleep, he began nudging him to wake him up.
"Dude, wake up, the teach'll have your ass if she catches you sleeping." he said quietly, as to not get caught.
But Okuyasu, the deep sleeper he was, didn't budge.
"The teacher isn't gonna like this..."
I mumbled under my breath.

Just then, a commanding voice:
"Okuyasu, am I gonna have to send you to the Principal's office?!"
The teacher yelled.

All eyes moved to Okuyasu, who jolted up, and looked around.
Rubbing his eyes, he yawned. "No, ma'am..."
"Good. Now, as I was saying—"

The teacher continued her lecture.

"I don't get why she has to be such a bitch about it, I was only sleeping.." Okuyasu muttered, tiredly.
"You were snoring super loud. You're not supposed to make it that obvious when you're sleeping in class, you know." Josuke reasoned, leaning his head on his hand.
"I didn't get much sleep last night, ok?? I remembered I had homework to do at like, 10:00 pm!" Okuyasu yelled.

"Okuyasu, quiet down!" The teacher yelled.

I snickered at their antics.
Yes, those two were truly a light in the dark—
Like a bright firework for most, and dynamite for some.
God, what am I, Shakespeare?
Anyways, I'd like to get closer to them; as friends, or more, but...
I'm scared.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're scary. It's quite the opposite.
I like them too much—
Mostly Josuke, of course.

I thought he was cute from the start.
The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew it would be hard to keep myself away.
I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but it was definitely something...

•]••'º'•» 𝓕L𝕒𝓈Ħβ𝔸𝐜𝕜 «•'º'••[•

It was the day we moved into our new house.
We were just getting out of the car, and I looked around the suburban neighborhood in interest.
So, this is where I'll be living from now on. Not bad.

My sister got out behind me.
"Can't you daydream somewhere else?"
She scoffed.

Jeez, I was only looking around. Hardly daydreaming.
I heard dad speak from behind me: "April, stop bothering {Y/n}. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the scenery."
"Hmph!" April sped inside, dragging her personal suitcase behind her.

Sweet {Josuke Higashikata x Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now