The Fight Part 2

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Clothes on the side or the top. There may be a few cuss words in this chapter, just so you are aware.

Ally's POV.

I opened up my eyes but quickly closed them because of the white light. I slowly opened them back up and looked around. The walls were blue and the people around me were wearing blue and black. Where was I? I'm so confuzzled...

"Ah, Ally, I knew you would come by this year, especially." A voice I recognized as my mothers announced.

"Mom!" I turned around and jumped into her arms.

"Wow, you look more different than the last time you were here! And I see that ring on your finger, sit down and tell me how that boy treats you down there." She smirked and pushed me down on a soft blue couch beside a blue wall.

My eyes widened, "MOM!" I yelled.

"Woah! I did not mean for it to sound that dirty! Ok, let me say that again. Tell me how that boy treats you on Earth. There, that's better." She giggled.

"Gosh mom, watch what you say! Well, he is so sweet and handsome, and." I sighed. "Just perfect!"

"Awww! My daughter is in love!" Mom said and pinched my cheeks.

"Mom!" I groaned and slapped her hands away.

"Alright, alright. We don't have too much time to catch up, I mean, they are worried about you down on Earth, and the battle is almost over. You need to wake up soon and fight. Your dad and that stone man, William I think, has been fighting non stop and has been crying because you won't wake up, and your fathers starting to think that you ran out of times you could come here and you won't come back to him." Mom explained.

"Wow." I said and she nodded.

"Well, I better go then, mom. See you once I die again." I said, walking over to the light blue door.

"Bye sweetie! Tell your father I said hi and I miss him, and tell that fiancé of yours to keep his hands to himself until the honeymoon." She winked at me.

"Mom!" I yelled, my cheeks burning.

"Alright, alright, bye honey." She smiled and hugged me.

"Oh, and by the way, your clothes don't change when you leave here now, so your stuck in that outfit until the battle ends." Mom told me.

"So I get to keep this outfit?!" I yelled excitedly.

"Yes, now go fight for your school. Be a hero." Mom wiped a tear and pushed me towards the door.

I opened it, turned around, waved at mom one last time, then stepped towards the bright light. I opened my eyes again and looked around. I was in a destroyed Great Hall. No one was there except for dead bodies. Where is everyone? Did they just leave these bodies here to rot and turn into skeletons? I hopped up and looked at my outfit. The same outfit I had on in The Center. How am I gonna run away from Death Eaters in these heels?! Well, I might as well practice now. I started to run towards the front doors of the castle. Huh, that was easy. I steeped outside and saw everyone there and I saw Voldemort and his army.

"Harry Potter is dead!" He screamed and his army of Death Eaters laughed while Ginny started to scream.

"Wow, Voldypants, you got more uglier since the last time I saw you!" I yelled from the back of the crowd and the crowd separated so there was a path for me to walk through.

"Ah, Ally Snape, I haven't seen you since I gave you the dark mark. Why is it hidden? Show your school that you betrayed them and went on my side." He said and everyone gasped.

"Actually, about that, I hate to break it to you, idiot, but it's gone. Long gone. Never. Coming. Back." I said and walked closer to him.

"Oh really? You think that I'm going to fall for that trick?" He said.

I pulled up both sleeves of my dress so he could see that there was nothing on there. His side gasped and Voldypants came closer to me and harshly snatched my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Don't you dare touch her, you piece of cow piss!" Draco yelled and stomped forward.

"How dare you speak to your leader like that, Draco?!" Bellatrix yelled.

"Hey! Don't yell at my fiancé you bitch!" I screamed at her.

Draco pulled up his sleeve and showed them his dark mark was too, gone.

"How are you getting rid of them?!" Voldypants yelled in my face.

"A person with great power never shares his or her secrets! Plus, my dad's is gone, too." I said and dad pulled up his sleeve too.

"HOW DARE YOU TAKE AWAY SOME OF MY MOST FAITHFUL SERVENTS!!!" He yelled in my face and slapped me hard across the face.

Everyone gasped as I dropped to the ground, holding my cheek, while my dad and Draco pushed their wands into Voldemorts throat. "If you ever touch my fiancé like that again, I will kill you right here, right now, in front of everyone, and my future Father-in-Law will not be scared to help me do so." Draco hissed at Voldemort.

Out of the corner of our eyes, we saw Harry fall to the ground and get up then shoot Voldypants' snake and started to run.

"RUN, FOREST, RUN!!!" I screamed and a few Death Eaters looked at me like I was crazy.

"YEAH, FOREST, RUN!!!" A Death Eater yelled after me and a green light went around him and he dropped dead.

All hell broke loose after Harry dropped out of Hagrids arms. Death Eaters started flying towards us, Harry and Voldemort started fighting, Death Eaters were dying left and right. And I was fighting beside my dad, William, and my fiancé. Then, a few minutes later, the Death Eaters just disappeared. We looked outside and saw Harry on the ground, and Voldemort dissolving into little pieces. The only person who was still there was Bellatrix. She threw a spell at Ginny and she barely blocked it. Molly stepped in and pulled out her wand. Everyone's eyes were on them now.

"Not my daughter, you bitch!" Molly yelled and my eyes widened. Whoa! No ones ever heard her curse before!

They started fighting and eventually, Bellatrix dissolved as well. Everyone cheered and I hugged William and dad. Draco faced me, pulled my face to his, and smashed my lips onto his. We just kissed in front of everyone like no one was watching but everyone was watching us and we didn't care.

We pulled apart, laughed, and tangled our hands together and walked out of the castle, and towards the rising sun in the distance. We didn't know where we were going to go, but we were going somewhere. Somewhere where we could be alone. Somewhere where we could be together and plan our wedding in peace. Somewhere where we could start a new family together. Somewhere we could stay safe.


HELLO GUYS!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is not the end, we still have the wedding and the 19 years later/epilogue. I have tomorrow and Wednesday off because of the blizzard that just happened a few days ago and I am very happy, because that means that I can finish this book quicker. I'm actually very sad that this book is coming to an end and this book has changed my life, and will keep on doing so forever. Thank you for reading and voting!
Song of the Day: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco.
Luv ya and take care my Bunny Army!
Tala R.
1307 Words.

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