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This chapter gets a little steamy near the end 👀
But no outright smut, that's for later lol
He's such a cutie tbh

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

The next morning, I woke up feeling giddy inside.
It was a welcome contrast between the last few days.
It made sense— Josuke and I were finally official. Secretly official, but official nonetheless.

I go through my routine, getting dressed, doing my hair, then eating breakfast; the usual.
I walk out the front door, noticing Josuke across the road, walking out of his house at the same time.
He noticed me as well, and waved.
I wave back, then pretend to blow him a kiss and bat my eyelashes playfully.
He laughs, before doing the same, jokingly striking a feminine pose.

I snicker back, when suddenly the door behind me slams open. Oh, shit.
Josuke instantly stops his weird pose as I look to see April giving me a weird look.
"Are you just standing there?" She asks.
I hesitantly nod, glancing at Josuke before looking back at her, hoping she doesn't notice him across the road.
"Uhh. Yeah, I guess. I'm... thinking?" I respond. Thankfully it seemed like she couldn't see him yet, since I was in the way.
"You're such a weirdo."
I shrug.

April walks past me, bumping my shoulder as she does, before noticing Josuke across the street.
She gasps, "Oh my gosh!! Hiii, JoJo!" April squeals.
I let out a sigh. Thank god, she thinks he just left his house.
I watch as Josuke awkwardly waves at April, and she quickly crosses the street to be with him.
She clings to his arm, clearly not having any respect for his personal space.

I grit my teeth as Josuke says something to her, looking flustered.
That bitch.
He glances in my direction, looking apologetic as April clings to him, who's seemingly too caught up in clinging to Josuke to notice he's looking at me.
I just sigh and start walking to school, not wanting April to see the look on my face.
She'd probably think I'm jealous.

And she'd be right.

.•✧•★• Şຟēēt •★•✧•.

Eventually I get to class, sitting down in my designated spot, sighing. I watch in silence as the classroom fills up, noticing Josuke and Okuyasu come in last.
They sit in their spots, in front of me, and I huff.
"Have you told him yet?" I ask Josuke, looking at Okuyasu.
Oku tilts his head slightly. "Told me what?"
"Oh, right, I almost forgot..." Josuke smiles. "{Y/n} and I are dating."

His jaw drops. "HUHH?"
Everyone stops what they're doing and stares.
I sigh, rubbing my temples as Josuke shushes him.
Thankfully class hasn't started yet, so the teacher just gives him a look of disapproval.
I look at Okuyasu. "Okuyasu, it's a secret, so please don't tell anyone else. And try not to make anymore scenes..."
Josuke nods, "Yeah. Let's use our inside voices."
Oku covers his mouth. "Sorry.."
I smile, "It's fine. Just, for future reference."

Josuke looks to me, clearing his throat. "{Y/n}... is that girl who came out of your house this morning your sister?"
Okuyasu raises an eyebrow, "Sister?"
I nod, "April? Yeah, that's her."
Okuyasu looks at me pleadingly, "Can you introduce me??"
I blink. "Uhh, why?"
"All my friends are getting girlfriends and I have no one..." He cries.

"Oh, uh... I don't think you'd be her type."
"Eh?? Why not?" He frowns.
"Well, she's..."
Josuke sighs, "She's my most annoying fangirl."
Okuyasu and I both look at him: "huh??"
He nods. "I know a lot of girls like me... but I think she's the most obsessed.
She gives me love letters once every few days, she gets in fights with other girls about me, she gives me gifts all the time— for valentine's she got me the largest, most expensive box of chocolates I think I've ever gotten.
Not to mention she follows me around the school, I'm pretty sure she knows my whole schedule by now."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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