Authors Note PLEASE READ!!!!!

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Hi guys!!! This will be really short. Maya's book will be with mine, so if you guys get confuzzled, (confused) Maya's chapters have chapter 2, chapter 3 in the title. Maybe I will let her make another book so she can put the story that she is making right now, in the new book! Problem solved if you are confuzzled. I'm not trying to be "mean" to Maya, but I was kind of confuzzled at first, then I started to think you guys would get confuzzled as well. We don't want you guys to be confuzzled! So, Maya, if you are reading this, make a new book and write in that book!!! I was so confuzzled when I saw 'Chapter 2, No Way' right after chapter 3 or an Authors Note... sorry if you feel offend, you can keep the second chapter on there, maybe if people read it and like it, then they will read your story, Maya! Don't I have wonderful ideas?!?! Just make a new book, keep the chapter 2 on mine so people can see what your book is about, write chapters 1, 2, 3 ext. And then your done!

Thank you, for reading this, guys, and Maya. It means a lot!

Luv ya and take care!

Tala R. <3

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