My Social Media

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Here are all of my Social Medias. If you want to stalk me, you can. Lol. Feel free to follow me!!!

Instagram: @ bunny_bunny12
Twitter: @ itsyaboi_bunny
Facebook: Not going to tell you, don't want my last name going out to the world! :)
Quotev: BunnysRAwesome

If you follow me on Twitter, I will tweet out a tweet saying when I will update a new chapter in my book. So yeah, all the titles have something to do with bunnies... So, go and stalk- I mean, follow me, and I will follow you guys back! :) and as you can see on my Instagram, I'm not that popular in school because no one if following me! :( just kidding, I'm kind of popular because I am the Scariest Female in the School! I'm coming out to get all of you! :) mua ha ha ha ha!!! Jk, jk... I'm weird. I'm gonna go now...
Song of the Day: Maybe This Christmas By Shane Dawson.
Luv ya and take care my Bunny Army!!
Tala R.
172 Words.

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