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(Clothes on the top or side.)

"Hey, owl me every week!" The girls said at the same time.

"Yeah, I will. Charlotte, I can't believe you are leaving!!!" I yelled and she looked down.

"I know, I will miss you guys." She said and pulled us in a group hug.

"It won't be the same without you!!!" Indigo wailed.

"Bye guys." I said and smiled.

"Bye!!!" They yelled and went on the train.

I walked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermionie. I walked up to Harry and hugged him.

"Bye, Harry! Owl me if your uncle, aunt, or cousin are being rude to you! I will karate chop their butts off!" I said.

"Ok!" He replied.

I then walked up to Ron and hugged him also.

"Bye, Ron!! Owl me every Friday, ok?! I mean, you need to send me pictures and tell me all about Egypt!" I said.

"Sure thing!" He replied and walked on the train with Harry.

I then walked up to Hermionie.

"I will miss you so much! Come and visit me, will you?" Hermionie asked and squeezed me to death.

"Yes, I will miss you too, and I will come and visit sometime!" I replied and she walked on the train.

"Guess who?" I heard someone say and they covered my eyes.

"Smells like mint. Hi, Draco." I smiled, turned around, and hugged him.

"I will miss you the most." He mumbled into my shoulder.

"Me too." I said.

"Owl me every other day, ok?" I asked and he nodded.

"Bye, have a great summer, Draco." I said and let go.

"Bye." He replied and walked into the train.

All of my friends poked their heads out and waved to me while the train was leaving. I smiled and waved back to all of them while running after the train. Then, I couldn't see the train anymore. I frowned and walked back into the castle.

Skip to a few days before next year.

I ran up the stairs to Santa's office. I mean, Santa's workshop... Same thing.

"Chocolate Frogs." I said and the gargoyle mover and I walked up the stairs.

I walked in and plopped down in a chair.

"Yes, Ally?" He asked.

"I'm bored." I whined and put a hand on my face. I don't know why, but I did it.

"Why don't you read a book." He smiled.

"I've already read every. Single. Book. In. That. Library." I groaned.

"Well, then, I give you permission to go to the muggle world, alone, and go and buy some things." Santa said and I screamed.

"Thankyouthankyouthanmyouthanmyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and hugged him. He chuckled and gave me a lot muggle money.

I went to the fireplace and thought of my favorite muggle store.

"Bath and Body Works in Washington D.C.!" I yelled and threw the powder down.

The green fire ate me and I flew out of a fireplace. The closest one near Bath and Body Works. I walked out and ran into BaBW. I casually walked into the store and smiled at a few people. They looked at me weirdly and then went back to shopping. I grabbed a cart and walked up to some shelves. I saw that it was the hand sanitizer shelves. I started walking and shoved every hand sanitizer into my cart. I then walked to the lip gloss section and dumped everything in as well. I smiled and walked up to the cashier. She looked at me, then the cart, then she started to scan them.

"That will be $372.62." She said and I handed her $400.00.

She than gave me $27.38 back. "Have a nice day!" She said.

"You too." I replied and walked out.

I still had a lot of money left so I went to the closest MAC store. I bought all the lip glosses and lip sticks in the store and bought them. I then decided to go and eat some lunch. I walked around then saw a place called PotBelly. Sounds good, to me! I thought as I walked into the restaurant. As I opened the door, I smelt a lot of sandwiches and meat. I sniffed the air then smiled.

"Hello, what would you want?" A lady asked.

"Um.." I said, while looking at the menu. "May I have a turkey breast sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles, please?"

"Coming right up." She replied and got the stuff ready.

I walked up to the cash register and got some salt and vinegar chips and a small cookie. "Would that be all?" She asked as she put the stuff in the bag.

"Um, could I have 8 more of the same sandwiches?" I asked and her eyes got wide.

"Y - yes." She stuttered. She started making the sandwiches and I got some more chips.

"Here you go, anything else?" She asked.

"Yes, may I have 8 cookies and cream ice creams?" I asked.

"What sizes?" She replied.

"Extra large." I smiled.

She made the ice creams and put everything on the counter. "Will that be all?" She asked and wiped away some sweat off of her head.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"That will be $537.00" she said and I gave her the money.

"Thank you, come back, soon!" She said and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure thing!" I said and walked out.

I found a fireplace and grabbed some floo powder. "Hogwarts! Headmaster's office!" I yelled and threw the powder down. The fire ate me again and I flew out of the fire place.

"Ally! You're back!" Santa said and I nodded.

"Here, I'll get everyone to help you with the bags." He said and went to a microphone. "ALL TEACHERS WILL HAVE TO APPARATE TO MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY OR YOU WILL BE FIRED!!!!"

Then, a few seconds later I heard a lot of pops.

"I didn't need help. But, I brought food!" I said.

"Her you go, Santa. Here you go, dad. Here you go, McGonagall. Here you go, Poppy. Here you go, Professor Flitwick. Here you go, Hagrid. Here you go, Madam Hooch. Here you go, New Teacher." I said and handed them their sandwiches.

"I need to introduce myself. I am Remus Lupin. I will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." He said and shook my hand.

"Hello, Professor Lupin, my name is Ally Snape." I said and his eyes went wide.

"Well, hello." He replied and turned around to my dad, smiling. "Didn't know you had a daughter."

A owl flew in an open window and landed on my head. I opened it up and read it out loud.

"Dear Ally,

I was wondering if you would like to meet up with me, Hermionie, and Harry at the Leakey Cauldron to get our school supplies? We will be there tomorrow and we will stay there until the day we have to leave to get on the train. You in?

See you there,

Ronald Weasley." I read.

"Ugh. I can't! I have to wait for the letter from Draco that day!" I whined. I replied back saying that I couldn't go that day and that I will meet them on the train.

"Ugh, I'm tired and full!" I said, with my mouth filled with ice cream. Everyone nodded.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight!" I said.

"Goodnight!" They groaned.

I walked up to the Gryffindor common room and plopped on the bed and fell asleep

Hey, guys! Hope you guys liked this small chapter. Thank you for over 3,000 reads!!! You guys are awesome!

Luv ya and take care,

Tala R.

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