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In y'all's opinion, do you think Josuke would be a doctor or a police officer?
Totally not trying to decide which is more in character atm...
Pff actually Josuke is OOC for this whole book idk if it matters

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

Josuke hadn't felt this way before.
He'd been around girls his age before- usually his fangirls, or girls he did group projects with.
But, his heart didn't beat as fast around them as it did around her.
{Y/n} {L/n}.

He was a man of true love.
Though he didn't know if he'd ever been in love before, he knew that if he did fall in love, he'd treat her right, like she deserves.
He didn't want to be like his father, of course. Joseph Joestar wasn't bad, he just...
Wasn't there.

Josuke had been suspicious he might have a crush on {Y/n} for a bit, but he finally recognized his feelings when she helped him babysit Himari.
He saw her taking care of Himari, and he just... couldn't help but think to himself.
She'd be a great mother.
He couldn't deny the warm feeling he got from watching her with the baby.

Of course, that wasn't the only instance.
The beach incident.
Yes, the beach incident...
He'd already realized his feelings by the time they'd asked him to go to the beach.
Upon learning {Y/n} would be going, he, of course, agreed as well.

He just didn't expect her to look so good in a bikini.
It looked good- no, great- it hugged her body perfectly, showed off all her curves just right.
He couldn't help but stare, and he's scared she might've noticed.
Of course, her bikini wasn't all.

He thought building a sand tail would be all fun and games.
Which it was- for {Y/n}.
It wasn't fun when he got a boner.
He's just lucky he didn't get caught.
He had to go to the bathroom to take care of it.

Though, thinking about all this on a Monday right after school wouldn't help his feelings in the slightest.
Should I confess..? He thought to himself. Does she even feel the same? I don't wanna ruin our friendship..
He sighed, turning another corner as he walked home.
Maybe I should ask Koichi for advice. He probably doesn't know much, but he does have a girlfriend. It can't hurt to try...
And, I don't even have to tell him it's {Y/n}. I could just say... it's some girl.
Or, even better, I could say it's advice for a friend! Okuyasu. Yeah, that'll work...

But, would it be right to lie...? Maybe I should just say it's for me.
I dunno if I'd go as far as to say it's {Y/n}, though.
It's not that I don't trust Koichi, he could probably keep a secret. He's pretty reliable, after all..
It's just.. embarrassing.

His train of thought was interrupted by voices coming from a nearby alleyway.
"-Just leave me alone, ok?"
...That's {Y/n}'s voice.
"C'mon, sweetheart. Don't you wanna come with us? Promise it'll be fun..."
..and a voice I don't recognize.

Josuke's expression darkened, he could already guess what was going on based on the small amount of dialogue he overheard.
He peered past the corner leading to the alleyway, allowing him to see {Y/n} being cornered by 3 men.

.•✧•★• Şຟēēt •★•✧•.

That was my only thought as I stood, back against the wall, staring anxiously at the 3 men.
I might have to resort to using my stand if this continues. If it goes well, 3 men will be found knocked out cold in the alleyway. If it doesn't, well...
I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought, glancing at the men, who were currently looking me up and down.
I crossed my arms uncomfortably, trying to cover as much of myself as I could with the action.
They'll really go after any girl nowadays, won't they..?

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