We are in so Much Trouble...

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(Clothes on the side or on the top.)

Today, me, Alice, Hazel, and Indigo are going to watch the Quidditch game, Gryffindor verses Slytherin! Charlotte didn't want to come because she had homework to do. Bummer. I took a shower and got dressed. I can't wait! I don't know which team to cheer for. I guess both. I grabbed a big poster and some green and red paint and wrote GO SLYTHERIN AND GRYFFINDOR!!! On the poster. I did a spell that made it dry and walked out. I guess I'm going to sit with Draco because he wanted me to sit next to him. I walked in the stands and looked around for Draco. I saw some hands wave around and I saw Draco waving at me. I waved back and walked over.

"Cotton candy or popcorn?" I asked.

"Both!" He smiled and I handed him both.

The game started and me and Draco were on the edge of our seats, holding the sign high in the air. Soon, Harry's broom started to act odd. I looked over to where the teachers sat and saw Quirril jinxing the broom! I looked over at my dad and saw him mumbling the counter- curse. Go dad! Then, a fire randomly appeared and dad hit Quirril and he fell to the ground. I burst out laughing and so did Draco. His face was priceless! Harry got back on his broom and bought the snitch. Draco was mad, but he clapped for Harry. We found Hagrid, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Alice, Grace, and Hazel talking. We walked up behind them and listened to their conversation.

"Snape was jinxing the broom!" Ron said.

"No, my dad was not!" I yelled, mad. They were talking about my dad behind my back.

"Quirril was jinxing the broom, not Snape. Snape was saying the counter- curse. He saved Harry!" Draco said, backing me up.

"Ally, why are you near Draco?!" Hermione said, angry.

"Um, you see, I tried to find you guys, but I couldn't, and the only empty seat was next to Draco, so we were the last ones out and he saw the whole thing with me so we heard you talking and here we are now. Ok, we have got to go... study! Dumbledore told me that he has trouble with charms and since I have all A's he asked me to teach him stuff and yeah so we need to go like, right now. Like, right now." I said and dragged Draco back into the castle, leaving all of them confuzzled.

"That, my friend, was close." I said and wiped some sweat off of my forehead.

"Yes, it was very close." Draco said.

"Oh! I need to put the hair into the-" I stopped myself before I could say more.

"Add hair into what?" Draco asked, his eyebrow raised.

I sighed and looked at him, "Polyjuice Potion." I mumbled and dragged him to the girls bathroom.

"No. Nope! I am not going in the girls bathroom-" Draco yelled but I pushed him in.

"See, it's not that bad! Just a bathroom!" I said and walked over to the Calderon.

I grabbed a cup and poured some potion in the cup. I put the hair in and drank it.

"Hey, watch this! I have been working on a Dumbledore voice for quite month!" I said and changed into Dumbledore.

"Oh my god! How did you do that?!" He yelled.

"It's called a Polyjuice Potion." I said in my Dumbledore voice.

"You're so lucky I have some of McGonagall's hair." I said, put the hair in another cup, and gave it to him.

"Do I drink it?" He said and I nodded.

"I've always wanted to know what Dumbledore has under all of his clothes... I'm just kidding, that is gross." Draco said and I laughed.

He turned into Professor McGonagall and I told him the plan.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let's do this." He said.

We walked out of the bathroom and into the Great Hall. The students looked at us, confuzzled.

"Did you knock them out?" Draco whispered and I nodded.

We got to the teachers table and greeted all of the teachers. I stood up and walked in front of the table.

"Hello, everyone! Tonight, I have a big task for all of you! I want every single one of you to stay up all night and paint this whole castle blue! The teachers will assign each of you a spot inside or outside of the castle to paint and if any of the teachers see only a little spec of a different color, other than blue, you will be expelled! That is all, for now! Teachers! There is a piece of paper in front of you with the students names and where they will paint! Once you are done, you can not leave your spot until everyone in the school is finished with their big spot and you can not fall asleep! You will have ten minutes to get to your spot! Starting... NOW!" I yelled in my Dumbledore voice.

Draco tried to hold in his laughter and he succeeded. The teachers stood up and ran out of the Great Hall, and they were yelling out random names. Oh my god, this is hilarious! You should've seen the look on Harry's and Ron's face! Everyone got to their spot and started to paint the castle blue. Oh my god, this is the most awesome prank ever! Oh, great, we have to drink a lot of cups of Polyjuice Potion tonight. The potion only lasts an hour...

Skip to the morning!!

It is 6 am and everyone is finished painting their big spot. Everyone was so tired! We all walked back into the Great hall. We saw Santa and McGonagall standing their. Uh oh. We are in trouble.

"Who knocked us out and who are you?!" Santa yelled.

"Oh, God, we are dead, Draco! Run!" I yelled in my normal voice and we changed into our normal selves and started to run. We are in big trouble..

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I am really tired, so if it is bad or if there are a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry. I'm just tired!

Luv ya and take care!

Tala R.

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