Return to Reality

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, there that's my disclaimer.

Waking up at the same time every morning, Sasuke had hoped the dreams wouldn't come. They came every night, no matter where he was. Haunting his every move. Going to start the coffee, he'd become dependent on the caffeine. While it started to steep, he went to check on Sakura. She didn't seem to rouse through the night, lucky her. Moving the sheets to cover her more, she'd pushed them off in the night. Hearing a gasp behind him, he found Ino with Shikamaru in the doorway.

Watching the blond turn many shades of red, with her fists at her side turn around with the Nara boy following her. He could hear the sigh the other boy did, if it was in his nature to let out his emotions, he'd do the same. Hearing the door slam, reopen then shut once more in a delicate manner.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked, kunai drawn

Sasuke raised a brow. When did she get a weapon out? "It was just Ino. Clearly, she got the wrong impression of me checking on you. Damn women."

Letting out half a laugh, it was too early to be dealing with the drama that the girl brought. "Whatever, it's too early for her. I need to change."

Getting a 'hn' out of Sasuke, he left closing the door. He continued to think about why the girl who thought everything was sunny and flowers, slept with a kunai.

Dressing in her regular outfit, it was clear most of her clothes weren't in these bags. Her mother must have run out of room and decided that her ninja stuff was more important than her clothes. She'd have to go shopping to get some undergarments and such. At least she found the rent money that was owed in her kunai bag, she could get what she needed for now. After the bed was made and was presentable, she headed out into her new place. Checking out the bathroom on the way by, it was bigger than what her other one was. Seeing the living room empty, she moved into the kitchen. Finding a cup of coffee set out, she smiled drinking it.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Sasuke asked

"I don't normally do breakfasts," Sakura started, then saw the glare she was getting. "Well, what are the options?"

"I'll cook something."

Sakura nodded, sitting at the small table in the eat-in portion of the kitchen. Taking in her new home, everything was so different. It changed so quickly, one moment her parents wanted her best. To the next they wanted her to become a homebody to kicking her out. It hit a different place to know that even when she was sick, her mother couldn't even accept her. Standing up, she started to check out what she might need to be comfortable living here. Turning her attention back to the boy that was cooking her breakfast.

"Sasuke?" Hearing his normal 'hn', she could proceed "Thank you. For well- you know." Sakura smiled blushing

Sasuke turned to her, going to say something about taking care of herself. Sakura had a different idea. Feeling her lips on his, left him frozen in place. Pulling back, she realized that he never moved. Stepping away from him, Sakura had never felt so rejected before. Feeling eyes on her, she turned to see Tenten and Neji in the doorway of the kitchen. "Hi, we will be in the living room," Tenten spoke, Neji following behind his teammate

Sakura flushed, turning back to Sasuke. "Sasuke-."

"Drop it. Take the food out." The ice-cold boy coming out, he didn't mean to be so mean. Yet, she couldn't do that. She might be the one person that could change his thinking, change the want for revenge.

Nodding her compliance, she hurried to take the food from him. Trying to not have the overwhelming feelings of rejection hit her now.

"There's more than enough food here if you would like some." Sasuke heard Sakura talking to the duo that had seen Sakura's display of affection "Sure, I wouldn't mind." He'd heard the Hyuga speak with a hum from the brown-haired Kunoichi

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