Quidditch Try Outs!

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Clothes on the top or the side.

I woke up remembering that Ron was trying out for Quidditch and Hermionie wanted me to come and watch the try outs with her. Ugh, it's so early! It's like five in the morning! I rolled over to my side and fell off my bed and landed on the floor. Gosh, I really need to stop doing that! I slowly got up, rubbed my eyes, them started getting dressed. It's fall now, and it is really cold outside so I put on something cute and something that will he me stay warm. I walked into the great hall and only saw two Hufflepuffs, hitting eachother, a Ravenclaw reading a book while throwing food at the people who were fighting, and five Slytherins casting spells on eachother. Also, a Hufflepuff hanging from the roof eating cake. What the heck is wrong with these people? I sat down, grabbed some eggs, bacon, and waffles, then started to eat. Hermione skipped in and plopped down next to me.

"Hi! Are you excited for the try outs? We need to leave in a few minutes if we want to get good spots." Hermione said, watching me eat.

"Good morning. Yes, I'm excited. I'm almost done too, we will leave shortly." I replied and she smiled at me.

I saw her eyes were starting to close and she dropped her head in my food. "Hey! I wasn't done and you just had to stick your face in my food, didn't you?! God, you are so annoying!" I yelled and she jumped up, trying to wipe the syrup from her face.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry! Let's just go." She said and dragged me to the stands outside.

"Whoa! Slow down, Herms! Worms like you don't usually walk this fast, who are you and what did you do to my worm, Herms?!" I yelled.

"One, weird nickname, but I'm fine with it. Two, why the hell are you calling me a worm. And Three, I do not walk as slow as a worm!" She yelled back.

"Ok, we are here." I said and plopped down on a bench.

I saw Hermione staring at Ron and the other guy trying out for keeper. Does she like them both? Then I heard her whisper something and he missed the ball before it went into the goal. Obviously Ron was going to be the Gryffindor keeper this year. He is really good. Ginny also tried out for being a chaser and she was good too. Finally, it was over and we went back inside. We saw Ron and Ginny and I ran up to them hugging them both.

"You guys did great! You will both be on the team, I just know it!" I screamed.

"Thank you, Ally. I didn't know I was that good." They said at the same time.

"Jinx!" Ginny yelled. "You owe me one sickle."

Ron groaned, reached into his pocket, pulled a sickle out, and shoved it in Ginny's hand. She grinned, hugged me one more time, then walked off.

"I really need to say that faster than her. I have lost five sickles. TODAY!" He sighed, hugged me and Hermionie, then walked away.

I turned to Hermione and smirked. "You really like Ron, don't you?" I asked and she blushed.

"Yes, I really like him." She smiled and I screamed.

"I SHIP ROMIONIE!!!! I SHIP ROMIONIE!!!!" I screamed jumping up and down,

"Ally! Shut up! He might hear you!" Hermione hissed and glared at me.

"Whoa! Calm down! Don't kill me! Draco hasn't even proposed to me yet! Kill me in 20 years!" I giggled and she smiled at me.

"You guys are so cute." Hermionie said.

"I know we are." Draco said from behind me and he kissed my cheek.

"Hey, Ally. Hermione. How was Ron today? And Ginny?" He asked.

"Oh, Ron was amazing! Um, I mean, they were really good!" She stuttered.

"Aw! Looks like Hermione Granger has a crush on R-" Draco yelled but she put a hand over his mouth before he could finish.

"Be quite! He is listening to this conversation!" Hermione said. "Ew!! Did you just lick my hand?!?!"

"I thought him to do that whenever someone covers your mouth with their hand." I said as she quickly pulled her hand away and wiped her hand on his clothes.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"It's your spit, gosh!" She said and laughed.

We quickly ate dinner then we said our goodbyes and went into our dorm. We changed and laid down on our beds.

"Goodnight Hermione." I whispered.

"Goodnight Ally." She replied and I quickly drifted off to sleep.

So, guys. I decided to update because this will be the last time I will update.
During the summer! I tricked you guys!!! Tomorrow is my first day of school and I am really nervous and I am also no looking forward to it. But, I have to go.
Luv ya and take care, my Bunny Army!
Tala R.
839 Words.

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