Authors Note!!! Please Read!!!

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Hello everyone, so, I want everyone who is reading this to please go an read Maya's book, Kittytwos called we are not on fire!!! It is really good and she is a really good writer, better than me. I know there are only three parts right now, but I'm going to try to convince her to update some more chapters this next week, because I love it. Plus, I have never read a book that had ME in it! It's really cool! So, please if you haven't already, go check out her book, and vote, comment, share her book, do everything that you can! Tell everyone about it! READ IT OR YOU DIE!!!! Jk, but you have to read it. It's really good. I feel like I have said "it is really good" about ten times... BUT THATS BECAUSE IT IS!!!
Song of the Day: Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace
Luv ya and take care, my Bunny Army!
Tala R.
164 Words.

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