Underwater and Dance Lessons.

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Clothes on the side or the top!

"Try the egg underwater." Cedric said then walked away.

Why didn't I think of that? I walked to the bathrooms and filled the bathtub. I quickly put on my swimsuit and hopped in with the egg. I took a deep breath then went underwater and opened it.

"Come seek is where our voices sound,
We can not sing above the ground.
And while you're searching ponder this,
We've taken what you'll sorely miss.
An hour long you'll have to look
And to recover what we took.
But past the hour, the prospect's black
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." A beautiful voice sang.

I pushed myself out of the water and to the surface. I gasped for air and got out of the tub. We can not sing above the ground. Mermaids! Mermaids live in water. The Black Lake maybe? The mermaids in The Black Lake will take something from us and put it in The Black Lake. We will only have one hour to complete the task. I put my clothes back on and started to think about the bubblehead charm. That would work. I will use that. Actually, there is a spell that can make you turn into mermaids! (Made up.) I will use that. But, what will they take from me?


"The Yule Ball is a Tradition." McGonagall said.

I looked around the room and saw that boys were on one side and the girls were on the other. I quickly sat down next to Hermione and smiled.

"Mr. Weasley. Will you please come up here?" She asked Ron and he slowly walked up.

They then started to dance and I laughed so hard. "Everyone, on your feet! Boys, on your feet!" She said and all the girls stood up but the guys didn't. But the Neville stood up and walked over and soon the rest of them did too. Everyone had a partner but me. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Draco behind me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"You may." I replied and we started to dance around the room.

I then start to wonder, will Draco ask me to the Yule Ball?

Hey, guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I will update ANOTHER chapter today for you guys. Hehehe! Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Luv ya and take care,

Tala R.

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