The First Task.

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Hey, guys! I have some great news! I have a Polyvore!!!! Yay!!! So, I'm not sure if I will have pictures up, but I could try to put them up. I might just give you the link. Ok, I just put it on the top. That his her outfit that I made. If you have one, my polyvore name is bunnysrawesome. DON'T LOOK AT THE CLOTHES! THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS IN THERE!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!! Also go check out Maya's new book called Try Me! Ok, on to the story!

"The First Task is Dragons." Cedric whispered.

"What?!" I yelled, my eyes wide.

Everyone looked over at me confuzzled. "Shhhh! The First Task is Dragons." He said again.

"Are they trying to get us all killed?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I guess? I don't know." He replied.

"Ok, I guess I'll tell Fluer. Does Viktor know?" I asked.

"I think so. Go tell Fluer. Hurry!" He said and shooed me away.

"Fluer!" I yelled and ran after her and her Beauxbaton friends.

"Yes?" She asked in her accent.

"The First Task. It's Dragons." I replied.

Her friends gasped. "Really?" She asked and I nodded.

"Thank you for telling me." She said and walked off.

"No problem!" I yelled and walked to were the stadium is.

"Harry, Cedric, Viktor, Fluer. Are you ready?" I asked and they all nodded.

"How come you get to wear normal clothes?" Harry asked.

"They forgot to make me a suit with my name on it and I asked." I replied.

"Good luck out there guys." I said and pulled them on a group hug.

"Good luck, Ally." They all said.

"Pssst. Pssssssst. Harry, Ally?" Hermionie whispered from outside of the tent.

"Yes?" We asked.

"- all you have to do is." She said but we cut her off.

"Battle a Dragon." We finished and she pounced on me. I hugged her back then she hugged Harry. I saw a flash of light while they hugged.

"Ah, young love!" The lady said.

"Excuse me, but this tent it's for champions and friends only. So, get the hell out." I said and she walked out glaring at me.

Then, Dumbledore came in and started to talk to us. "Miss Granger, what are you doing in here?" He asked.

"Um, sorry, Professor." She said and walked out after she waved at us.

"Good luck." She said to all of us and we nodded.

"Stick your hand in there and grab one." Santa said.

"Cedric Diggory, Swedish Short-Snout. Fluer Delacour, Common Welsh Green. Viktor Crum, Chinese Fireball. Harry Potter, Hungarian Horntail. Ally Snape, that leaves you with the Peruvian Vipertooth." Party Crouch said and I gasped.

"But that is a highly venomous Dragon!" I said and he nodded.

"Are they all our to do that?" I asked Harry and he shrugged.

Time skip!!!!!!!!

"Next, is Ally Snape! Her Dragon is the Peruvian Vipertooth! The most Venomous Dragon in the world! Wish her a big good luck!" The announcer said and the cannon went off.

I slowly walked into the arena and looked around. I saw it looking at me and I ran behind a rock. Everyone was silent and looking at me. I turned around so that my back was to the rock and I looked in the crowd. A lot of people had signs that had my name on them and I smiled. I heard the Dragon get up and walk to the big rock I was behind. He picked it up with his mouth and I ran to the egg. Suddenly, his tail got in my way and I tripped. Everyone got up and gasped. I got up and turned around to see that the Dragons head was about an inch away from mine. I remembered that you have to scratch under a Peruvian Vipertooths chin to make him go to sleep. I put my hand out to scratch him and he opened his mouth and shot lava at me. Before it got to me, I grabbed my wand and did a spell that gives me a force field that goes all the way around me and the lava or fire follows. Everyone screamed and people went out of the tent and ran into the arena. The lava and the force field stop and everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Bad dragon!" I yelled and scratched his chin. He instantly fell down asleep. I grabbed my egg and shoved it up in the air. Everyone screamed and chanted my name.

"Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally!" Everyone yelled and dad hugged me.

We walked back in the tent and saw Rita Skeeter again.

"Do you mind if we have a little interview?" She asked.

"Yes, I do mind. I know I'm a good actress when you don't know that I hate your guts! Goodbye and have a nice day!" I replied and walked to the Gryffindor common room.

Hey, guys! How are you? Good? Ok, guys, thank you so much for over 5,000 READS!!!! I can't thank you guys enough! If you guys want me to do anything special for you guys, just put your ideas in the comments and I will think about it! Thank you guys so much!

Luv ya and take care,

Tala R.

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