Renewed Thinking

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I don't own Naruto, there that's my disclaimer.

Watching and waiting to see a breakdown. Knowing that everything could still be fresh in her mind, she hadn't had the time to ask. The last time they saw one another, she yelled at her proceeding to tell her their training was finished. Tsunade was tired and fed up with being Hokage, it was taking its toll on her in more than one way. Seeing the sparkle come to life in her life, it was clear that she was in full control of herself. The time away helped, along with the Hyuga's help.

"He's been wanting to speak to you. Only you, he's been asking for you since day one. We've tried all other avenues. Hell, we've even tried to push it off hoping that he would move on. Kakashi even tried to clone you, which he did well. Except that Sasuke seems to know you and your movements, even after all these years."

Sitting there, the thoughts ran through her mind. Taking the cup of sake and downing it, the taste no longer bothered her. Tsunade made sure of that during their times together. It was as if this was always bound to happen; their paths were to cross as if it was destiny.

"I'll do it. I will do it for the village." Sakura spoke with a fire behind her words, her inner screaming that she would crush this mission and Sasuke's soul if it came to it. Feeling the smirk come to her face, the lady before her smiled at her. Proud that she was doing it and with such a passion.

Rolling his eyes at this situation, not pleased with the outcome at all. Not sure what the Uchiha was up to, yet he didn't like that it involved Sakura. There was more to what he wanted, more to his desire to see the Kunoichi. Wondered what other information he had that he refused to give the numerous people that interrogated him. He was a stubborn prick.

Sakura stood, ready to tackle this mission. Watching her mentor's face, there was one last thing she wanted to say.

"I know this isn't ideal. Try to remain calm, no matter how hard it gets. You know you can't use chakra down there. Do try to listen to what he has to say, keep an open mind."

"I will do as I've been trained to do."

"No, it has to be more than that. That bastard won't take that it's what you've been trained to do. You can try to take that approach; I'll tell you now, it will get you nowhere with him."

"What does he want then? Me to coddle him?"

"I don't know. That is why I said keep an open mind with him, when I had my round with him, he seemed to genuinely want to speak with you. I'm not saying to trust him- don't give me that look. All I will say is keep an open mind."

"Hai, shishou."

Dismissed, Neji took the lead. Knowing exactly where they were heading, taking this trip several times now. Sakura watched the path they climbed, going further underground. Sakura had only gone this deep a handful of times, once to go to read old files for pleasure. Other's she was present with Tsunade, never actually knowing what she was doing down here. She hated it down her, it was damp, no sunlight and it felt as if someone was always around watching her.

Moved to catch up with Neji, hoping that he could help calm her nerves. It helped some, yet she could feel that he was just as tense. He didn't like this either, glad she wasn't alone. "Did you know this would be the mission?" Sakura asked softly, knowing that her voice would reflect harshly off the walls

"No. I found out with you."

"I'm not sure how well I'm going to do." Sakura responded; arms crossed in front of her.

"You will handle it just like always. This mission is just preposterous."

"I'll get it done and over with."

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