Authors Note!!! CONTEST WINNERS!!!

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Hey, guys! I really wanted to publish this sooner, but I had to take care of some drama that was happening on my bus. There was a girl crying on my bus. I was talking to my mom and Tori about letting Tori go over to the girls house because they are friends. Here are the winners!

JellyBob2002 - Alice Wattson.

Flossp - Charlotte Roe.

Alohomoragirl - Grace Marie Reynolds.

Elrabbit - Indigo Wings!

Thank you guys once again for reading this book and entering the contest and giving me and Maya a lot of characters. If yours didn't get picked, then your character will be added into Maya's story.

Luv ya and take care!!

Tala R. <3

Ally Snape (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now